The Department of National Intelligence recently issued a statement reminding all federal employees that at no time and under no circumstances are they allowed to use cannabis,...
Many are screaming “hypocrisy,” and with good reason. How can the U.S. government continue to classify cannabis as a Schedule I drug while simultaneously admitting, at last,...
Faith Bodle, a Texas mother who uses medical cannabis to treat symptoms of degenerative spine disease and congestive heart failure, has been banned from her church for...
Enter Jennifer Garam, stage left. She recently penned an article that Time published called “I Don’t Want to Smell Your Pot Smoke and I Don’t Think it...
As part of a survey of 100-plus players conducted by’s NFL Nation, 75 percent of the 82 players who answered said they agree with Obama’s statement...
The New York Times publicly endorsed the legalization of weed last week, and followed up with numerous articles supporting its position. The paper addressed some of the xenophobic...
Why should anyone care what il Papa has to say on drug legalization of any kind anyway? The Catholic church never seriously addressed its open-armed position to...
Last Thursday’s Colbert Report had a solid ten minutes on the (just starting to boom) green rush. The first video bit covered Colorado’s booming recreational marijuana sales...
Upon defeating her opponent in a UFC bantamweight bout, pro-fighter Jessica Eye was given a drug test. She failed the test. The punishment dished by the UFC...
Prohibitionists are crapping themselves in disgust, in response to a recent interview President Obama gave wherein he stated that cannabis was safer than alcohol and that prohibition...
Montel Williams joined Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Piers Morgan Live to continue the discussion of the federal government’s hypocrisy regarding medical marijuana. Dr. Gupta has been on...
Last night, Patrick Kennedy joined CNN’s Piers Morgan to discuss marijuana legalization on his recurring “Gone to Pot” segment. Before getting into Patrick’s “truths”, hats off to...
MPP is taking issue with former Congressman Patrick Kennedy’s plan to force marijuana consumers into treatment and marijuana “education” classes, which his new organization, Smart Approaches to...
Rep Barney Frank (D-MA) talks to CNN’s Erin Burnett on his support for marijuana reform in this 3 minute segment. He makes many great points from the racist...
David Sirota lays out a sound case for the utter hypocrisy of Colorado Gov. Hickenlooper, who made his fortune from selling a more damaging drug. “Alcohol peddlers and...
President Barack Obama’s new ad featuring stoner duo Harold and Kumar drew accusations of hypocrisy on Tuesday from critics who note that the beloved potheads could easily be...