Tag: dui

(78 posts)
June 25, 2013
I-502 & Hempfest 2013: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

I-502 & Hempfest 2013: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

As one of your resident Washington State marijuana journalists (that’s a thing now!), I wanted to say a little about how WA has fared since the passionately discussed...
June 12, 2013
Oklahoma Approves Unscientific Per Se Limits For Cannabis

Oklahoma Approves Unscientific Per Se Limits For Cannabis

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin has signed legislation, House Bill 1441, into law that criminalizes drivers from operating a motor vehicle if they have any detectable amount of THC and/or its...
May 24, 2013

Michigan: Medical Marijuana Act Trumps Per Se Driving Law

A Michigan traffic safety law that prohibits the operation of a motor vehicle by persons who possess any presence of THC in their blood, regardless of whether...
May 22, 2013
CO Resident Files Suit Against Stoned Driving Bill

CO Resident Files Suit Against Stoned Driving Bill

Brandon Baker of Nunn, Colorado is filing a lawsuit against the soon-to-be-signed stoned driving bill. Baker claims, and we at Weedist have seen, that the limits set...
May 21, 2013
Marijuana By Itself Not a Significant Factor in Fatal and Injury Crashes in 2012, Arizona DPS Data Shows

Marijuana By Itself Not a Significant Factor in Fatal and Injury Crashes in 2012, Arizona DPS Data Shows

Marijuana by itself was not much of a factor in injury and fatal crashes probed last year by the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
May 8, 2013
5 Nanogram Marijuana DUI Bill Passes in CO

5 Nanogram Marijuana DUI Bill Passes in CO

Despite the fact that a 5 nanogram THC limit has been shown to be a faulty method to show impairment, Colorado lawmakers have still passed HB 1325,...
May 6, 2013
California Marijuana DUI Case Results in Victory for USC Student

California Marijuana DUI Case Results in Victory for USC Student

A USC senior recently beat marijuana DUI charges with a 9-3 verdict. Her defense attorney demonstrated she could operate a motor vehicle with the same caution characteristic...
May 2, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.01)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.01)

Lots of action in California this past week, including more raids and more threat letters, plus action in various state legislatures. Let’s get to it: California Last...
April 29, 2013
Soon, You May Be Getting Breathalyzed for Weed

Soon, You May Be Getting Breathalyzed for Weed

Sometimes science is great, sometimes it is not so great. Case in point: according to a study published yesterday, a team of researchers at Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet have...
By: Andy Cush
April 24, 2013
California SB 289 Means Trouble for Legal Patients

California SB 289 Means Trouble for Legal Patients

California Senator Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana) has proposed a bill that would turn most of the state’s legal medical cannabis patients into criminals. SB 289 will make it a...
April 2, 2013
CO Marijuana DUI Bill Sadly Moves Closer to Becoming Law

CO Marijuana DUI Bill Sadly Moves Closer to Becoming Law

After a delay of about a month, Colorado’s marijuana DUI bill has been approved by a House Committee and awaits a vote by the full House. The...
March 20, 2013
Leave the Pot at Home If Driving Through Kansas

Leave the Pot at Home If Driving Through Kansas

Marijuana possession charges hold in Kansas, even against those caught passing through after buying the herb legally in another state, the Kansas Court of Appeals ruled. Troy...
March 5, 2013
CO Sheriff’s Office: No Objective Test for Marijuana DUI

CO Sheriff’s Office: No Objective Test for Marijuana DUI

Aspen police and Pitkin County Sheriff’s have made no marijuana DUI arrests. Sheriff’s Office records manager Charlie Matthews: “I wouldn’t say it’s so much a policy as that...
March 4, 2013
Amendment 64 Task Force Finished Recommendations

Amendment 64 Task Force Finished Recommendations

Colorado’s Amendment 64 Task Force finished its work as February came to a close. After months of work and several public meetings, the task force has done...
February 26, 2013
Oregon Legislature Looks to Legalize

Oregon Legislature Looks to Legalize

The Oregon State House Revenue Committee has introduced House Bill 3371 to the legislature which will end cannabis prohibition for adults. This bill comes fast on the coat-tails of Oregon’s...
By: Anna Diaz
February 21, 2013
West Virginia Bill Would Drug Test Teens for Driver Licenses

West Virginia Bill Would Drug Test Teens for Driver Licenses

013 A bill introduced Tuesday in the West Virginia House of Delegates would require prospective teen drivers to pass three separate drug tests before receiving a full...
February 15, 2013
CNN Video – Stoned Drivers Test Skills

CNN Video – Stoned Drivers Test Skills

A new CNN video shows how marijuana affects the driving skills of three different stoned drivers. The levels of active THC in the subjects blood were also...
February 15, 2013
Arizona Court: You Don’t Have to Be High to Get a DUI

Arizona Court: You Don’t Have to Be High to Get a DUI

An Arizona appeals court has ruled that marijuana users don’t need to be actually impaired to be successfully prosecuted for driving under the influence. The common sense-defying...
February 13, 2013
Indiana Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Killed

Indiana Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Killed

A bill that would have decriminalized the possession of small amounts of marijuana is dead in the Indiana legislature, after a key Senate committee chairman refused to...
February 11, 2013
Report: WA Toxicologist Sees No Spike in Marijuana DUIs

Report: WA Toxicologist Sees No Spike in Marijuana DUIs

Washington toxicologist Fiona Couper claims there has been no increase in marijuana DUI’s since the passage of I-502. This is great news for all those that were...