Tag: health

(248 posts)
March 20, 2014
Michigan: Regulators Expand State’s Medical Marijuana Law To Include Patients With PTSD

Michigan: Regulators Expand State’s Medical Marijuana Law To Include Patients With PTSD

Michigan physicians may now authorize cannabis for the treatment of post-traumatic stress. Members of the Medical Marihuana Review Panel voted 6 to 2 to expand the state’s list of qualifying...
March 19, 2014
Cannabis: The Undiscovered Miracles

Cannabis: The Undiscovered Miracles

A friend of mine and I were talking about why rescheduling cannabis was important. Specifically, he wondered about the necessity of allowing it to be opened for...
March 18, 2014
Study: Inhaled Cannabis Mitigates Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms

Study: Inhaled Cannabis Mitigates Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms

Inhaling whole-plant cannabis provides symptomatic relief in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), according to observational trial data published in the March/April edition of the journal Clinical Neuropharmacology. Parkinson’s is a...
March 13, 2014
WSJ Poll Results: Weed Is Less Harmful Than Tobacco, Alcohol and Sugar

WSJ Poll Results: Weed Is Less Harmful Than Tobacco, Alcohol and Sugar

A new NBC News / WSJ poll asked Americans which one of the these four substances is most harmful for your health. The answers, in order of...
March 10, 2014
Patients Ought To Be Skeptical Of Proposed CBD-Only Legislation — Here’s Why

Patients Ought To Be Skeptical Of Proposed CBD-Only Legislation — Here’s Why

In recent weeks, lawmakers in several states have moved forward with legislative proposals to permit specific strains and/or extracts of cannabis possessing high quantities of the cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD), but otherwise...
March 10, 2014
Who Uses Medical Marijuana, And Why?

Who Uses Medical Marijuana, And Why?

I came across an interesting article the other day that crunches some numbers about medical marijuana users in Nevada. Since Nevada is my home state, I was...
March 6, 2014
Dr. Sanjay Gupta: “I Am Doubling Down On Medical Marijuana”

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: “I Am Doubling Down On Medical Marijuana”

CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta is “doubling down” in his advocacy for patients to have legal access to cannabis as a therapeutic agent. In a...
March 5, 2014
Cannabis in Cana?

Cannabis in Cana?

  “If we value rather than vilify the healing power of this versatile plant, we can improve our world by making it a more compassionate, just, and...
March 4, 2014
Evidence on Marijuana’s Health Effects Is Hazy at Best

Evidence on Marijuana’s Health Effects Is Hazy at Best

Government-sponsored radio doesn’t think the government has done enough research to determine if marijuana is good for your health. I think the question NPR should be asking...
March 3, 2014
Reefer Madness Continues: Can Marijuana Kill You?

Reefer Madness Continues: Can Marijuana Kill You?

(Dr. Mitch Earleywine was elected as the Chairman of the NORML Board of Directors in February 2014) A recent headline reads: “Can Marijuana Kill You? German Scientists Say...
February 27, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Rubicon

My Favorite Strains: Rubicon

  CBD is a cannabanoid that has been getting a lot of press in the last few years, both here on Weedist and on much larger forums like CNN. Its...
February 26, 2014
Marijuana Helps Seniors Get Off Drugs

Marijuana Helps Seniors Get Off Drugs

Medical marijuana is helping seniors across the country trade some of their pills for pot, and get off drugs that cause as many problems as they solve.
February 25, 2014
Study: Marijuana May Combat Stress-Related Illnesses

Study: Marijuana May Combat Stress-Related Illnesses

A new study finds that marijuana may combat stress-related illnesses like depression and inflammation.
February 19, 2014
Marijuana May Prevent Blindness

Marijuana May Prevent Blindness

A new study finds that marijuana may prevent blindness from pigmentosa.
February 10, 2014
Ladybud: Could Cannabis Really Be an Exit Drug?

Ladybud: Could Cannabis Really Be an Exit Drug?

Laurel Dewey explains that not only is cannabis not a gateway drug, but an exit drug that helps people with serious addiction problems.
February 6, 2014
Legalizing Medical Marijuana Drops Suicide Rates

Legalizing Medical Marijuana Drops Suicide Rates

Huffington Post covers a new report showing that legalizing medical marijuana drops suicide rates among males in their 20’s and 30’s.
February 6, 2014
Did Cannabis Really Kill Gemma Moss? – You Decide

Did Cannabis Really Kill Gemma Moss? – You Decide

The death of 31-year-old British resident Gemma Moss is, without a doubt, a tragedy any way you look at it. I want to be very clear at...
February 5, 2014
Study Explains Why Marijuana Is Not Bad for Asthma

Study Explains Why Marijuana Is Not Bad for Asthma

Leaf Science covers a new study that explains why marijuana is not bad for asthma.
February 5, 2014
Congress Slams Drug Czar’s Office for Relying on Propaganda

Congress Slams Drug Czar’s Office for Relying on Propaganda

Congressional Members Slam Drug Czar’s Office for Failing to Acknowledge Facts About Marijuana and Relying on Marijuana ‘Propaganda’ At Tuesday’s House committee hearing, the deputy drug czar...
February 4, 2014
How I Know I’ve Smoked Too Much Cannabis

How I Know I’ve Smoked Too Much Cannabis

Even though weed is about as super-safe a substance as you could hope for, it is still possible to consume too much cannabis. Physiologically, you’re not in...