Tag: federal government

(353 posts)
September 5, 2014
Concern Over Colorado’s Medical Marijuana Research Grant Program

Concern Over Colorado’s Medical Marijuana Research Grant Program

According to a Denver Post story, Colorado is scheduled to begin administering significant funding for the largest ever state-supported medical marijuana research grant program starting in early 2015. It is anticipated...
September 5, 2014
Uncle Sam Spends $715,000 on Marijuana App

Uncle Sam Spends $715,000 on Marijuana App

Courtesy of Uncle Sam, researchers are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to research and develop a useless smartphone app aimed at curbing marijuana addiction, a disease,...
August 29, 2014
The Federal Government Wants to Buy 12 Acres of Marijuana — for Research

The Federal Government Wants to Buy 12 Acres of Marijuana — for Research

Calling all pot farmers: Uncle Sam is looking to buy. An arm of the National Institutes of Health dedicated to researching drug abuse and addiction “intends” to...
August 18, 2014
Massachusetts: In Halls of Academia, Medical Marijuana an Unwelcome Guest

Massachusetts: In Halls of Academia, Medical Marijuana an Unwelcome Guest

Although medical marijuana has been legal in Massachusetts for nearly two years, many local colleges are putting out the message to students as the fall semester nears:...
August 14, 2014
Let It Grow: Banks Offering Financial Services to Marijuana-Related Businesses

Let It Grow: Banks Offering Financial Services to Marijuana-Related Businesses

About 105 different financial institutions spread out over one-third of the country have reported relationships with legal marijuana-related businesses, the top U.S. anti-money laundering official said Tuesday,...
August 13, 2014
Medical Cannabis Gets 87-Year-Old Colorado Woman Kicked Out of Housing

Medical Cannabis Gets 87-Year-Old Colorado Woman Kicked Out of Housing

It truly sounds like something published by The Onion: an 87-year-old who has rented the same subsidized apartment for the last five years is being kicked out...
August 13, 2014
This Mom in a Conservative State Was Terrified of Pot, Until It Treated Her Blinding Pain and Fibromyalgia

This Mom in a Conservative State Was Terrified of Pot, Until It Treated Her Blinding Pain and Fibromyalgia

Christine Stenquist, a 42-year-old Utah mom, has been suffering from severe and chronic migraines since the age of 7, has an inoperable brain tumor and fibromyalgia. She...
August 12, 2014
To Medicate or to Bear Arms, That Is the Question

To Medicate or to Bear Arms, That Is the Question

In the eyes of the ATF, medical cannabis patients are either unlawful users of drugs, or worse, drug addicts, who should not bear arms. It’s been three years...
August 11, 2014
Stock Manipulation Claim in Marijuana Market

Stock Manipulation Claim in Marijuana Market

Executives at GrowLife manipulated the company’s share price to issue below-market shares to insiders, then dumped millions of shares in the market just before the company was...
August 7, 2014
Hey, Dude, Where’s My Stock?

Hey, Dude, Where’s My Stock?

The SEC on Tuesday charged four stock promoters with manipulating prices of microcap companies, “including marijuana-related stocks that the agency has warned investors about in recent weeks.”...
August 6, 2014
Why Can’t Americans Grow Their Own Weed Without Fear?

Why Can’t Americans Grow Their Own Weed Without Fear?

As an old farm boy, it has always seemed strange to me that most states, and the federal government, treat someone who grows a few marijuana plants...
August 5, 2014
Why Potential Marijuana Investors Should Study Wiretapping

Why Potential Marijuana Investors Should Study Wiretapping

Colorado is the 2nd most active in issuing state and federal wiretap authorizations, and 9 out of 10 such wiretaps concern drug offenses. DailyFinance speculates if the number...
August 1, 2014
Congressional CBD-Only Bill Raises Both Hope and Significant Concerns

Congressional CBD-Only Bill Raises Both Hope and Significant Concerns

Yesterday, Representative Scott Perry (R-PA) introduced a bill in Congress that would create an exemption to the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) for cannabis plants and derivatives with...
July 31, 2014
Operation Shattered: Feds Target BHO Manufacturing in Washington State

Operation Shattered: Feds Target BHO Manufacturing in Washington State

On July 22, the federal government initiated “Operation Shattered” with the stated intention of cracking down on individuals involved in causing butane hash oil-related explosions in Washington...
July 31, 2014
The Federal Marijuana Ban Is Rooted in Myth and Xenophobia

The Federal Marijuana Ban Is Rooted in Myth and Xenophobia

The federal law that makes possession of marijuana a crime has its origins in legislation that was passed in an atmosphere of hysteria during the 1930s and...
July 30, 2014
New York Lawmakers Want Faster Medical-Marijuana Process

New York Lawmakers Want Faster Medical-Marijuana Process

New York lawmakers urged Gov. Cuomo to consider different ways to get the drug to epileptic children and terminally ill patients more quickly, such as obtaining marijuana from other states....
July 30, 2014
The Required White House Response on Marijuana

The Required White House Response on Marijuana

When the White House issued a statement last night saying that marijuana should remain illegal — responding to our pro-legalization editorial series — officials there weren’t just...
July 28, 2014
New York Times: End Federal Marijuana Prohibition

New York Times: End Federal Marijuana Prohibition

What is arguably the most influential and respected newspaper in the United States is ready to free the weed. In a Sunday editorial, the New York Times...
July 24, 2014
Sentencing Commission Cuts Up to 46,000 Drug War Prisoners’ Sentences

Sentencing Commission Cuts Up to 46,000 Drug War Prisoners’ Sentences

In a much anticipated move, the US Sentencing Commission last Friday voted unanimously to retroactively apply previously approved reductions in federal sentencing guidelines to federal drug war...
July 21, 2014
US Sentencing Commission Votes Unanimously to Make Drug Sentencing Reductions Retroactive

US Sentencing Commission Votes Unanimously to Make Drug Sentencing Reductions Retroactive

The US Sentencing Commission Friday voted unanimously to make previously agreed upon federal drug sentencing reductions retroactive. That means tens of thousands of federal drug prisoners could...