Tag: global drug policy

(265 posts)
March 4, 2013
Norway Wants to Decriminalize Heroin Smoking

Norway Wants to Decriminalize Heroin Smoking

The Norwegian government said Friday it wants to decriminalize the smoking of heroin as a harm reduction measure, Agence-France Presse reported. Smoking heroin is less dangerous than injecting it,...
February 27, 2013
HCLU Interview with Former EU Drugs Commissioner Carel Edwards

HCLU Interview with Former EU Drugs Commissioner Carel Edwards

Our friends at the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union have a fascinating interview with former EU drugs commissioner Carel Edwards online. He explains that the EU — an overarching body...
February 20, 2013
Brits Want Marijuana Reforms, Drug Policy Review

Brits Want Marijuana Reforms, Drug Policy Review

According to a new Ipsos Mori poll, a majority of Britons favor either decriminalizing or legalizing marijuana and two-thirds support a comprehensive review of all the options for...
February 18, 2013
Czech President Signs Medical Marijuana Into Law

Czech President Signs Medical Marijuana Into Law

Medical marijuana is now legal in the Czech Republic, after President Vaclav Klause signed the measure on Friday. The medical marijuana will be imported initially, and Czech patients...
February 13, 2013
BC Lottery Winner Pledges $500,000 To Sensible BC

BC Lottery Winner Pledges $500,000 To Sensible BC

Bob Erb, a marijuana activist from British Columbia, Canada, has pledged $500,000 to match donations to Sensible BC. Sensible BC is trying to decriminalize possession of marijuana...
February 12, 2013
Iran Drug Execution Frenzy Continues this Year

Iran Drug Execution Frenzy Continues this Year

Last Wednesday, three men convicted of drug related charges were hanged in prison in the Iranian city of Isfahan, state media reported. The prisoners died unnamed; only...
February 4, 2013
Canada Takes a Giant Step Back from Medical Marijuana

Canada Takes a Giant Step Back from Medical Marijuana

A Canadian Court of Appeals overturned a 2011 court ruling that stated sick people cannot get access to medical marijuana by appropriate means, and were forced to...
February 1, 2013
Colombia Set to Decriminalize Ecstasy, Meth

Colombia Set to Decriminalize Ecstasy, Meth

Colombian Minister for Justice and Law, Ruth Stella Correa, said Wednesday that the government will propose decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of synthetic drugs, such as...
February 1, 2013
Czech Parliament Approves Medical Marijuana

Czech Parliament Approves Medical Marijuana

The Czech Senate Wednesday approved a bill allowing for the medical use of marijuana by an overwhelming margin of 67-2. The measure had already passed the lower...
January 30, 2013
Help Decriminalize Marijuana in British Columbia

Help Decriminalize Marijuana in British Columbia

Cannabis Culture magazine released a list of 8 ways to help decriminalize marijuana in British Columbia, Canada. While foreigners like myself are limited to donating money or spreading...
January 29, 2013
Canada’s Liberal Party Hopes to Cash in on Marijuana

Canada’s Liberal Party Hopes to Cash in on Marijuana

A paper released by Canada’s Liberal Party states that prohibition has failed to keep marijuana away from youth. They also state that legalization would create jobs and,...
January 24, 2013
Indonesia Court Gives British Grandma Death for Drugs

Indonesia Court Gives British Grandma Death for Drugs

An Indonesian court Tuesday sentenced a British woman to death for trying to smuggle about 10 pounds of cocaine into the resort island of Bali, the anti-death...
January 15, 2013
British MPs Call for Drug Decriminalization

British MPs Call for Drug Decriminalization

The use of drugs should be decriminalized, with the least harmful substances regulated and sold in shops, a group of British parliamentarians said in a report released...
January 14, 2013
Bolivia Rejoins UN Drug Treaty, Sans Coca Ban

Bolivia Rejoins UN Drug Treaty, Sans Coca Ban

Bolivia will rejoin the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs after its bid to rejoin with a reservation that it does not accept the treaty’s requirement that...
January 9, 2013
Singapore Death Row Drug Defendants Can Now Seek Review

Singapore Death Row Drug Defendants Can Now Seek Review

Drug traffickers and other death row inmates in Singapore can now seek review of their death sentences after changes to the island city-state’s mandatory death sentence went...
January 8, 2013
New Bermuda Attorney General Wants Marijuana Law Debate

New Bermuda Attorney General Wants Marijuana Law Debate

Newly-appointed Bermuda Attorney General Mark Pettingill is calling for a debate about reforming the island nation’s marijuana laws. But he has stopped short of advocating any particular...
January 7, 2013
US, Few Others Object to Bolivia UN Coca-Chewing Bid

US, Few Others Object to Bolivia UN Coca-Chewing Bid

Four Western countries—the US, Britain, Italy, and Sweden—have formally objected to Bolivia’s rejoining the 1961 UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs with a reservation that allows for...
January 7, 2013
Mexico Considers Marijuana Legalization After Ballot Wins in US

Mexico Considers Marijuana Legalization After Ballot Wins in US

Mexico’s new president, Enrique Peña Nieto, opposes marijuana legalization, but he also told CNN recently that the news from Washington and Colorado “could bring us to rethinking the...
December 31, 2012
Pot Baker to Be Acquitted, But Leaves Door Open for Canada to Ban Edibles

Pot Baker to Be Acquitted, But Leaves Door Open for Canada to Ban Edibles

Owen Smith, the head baker of the Cannabis Buyers’ Club of Canada, will be acquitted of two outstanding drug offences, but lawyers say the Crown has left the...
December 21, 2012
Chronicle Review Essay: What Next for Mexico?

Chronicle Review Essay: What Next for Mexico?

012, 11:34am The Fire Next Door: Mexico’s Drug Violence and the Danger to America by Ted Galen Carpenter (2012, Cato Institute, 307 pp., $16.57 HB Amazon) Drug War...