Love is hate. Freedom is slavery. And if Hawaii has its way, pot will be decriminalized but illegal. Its state senate unanimously passed a proposed law that would...
Nathaniel Harshman, now only 20 years old, has been sentenced to 5 years for working on a 477-plant marijuana grow operation in Alaska in 2011. This is...
Farmers may not be in a rush to grow hemp if cannabis legalization passes in Washington, Oregon and Colorado. Farmers who say they have enough to worry about...
Police were very busy last week in Puna, Hawaii, searching 6 properties over 3 days, arresting 9 people and seizing over 100 pounds of marijuana from indoor...
State Police got an early start to the annual marijuana Indiana eradication effort season Tuesday morning, Sgt. Jerry Goodin said the browning of drought stricken corn makes...
CNBC reporter Jane Wells takes a tour of Iowa’s farmland to survey the drought. She notes that there is apparently one drought-tolerant plant that can thrive in the worst...
If you’ve always wondered about the advantages of hemp in regards to paper, textile, and food purposes, check out this infographic from ounodesign. It’s easy to see hemp’s...
Infamously, America’s federally created Cannabis Prohibition marks its seventy-fifth anniversary this August 2, 2012. The so-called ‘great failed social experiment’ of Alcohol Prohibition of the 1920s barely...
Read at the Huffington Post about the “made in the USA” hemp scarf Obama has for sale in his re-election campaign store. Rather ironic since American farmers...
The black market created by the war on marijuana has generated massive wealth for cartels and human suffering. It has also created real environmental damage from all...