Tag: gamer

(27 posts)
August 21, 2013
Great Video Games While High: Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition

Great Video Games While High: Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition

Mortal Kombat is old enough to drink. That would make me feel really old if the game didn’t still make me feel so young. The game kicks...
July 30, 2013
Great Movies While High: The Color of Money

Great Movies While High: The Color of Money

In this age of on-demand everything, sometimes there’s just too much to choose from, especially stoned. I love it when I am baked and something good just...
July 29, 2013
Weedist Destinations: Shorty’s Seattle

Weedist Destinations: Shorty’s Seattle

In continuing to show downtown Seattle love with Hempfest rapidly approaching, I am proud to share a destination that sounds like it was dreamt up after a...
June 7, 2013
Quake Live- How Diablo Got His Groove Back

Quake Live- How Diablo Got His Groove Back

I’m from the generation that witnessed the birth and rapid growth of the First Person Shooter. The shift was a watershed moment, but the ability to play...
April 25, 2013
Stoner Gaming: Pot References on the Streets of Rage

Stoner Gaming: Pot References on the Streets of Rage

I could write (and probably will write) a manifesto on the benefits of stoned retro video gaming. I spend at least a few hours every week with...
April 9, 2013
Video Game Review: Bioshock Infinite

Video Game Review: Bioshock Infinite

Any first person shooter fans of the past decade are familiar with the BioShock franchise. Christmas came early for stoned gamers on March 26th when the long...
June 14, 2012
Nihilist Gamer Spends Decade Simulating Fate of Humankind

Nihilist Gamer Spends Decade Simulating Fate of Humankind

Reddit user Lycerius, a person with plenty of spare time and a penchant for monotony has spent the last decade playing a game of Civilization II. The question driving...