Tag: Iowa

(43 posts)
November 20, 2012
Legalized Marijuana: Is Iowa Next?

Legalized Marijuana: Is Iowa Next?

The morning after Election Day, as news sunk in that voters in two states had legalized recreational marijuana, state Rep. Bruce Hunter was having conversations with constituents...
August 21, 2012
Iowa City Man Killed in Undercover Drug Operation

Iowa City Man Killed in Undercover Drug Operation

012, 04:00pm Members of the Johnson County Drug Task Force conducting an undercover operation at a run-down trailer park just outside the Iowa City city limits shot...
August 16, 2012
Marijuana: The Drought-Tolerant Plant

Marijuana: The Drought-Tolerant Plant

CNBC reporter Jane Wells takes a tour of Iowa’s farmland to survey the drought. She notes that there is apparently one drought-tolerant plant that can thrive in the worst...