Tag: health

(248 posts)
April 29, 2013
Moldy Marijuana? Legal Markets Spark Push for Health and Safety Standards

Moldy Marijuana? Legal Markets Spark Push for Health and Safety Standards

Cannabis, like other agricultural commodities, could be subject to problems ranging from mold, mites and pesticide residue in the raw plants to solvents, E. coli, salmonella and...
March 29, 2013
Study: Significantly Better Health Outcomes With Smoking Cannabis Than Tobacco

Study: Significantly Better Health Outcomes With Smoking Cannabis Than Tobacco

Adults who inhale cannabis report significantly better health outcomes than do those who smoke tobacco or a combination of both substances, according to exploratory survey data to be published...
March 20, 2013
Stressed? Try Yoga and/or Cannabis

Stressed? Try Yoga and/or Cannabis

It is widely agreed that the harder you drive (stress) your car, the faster it breaks down. Our bodies are not so different. The harder you use...
March 18, 2013
Study: At Home Marijuana Gardens Not Associated With Adverse Health Effects Among Children

Study: At Home Marijuana Gardens Not Associated With Adverse Health Effects Among Children

Children residing in homes where marijuana is cultivated do not suffer from adverse health effects at any greater rate than do comparable children in cannabis-free environments, according...
March 4, 2013
Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Applesauce

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Applesauce

Homemade medicated applesauce is deliriously simple to make. It has pectin, which is good for our skin and hair, adds fiber to the diet along with other nutrients....
By: Anna Diaz
February 12, 2013
Company Established to Develop Disease Treatments with MMJ

Company Established to Develop Disease Treatments with MMJ

Nuvilex, Inc. has established a new subsidiary, Medical Marijuana Sciences, Inc. The goal is to ‘strengthen their portfolio of natural source products’, to further study the health...
February 11, 2013
Brushing After Smoking

Brushing After Smoking

It’s no secret that marijuana contains tar and other carcinogens. Smoking cannabis is the most unhealthy way of consuming it, and if you want to see so...
February 4, 2013
Study: Marijuana Smoking Not Associated with Greater Mortality Risk Among Heart Attack Survivors

Study: Marijuana Smoking Not Associated with Greater Mortality Risk Among Heart Attack Survivors

The use of cannabis among patients with established coronary disease is not associated with increased mortality risk, according to trial data published online in the American Heart Journal. Investigators at...
December 31, 2012
Michigan Employers Exempted from Medical Marijuana Expenses for Workplace Injuries

Michigan Employers Exempted from Medical Marijuana Expenses for Workplace Injuries

Michigan employers will not have to reimburse employees for medical marijuana expenses for work-related injuries under a local lawmaker’s bill that Governor Snyder has signed into law.
December 26, 2012
2012: The Year In Review — NORML’s Top 10 Events That Shaped Marijuana Policy

2012: The Year In Review — NORML’s Top 10 Events That Shaped Marijuana Policy

#1 Colorado and Washington Vote To Legalize Marijuana Voters in Colorado and Washington made history by approving ballot measures allowing for the personal possession and consumption of cannabis by...
December 24, 2012
Teen Marijuana Use May Show No Effect on Brain Tissue, Unlike Alcohol, Study Finds

Teen Marijuana Use May Show No Effect on Brain Tissue, Unlike Alcohol, Study Finds

A teen who consumes alcohol is likely to have reduced brain tissue health, but a teen who uses marijuana is not, according to a new 18-month UC...
December 18, 2012
Study Shows Marijuana Often Substituted for Alcohol and Other Drugs

Study Shows Marijuana Often Substituted for Alcohol and Other Drugs

I remember one of the clients I had on internship. He’d been drinking a fifth of bourbon a day for years. As you’d guess, his liver was...
December 14, 2012
Weeds of the TGA Subcool School of Dank in Seattle

Weeds of the TGA Subcool School of Dank in Seattle

Over 100 “Weed Nerds” gathered at their version of Comic-Con, The Green Avengers Subcool School of Dank in Seattle on Nov. 16-18, 2012. The SoD was a...
December 11, 2012
Austin Lawmaker Says Timing Right for Medical Marijuana Bill

Austin Lawmaker Says Timing Right for Medical Marijuana Bill

State Rep. Elliott Naishtat (D-Austin) has tried to pass legislation concerning medical marijuana in the past and plans on submitting a new bill in the upcoming 83rd...
November 5, 2012
NORML’s Eleven Surprising Things About Marijuana That Seniors Need to Know

NORML’s Eleven Surprising Things About Marijuana That Seniors Need to Know

[Editor’s note: Going into Tuesday’s historic vote in six states on legalization and medical cannabis ballot initiatives, one of the last, but not too unsurprising hold out...
October 11, 2012
Cannabis and Nutrition | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Cannabis and Nutrition | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Here is a very comprehensive list of research articles, abstracts, news stories and other references about cannabis and nutrition (including specific links for cannabis and omega-3). These...
September 27, 2012
Got PMS? Get MMJ!

Got PMS? Get MMJ!

For women with premenstrual syndrome, medical marijuana may be just what they need to alleviate their symptoms. Queen Victoria knew it. It’s no secret that millions of women suffer...
By: Lateralus
September 20, 2012
States with Medical Marijuana Laws See a Decline in Suicides

States with Medical Marijuana Laws See a Decline in Suicides

Researchers at Montana State University, the University of Colorado, and San Diego State University assessed rates of suicide in the years before and after the passage of...
August 31, 2012
Latest Media Buzz Regarding Pot’s Potential Impact On IQ Misses The Bigger Issue

Latest Media Buzz Regarding Pot’s Potential Impact On IQ Misses The Bigger Issue

The mainstream press has been abuzz in recent days regarding the findings of a recent study suggesting that early-onset, persistent cannabis exposure by those under age 18 could potentially pose adverse...
August 23, 2012
Did You Know Bayer Made Heroin?

Did You Know Bayer Made Heroin?

That’s right, Bayer made Heroin. Well chemically, Heroin is diacetylmorphine and diacetylmorphine was first synthesized in 1874 by C. R. Alder Wright, but the name ‘Heroin’, that’s...