Max is a master mathematician obsessed with cracking a code before it cracks him. His journey is a surreal one for which there should be no spoilers....
Where the Wild Things Are is a great movie for weedist because of it’s dreamy childlike quality, the beautiful soundtrack, and the surreal imagery on screen.
The film follows the adventures of Pistachio Disguisey, as he discovers the legacy of his family as Master’s of Disguise, secret agents who use their natural talents...
Maleficent is easily one of my favorite films from 2014. This live action film is a new take on Walt Disney’s animated film Sleeping Beauty, portraying the...
Terry Gilliam’s mix of surreal storytelling and animation makes almost every one of his films a must-see for stoners looking for something mind-blowing.
Stand-up comedian Adam Hartle and director Anthony Hashem have set out to promote the release of their new movie, Mile High: The Comeback of Cannabis, by passing...
Weedist recently got the chance to talk with Dan Fogler, who co-wrote, co-directed, and stared in the new comedy Don Peyote. This is a really interesting movie about...
Existential crises have been great material for stories for about as long as people have been writing them, with personal journeys being fodder for great literature and...
Life of Pi is a moving story of one boy’s struggle for survival and, ultimately, his journey of spiritual and personal growth. The movie is based on...
In this age of on-demand everything, sometimes there’s just too much to choose from, especially stoned. I love it when I am baked and something good just...
I love writing about great movies on weed; ironically, this 2004 film is about ecstasy. Layer Cake is a tough, British crime and drug drama starring Daniel...
Andy Baio, the blogger credited with coining the word “supercut,” defines it as: (A) genre of video meme, where some obsessive-compulsive superfan collects every phrase/action/cliche from an...