Tag: federal government

(353 posts)
July 18, 2014
House Votes to Let Banks Take Deposits From Marijuana Businesses

House Votes to Let Banks Take Deposits From Marijuana Businesses

In a historic vote Wednesday, the US House has approved an amendment to the Treasury Department appropriations bill barring the agency from spending any money to punish...
July 16, 2014
Poll: Six Out Of Ten Americans Support Retail Marijuana Sales In Colorado

Poll: Six Out Of Ten Americans Support Retail Marijuana Sales In Colorado

More than six out of ten Americans – including majorities of self-identified Democrats, Independents, and Republicans – support the regulation and retail sale of marijuana in Colorado,...
July 15, 2014
The White House Opposes Congressional Attempts to Hinder DC Marijuana Reform

The White House Opposes Congressional Attempts to Hinder DC Marijuana Reform

In a Statement of Administration Policy, released today, President Obama’s administration took a firm stance against recent efforts by Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) to restrict the District...
July 14, 2014
DEA May Be Losing the War On Marijuana Politics

DEA May Be Losing the War On Marijuana Politics

The LA Times reports how the Drug Enforcement Administration is under attack in Congress as it holds its ground against pot legalization, even in the face of public...
July 10, 2014
The Clinic: The Feds Burn Money Studying Weed-Friendly Twitter Feeds

The Clinic: The Feds Burn Money Studying Weed-Friendly Twitter Feeds

Instead of trying to figure out if cannabis really can cure some cancers, the National Institute of Health and the National Institute on Drug Abuse recently funded...
July 8, 2014
Schedule 1 Lunacy and Montana Weed

Schedule 1 Lunacy and Montana Weed

One group of hyper-conservative prohibitionists, going by the moniker of SafeMontana, illustrate yet another problem with roots in the irrational Schedule 1 status of cannabis.
June 30, 2014
Federal Bill Would Protect Cannabis Patients’ Gun Rights

Federal Bill Would Protect Cannabis Patients’ Gun Rights

Sen. John Walsh (D-MT) offered an amendment to Senate appropriations bill S. 2347 on June 19, which would stop the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) from targeting...
June 27, 2014
Maryland Representative Andy Harris’s Amendment to Block Funding for D.C. Marijuana Law

Maryland Representative Andy Harris’s Amendment to Block Funding for D.C. Marijuana Law

An amendment, which blocks funding for D.C.’s new law that removes criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of marijuana, passed the Appropriations Committee yesterday, the Washington...
June 26, 2014
USDA Releases Official Workplace Policy on Marijuana, Highlights State and Federal Law Conflict

USDA Releases Official Workplace Policy on Marijuana, Highlights State and Federal Law Conflict

In a memo obtained by NORML, released in late May, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) clarified their drug policy in light of the growing number...
June 23, 2014
The Drug War is the Other War Bush-Era Neocons Can’t Quit

The Drug War is the Other War Bush-Era Neocons Can’t Quit

Reason’s Nick Gillespie calls out George W. Bush’s drug czar, John P. Walters, for his written delusion in Politico that the current drug war has victory around the corner. Walters peddles...
June 20, 2014
350 Pounds of Hemp Seeds Seized at US-Canada Border

350 Pounds of Hemp Seeds Seized at US-Canada Border

Hundreds of pounds of industrial hemp seeds bound from Canada to Colorado have been seized by federal authorities in North Dakota, marking the latest bump along the...
June 16, 2014
Federal Government Survey Dispels Myth That Rolling Back Marijuana Prohibition Laws Will Lead to an Increase in Teen Marijuana Use

Federal Government Survey Dispels Myth That Rolling Back Marijuana Prohibition Laws Will Lead to an Increase in Teen Marijuana Use

Federal Government Survey Dispels Myth That Rolling Back Marijuana Prohibition Laws Will Lead to an Increase in Teen Marijuana Use Biennial CDC survey finds rate of current...
June 13, 2014
Just Say No to Marijuana Tax, ‘No Over Taxation’ Sues

Just Say No to Marijuana Tax, ‘No Over Taxation’ Sues

Colorado overtaxes marijuana and is engaging in criminal activity by taxing something that is federally a crime, a “registered issue committee” called No Over Taxation claims in...
June 9, 2014
Colorado Law Sets Up Marijuana Banks; Feds Must OK

Colorado Law Sets Up Marijuana Banks; Feds Must OK

Gov. John Hickenlooper signed legislation Friday that tries to establish the world’s first financial system for the newly legal marijuana industry in Colorado. It would allow pot businesses to...
June 9, 2014
DEA Leaning on Massachusetts Docs With Dispensaries Ties

DEA Leaning on Massachusetts Docs With Dispensaries Ties

The Boston Globe is reporting today that the DEA has been visiting Massachusetts doctors involved with yet-to-open medical marijuana dispensaries and giving them an ultimatum: Cut your ties with...
June 9, 2014
Drug Testing and the Demise of National Security

Drug Testing and the Demise of National Security

Not long ago, FBI Director James Comey stated that he is “grappling with the question” of how to staff the some two-thousand cyber security analyst positions the...
June 5, 2014
Federal Medical Marijuana Defendant Returns to Washington, D.C. to Lobby Senate Ahead of Imminent Vote

Federal Medical Marijuana Defendant Returns to Washington, D.C. to Lobby Senate Ahead of Imminent Vote

U.S. Senate could vote as early as next week on measure to restrict DOJ funds for medical marijuana enforcement Medical marijuana patient Larry Harvey, 70, has returned...
June 3, 2014
Marijuana Business Auction: 3 Stores, 3 Grow Operations Seized From VIP Cannabis for Back Taxes

Marijuana Business Auction: 3 Stores, 3 Grow Operations Seized From VIP Cannabis for Back Taxes

VIP Cannabis’ three retail marijuana stores and three growing operations in Denver are now up for auction on the internet over the next few weeks, after the...
June 3, 2014
Medical Marijuana Scores Big House Win, But Still Faces Hurdles

Medical Marijuana Scores Big House Win, But Still Faces Hurdles

Cannabis reform won a historic vote in the House last week, which approved language blocking the federal government from interfering with state medical marijuana laws. However, backers said it’s too...
June 2, 2014
US House Votes to Prohibit DOJ From Interfering With State Medical Marijuana or Industrial Hemp Programs

US House Votes to Prohibit DOJ From Interfering With State Medical Marijuana or Industrial Hemp Programs

After a long debate that had the US House of Representatives in session until after midnight, the lower chamber of Congress cast a historic 219 to 189...