Tag: health

(248 posts)
December 15, 2014
Healing Recipes: Cancer – Carrot, Ginger, Beet Juice

Healing Recipes: Cancer – Carrot, Ginger, Beet Juice

Cannabis has proven to have many healing benefits for those battling cancer. This recipe combines medicinal cannabis and foods recommended for combating cancer to create a powerful...
December 8, 2014
A New Cure for Marijuana Addiction

A New Cure for Marijuana Addiction

Although there is no significant evidence to prove that marijuana addiction is any more real than Santa Claus or democracy, a group of scientific minds out of...
December 3, 2014
Product Review: Apothecanna Extra Strength Pain Creme

Product Review: Apothecanna Extra Strength Pain Creme

This pain relief creme from Apothecanna is one of the best, handmade, small-batch, hemp-based product I have come in contact with.
December 2, 2014
Colorado Health Officials Recommend Grants for 8 Cannabis Studies

Colorado Health Officials Recommend Grants for 8 Cannabis Studies

Health officials in Colorado have recommended funding for eight studies on the safety and health effects of cannabis.
December 1, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Head Knocker

My Favorite Strains: Head Knocker

The Head Knocker strain that I obtained from my local medical dispensary is becoming one of my daily favorites to consume. With the expert cross of Durban...
November 24, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Kushberry

My Favorite Strains: Kushberry

I don’t think there’s a true cannabis connoisseur that doesn’t mind a nice, fruity flower once in awhile, but don’t let this strain fool you… she surely...
November 19, 2014
New Study on Cannabis and Teens: Pot Not Detriment to IQ

New Study on Cannabis and Teens: Pot Not Detriment to IQ

Opponents of legalization have, for a couple of years, been spouting off that marijuana use (especially among teens) is responsible for a drop in IQ. This argument...
November 17, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Recon

My Favorite Strains: Recon

The effects of Recon hit me as soon as I exhale; almost evocative of how deep-breathing exercises relax you after a few deep breaths.
November 17, 2014
KannaLife Sciences Creating Cannabis Treatment for NFL Players

KannaLife Sciences Creating Cannabis Treatment for NFL Players

KannaLife is moving forward on a derivation of CBD for NFL players. What sets KannaLife Sciences apart from the vast majority of potrepreneurs is that they hold...
November 17, 2014
Healing Recipes: Migraine – Medicated Tuna Salad Sandwich

Healing Recipes: Migraine – Medicated Tuna Salad Sandwich

Cannabis has been shown to be extremely effective in combating migraines and soothing away the pain. This healing recipe is crafted to bring relief to migraine sufferers...
November 12, 2014
DIY: Create Your Own Cannabis Lube

DIY: Create Your Own Cannabis Lube

If you’re feeling crafty and are looking for a DIY cannabis lube recipe, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve designed a cannabis infused coconut oil lubrication...
By: Rae Lland
November 10, 2014
Naked and Covered in Cannabinoids

Naked and Covered in Cannabinoids

After waking up with a terrible migraine, I decided an emergency massage was in order. Not just any massage though, one that combined the healing effects of...
By: Rae Lland
November 10, 2014
Healing Recipes: Cerebral Palsy – Honey, Lemon Chicken With Brown Rice

Healing Recipes: Cerebral Palsy – Honey, Lemon Chicken With Brown Rice

A balanced diet, full of vital nutrients, calories and protein, is essential for those with Cerebral Palsy. The following recipe for honey, lemon chicken with brown rice...
November 7, 2014
Marvin Washington, Retired NFL Star, Stumps for Cannabis

Marvin Washington, Retired NFL Star, Stumps for Cannabis

Since his days on the gridiron, Washington has become a financial consultant to NBA and NFL players. He’s also a very outspoken supporter of medical cannabis, specifically...
November 6, 2014
Spice “Synthetic Marijuana” ER Visits on the Rise

Spice “Synthetic Marijuana” ER Visits on the Rise

After writing an article about synthetic marijuana, or spice, this past October I was not at all surprised when I read about a new study indicating that...
November 4, 2014
Cannabis Consumption Helps With Brain Trauma

Cannabis Consumption Helps With Brain Trauma

UCLA researchers have taken a big stride toward proving what your average stoner has known for ages: weed is good for your brain. No, that’s not a...
November 3, 2014
Will Humble, Arizona Top Health Officer, Hates Cannabis

Will Humble, Arizona Top Health Officer, Hates Cannabis

Will Humble, Arizona’s State Health Director, is trying his damnedest to obliquely cripple the future of medical marijuana in his state. Humble is seeking to change the...
October 29, 2014
Cannabis Lube Claims It Can Get Your Vagina High

Cannabis Lube Claims It Can Get Your Vagina High

A sensational new product has hit the market in California this year — Foria, the first cannabis infused lubricant designed to enhance a woman’s sexual experience. Vagina…
October 27, 2014
Healing Recipes: Epilepsy – Medicated Skirt Steak Salad

Healing Recipes: Epilepsy – Medicated Skirt Steak Salad

While no single special diet is prescribed for epileptic patients, those with epilepsy are advised to followed a well balanced and nutritious diet full of all the...
October 24, 2014
Can Second-Hand Weed Smoke Cause You to Fail a Drug Test?

Can Second-Hand Weed Smoke Cause You to Fail a Drug Test?

Can you flunk your drug test by simply being in the same room with other tokers? It’s possible. So say the results of a new study published...