Tag: drug testing

(82 posts)
September 30, 2014
NASCAR’s Stewart Off Hook, Cannabis Confesses

NASCAR’s Stewart Off Hook, Cannabis Confesses

The way that is phrased for us implies that, because Ward was possibly stoned, Stewart is off the hook. While they don’t come right out and...
September 25, 2014
Tips for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: DUIs Are Real, Be Careful

Tips for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: DUIs Are Real, Be Careful

It’s easy to see how the easily accessible retail marijuana market has made the Colorado police nervous, which has led to campaigns to inform the public about...
September 22, 2014
Employers Still Discriminating Against Colorado Cannabis Users

Employers Still Discriminating Against Colorado Cannabis Users

The backward logic of cannabis prohibition continues to create problems for fully functioning, responsible employees who are discriminated against by employers just because they partake of cannabis...
September 16, 2014
NFL And Players Union Agree On Drug Policy Changes

NFL And Players Union Agree On Drug Policy Changes

The NFL and the NFLPA have (tentatively) reached an agreement on a new drug policy for players. The league will still punish players who test positive for...
August 7, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.08.06)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.08.06)

Medical marijuana bills pick up some support in Congress, Maryland and Minnesota issue draft rules, California continues to be a battleground, and more. Let’s get to it:...
July 25, 2014
Drug Testing in MMJ and Legal Cannabis States

Drug Testing in MMJ and Legal Cannabis States

One of the (many) problematic issues that arises from the conflict between state and federal cannabis law is the still-legal vocational drug testing that screens for marijuana.
July 3, 2014
Loophole Offers Potential Path for Some Minor League Players to Smoke Way Onto Major League Rosters

Loophole Offers Potential Path for Some Minor League Players to Smoke Way Onto Major League Rosters

Inside a minor league clubhouse this year, a player who had tested positive for marijuana a second time informed teammates of the 50-game suspension he would serve...
June 26, 2014
USDA Releases Official Workplace Policy on Marijuana, Highlights State and Federal Law Conflict

USDA Releases Official Workplace Policy on Marijuana, Highlights State and Federal Law Conflict

In a memo obtained by NORML, released in late May, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) clarified their drug policy in light of the growing number...
June 23, 2014
Xternal Cannabis-Infused Mud Mask: Using Topical Cannabis

Xternal Cannabis-Infused Mud Mask: Using Topical Cannabis

This powerful cannabis-infused cosmetic from Xternal has a relaxing herbal aroma and with the help of bentonite clay and eucalyptus oil (tea tree) it not only draws toxins...
June 19, 2014
Marijuana Breathalyzer Introduced

Marijuana Breathalyzer Introduced

The reality of the marijuana breathalyzer may soon be on the horizon. A former Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer has reportedly developed the first inception of a...
June 10, 2014
Fight Over Marijuana Regulation Taken to Colorado Supreme Court

Fight Over Marijuana Regulation Taken to Colorado Supreme Court

Colorado’s attorney general said in an amicus brief to the state supreme court that Coloradans do not have the right to use marijuana off the job if...
June 9, 2014
Colorado: Firing Quadriplegic Med MJ Patients Okay?

Colorado: Firing Quadriplegic Med MJ Patients Okay?

Brandon Coats never expected he would end up as the test case pitting Colorado’s medical marijuana laws against the right of employers to have zero-tolerance marijuana policies....
June 9, 2014
Drug Testing and the Demise of National Security

Drug Testing and the Demise of National Security

Not long ago, FBI Director James Comey stated that he is “grappling with the question” of how to staff the some two-thousand cyber security analyst positions the...
May 14, 2014
New NFL Policy Will Change Pot Discipline

New NFL Policy Will Change Pot Discipline

A source told ESPN.com on Tuesday that the NFL is considering updating its dated drug policy, which would significantly increase the threshold for a positive marijuana test and...
May 5, 2014
Denver Testing Labs Barred From Taking Samples From Individuals

Denver Testing Labs Barred From Taking Samples From Individuals

State regulators began informing marijuana testing labs that as a condition of holding a state license to test, they may only accept samples from licensed recreational pot...
May 5, 2014
Mitch McGary Declares for NBA After NCAA Marijuana Suspension

Mitch McGary Declares for NBA After NCAA Marijuana Suspension

University of Michigan basketball star Mitch McGary has declared for the NBA draft upon completion of his sophomore year. News of a young, talented athlete deciding to...
April 30, 2014
Oops, We Did It Again! CA Bill AB 2500 Defeated

Oops, We Did It Again! CA Bill AB 2500 Defeated

SA Members helped stop another bad bill in the state legislature today! An assembly committee just rejected a measure that would have made it a crime to drive...
April 29, 2014
Arizona Supreme Court DUI Ruling Helps Cannabis Consumers

Arizona Supreme Court DUI Ruling Helps Cannabis Consumers

The Arizona Supreme Court has taken a step towards rational DUI regulations for cannabis use. A crux of the issue has been the fact that the evidence...
April 24, 2014
Arizona: Supreme Court Rejects DUI Per Se Standard for THC Metabolites

Arizona: Supreme Court Rejects DUI Per Se Standard for THC Metabolites

The Arizona Supreme Court this week rejected a 1990 state law that classified the presence of inert THC metabolites in blood or urine as a per se traffic safety violation. Carboxy-THC,...
April 21, 2014
NCAA Reduces Penalty for a Positive Marijuana Test

NCAA Reduces Penalty for a Positive Marijuana Test

The Legislative Council of the NCAA approved a measure that would reduce the penalty for a positive marijuana drug test. Currently, college athletes face a full year...