Dr. Sanjay Gupta puts medical marijuana under the microscope again with “WEED 3: The Marijuana Revolution” at 9 p.m. ET Sunday on CNN. If scientists can begin...
Sacramento, CA — A new landmark study published last week by the peer-reviewed journal Drug and Alcohol Review refutes the long-held belief that abuse of California’s medical marijuana law is ubiquitous. The...
This Leaf Online healing recipe for chopped kale salad with cannabis vinaigrette combines beneficial healthy foods with cannabis for assisting in the treatment of glaucoma. Cannabis has been...
Pharmacists preparing for the advent of Connecticut’s medical marijuana industry gathered Wednesday to talk about the clinical aspects of dispensing a drug that has no federal approval...
Recent amendments to New York medical marijuana legislation would include not allowing it to be used for glaucoma, but for rheumatoid arthritis, the bill’s Senate sponsor said. She...
Rep. Todd Rutherford (D-Columbia, @RepRutherford) filed Thursday the “Put Patients First Act”, to allow the use of medical marijuana in South Carolina. It has provisions for people with...
A man in Ireland walked into the Irish police (gardai) station with a small amount of cannabis and requested to be booked for possession. While many of...
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) plans to use his executive powers to allow the limited use of medical marijuana, the New York Times reported Sunday. He will issue...
Glaucoma is a disease that causes optic nerve damage in the eyes, usually caused by abnormally high pressure inside your eye. Worldwide, glaucoma affects 60 million people, is...
Rhode Island is set to see its first dispensary open next, Mendocino County faces down the feds, and more news from around the country. Let’s get to...
In the small town of Marvell, Arkansas, investigators found a modestly-sized pot field behind an apartment complex for senior citizens. The grower had been watering the young plants with a garden hose. One person...
Red eyes and marijuana consumption often go hand in hand. Lets dive right into the reasons why it occurs, probability factors and what to do about it: Red...