Tag: global drug policy

(265 posts)
May 7, 2013
Global Marijuana March – Like 4/20 Everywhere

Global Marijuana March – Like 4/20 Everywhere

Saturday, marijuana reform activists and supporters gathered to march the streets of the planet in support of marijuana reform. The global marijuana march was truly that, here...
May 6, 2013
Obama Says No to Legalizing Marijuana

Obama Says No to Legalizing Marijuana

In a speech in Mexico City on Friday, President Obama shut the door on any possibility that he’ll support efforts in his second-term to legalize certain recreational...
May 1, 2013
Global Cannabis March Features Three in Oregon

Global Cannabis March Features Three in Oregon

Next Saturday, in over 200 cities worldwide, millions will come together to rally for an end to a failed drug war on cannabis and industrial hemp. Oregonians will...
By: Anna Diaz
May 1, 2013
Mexico to Rein in US Agencies in Drug War

Mexico to Rein in US Agencies in Drug War

In a sharp break with the policies of his predecessor, recently installed Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto is moving to restrict the open relationships US law enforcement,...
April 15, 2013
UNICEF Study: Nations With More Liberal Drug Laws, Youths Use Cannabis Less

UNICEF Study: Nations With More Liberal Drug Laws, Youths Use Cannabis Less

UNICEF’s “Report Card 11” found that countries with more liberal drug laws had lower rates of youths who smoked marijuana than nations with stricter penalties. Canada was #1...
April 9, 2013
The 2013 International Drug Policy Reform Conference: Denver, CO

The 2013 International Drug Policy Reform Conference: Denver, CO

The International Drug Policy Reform Conference is a biennial event that brings together people from around the world who believe that the war on drugs is doing more...
April 5, 2013
Dutch City of Eindhoven Wants to Grow Their Own Marijuana

Dutch City of Eindhoven Wants to Grow Their Own Marijuana

In an attempt to prevent ‘back-door dealings’ in Dutch coffee shops, the city of Eindhoven wants to grow marijuana for itself. The city apparently has occasional problems...
April 4, 2013
Medical Marijuana Now Available in Czech Pharmacies

Medical Marijuana Now Available in Czech Pharmacies

On Tuesday, in pharmacies across the Czech Republic, medical marijuana was made available to patients suffering from cancer, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, or psoriasis. Marijuana is available by...
April 2, 2013
Weed: Colombia’s Newest Weapon in the Fight Against Drug Addiction

Weed: Colombia’s Newest Weapon in the Fight Against Drug Addiction

Basuco, Colombia’s answer to crack cocaine, is a problem in Bogota. With an estimated .1 percent of the city addicted to the cheap, smokeable, insanely impure cocaine...
By: Andy Cush
March 27, 2013
Uruguay to Begin Debate on Legal Marijuana Sales

Uruguay to Begin Debate on Legal Marijuana Sales

Last fall, Uruguayan President Jose Mujica proposed legalizing marijuana commerce and cultivation (marijuana possession has never been a crime there), but shortly thereafter postponed action on the proposed legislation...
March 22, 2013
United Nations: Three-Quarters of World’s Illicit Drug Users Consume Cannabis

United Nations: Three-Quarters of World’s Illicit Drug Users Consume Cannabis

Cannabis is consumed by an estimated 75 percent of all the world’s illicit drug users, making it the most widely-used illicit substance in the world, according to the United...
March 18, 2013
Is the International Narcotics Control Board Ignoring Human Rights?

Is the International Narcotics Control Board Ignoring Human Rights?

A recent report by the UN special rapporteur on torture charged that compulsory drug treatment centers in some countries, particularly Vietnam and Thailand, constitute “forced labor” camps...
March 18, 2013
UN Development Program Head Slams Drug War

UN Development Program Head Slams Drug War

It is increasingly clear that the “war on drugs” has failed and there needs to be room for new approaches, the head of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)...
March 13, 2013
Copenhagen, Denmark Wants to Import Cannabis from Washington and Colorado

Copenhagen, Denmark Wants to Import Cannabis from Washington and Colorado

Seattlepi received a news tip Monday night from The Copenhagen Post’s news editor, Justin Cremer, who explains that city officials in the capital of Denmark are anxious to legalize...
March 12, 2013
UN Report Slams Cruel Drug Treatment as “Torture”

UN Report Slams Cruel Drug Treatment as “Torture”

Compulsory “treatment” for drug addiction in some parts of the world is “tantamount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment,” according to report last month from the UN’s...
March 8, 2013
Britain to Study Drug Reforms in Other Countries

Britain to Study Drug Reforms in Other Countries

British Home Secretary Theresa May has ordered a “what works” study of drug reforms in other countries, but has rejected a call from the House of Commons...
March 8, 2013
CO and WA State Law Might Be in Violation of International Treaties

CO and WA State Law Might Be in Violation of International Treaties

As reported on Denver’s Westword earlier this week, Colorado and Washington state law that makes small quantities of marijuana possession legal might just be in violation of...
March 6, 2013
More Overreaching Arguments Against Marijuana Legalization by DEA Chiefs and the UN

More Overreaching Arguments Against Marijuana Legalization by DEA Chiefs and the UN

The International Narcotics Control Board, a UN agency, and eight former DEA administrators came out swinging this week against marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington. The INCB says the...
March 5, 2013
Appeals Court Ruling Throws Wrench in Maritime Drug Prosecutions

Appeals Court Ruling Throws Wrench in Maritime Drug Prosecutions

special to Drug War Chronicle by Clarence Walker, freelancewriter82@gmail.com America’s war on drugs overseas was dealt a heavy blow in the federal courts late last year. In November,...
March 4, 2013
France Considers Marijuana-based Drug for Muscle Pain

France Considers Marijuana-based Drug for Muscle Pain

The French government is considering legalizing Sativex, a marijuana-based nasal or mouth spray for muscle pain, such as people with multiple sclerosis. Sativex would be the first authorized use...