Tag: John Lynch

(5 posts)
May 24, 2013
New Hampshire Legislature Votes to Approve Medical Marijuana

New Hampshire Legislature Votes to Approve Medical Marijuana

Advocates welcome latest attempt to pass a law, and will lobby for amendments before bill reaches the governor The New Hampshire Senate voted 18-6 today to approve...
March 8, 2013
Medical Marijuana Moves Forward in New Hampshire

Medical Marijuana Moves Forward in New Hampshire

A bill to allow New Hampshire residents to use medical marijuana in the treatment of their debilitating medical conditions moved one step closer to becoming law Thursday...
February 14, 2013
Nearly 80% of New Hampshire Adults Support Medical Marijuana

Nearly 80% of New Hampshire Adults Support Medical Marijuana

Seventy-nine percent (79%) of New Hampshire adults support allowing doctors to recommend marijuana for patients suffering from serious illnesses, according to the Granite State Poll sponsored by...
June 27, 2012
NH Senate Fails To Overturn Governor’s Medical Marijuana Veto

NH Senate Fails To Overturn Governor’s Medical Marijuana Veto

The New Hampshire Senate failed to overturn Governor John Lynch’s veto of Senate Bill 409 yesterday. The final vote was 13 for overturning the veto vs 10 against. A 2/3...
June 21, 2012
NH Governor Vetoes Medical Marijuana Bill

NH Governor Vetoes Medical Marijuana Bill

04:53pm New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch (D) Thursday made good on his threat to veto a medical marijuana bill, Senate Bill 409, approved by the legislature. Lynch...