Tag: drug policy

(537 posts)
September 24, 2014
Ballot Will Poll New Mexico Voters About Pot

Ballot Will Poll New Mexico Voters About Pot

SANTA FE, N.M. (CN) – Two New Mexico counties can poll voters about decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana on November’s ballot, the New Mexico Supreme...
By: David Lee
September 24, 2014
Padre’s Cabrera Arrested for Marijuana DUI

Padre’s Cabrera Arrested for Marijuana DUI

Recently, San Diego Padre’s shortstop, Everth Cabrera, was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence of marijuana. Really, this story is less about the MLB’s stance...
September 23, 2014
D.C. Committee Votes to Seal Marijuana Possession Records

D.C. Committee Votes to Seal Marijuana Possession Records

Last week, the D.C. Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety voted unanimously to support B20-467, legislation that would allow individuals to file a motion to seal records relating to offenses...
September 23, 2014
Two Important Conferences in DC and Baltimore

Two Important Conferences in DC and Baltimore

There are two important conferences coming that we’d like our readers to know about. The first is the “Students for Sensible Drug Policy 2014 Conference + Lobby...
September 23, 2014
Alcohol Still Gets a Free Pass in the NFL

Alcohol Still Gets a Free Pass in the NFL

It’s still a major gripe of mine with the NFL, and pro sports in general: alcohol gets a free pass, regardless of how much havoc it wreaks.
September 22, 2014
Employers Still Discriminating Against Colorado Cannabis Users

Employers Still Discriminating Against Colorado Cannabis Users

The backward logic of cannabis prohibition continues to create problems for fully functioning, responsible employees who are discriminated against by employers just because they partake of cannabis...
September 19, 2014
Realm of Caring Announces Charlotte’s Web to Be Shipped to All 50 US States

Realm of Caring Announces Charlotte’s Web to Be Shipped to All 50 US States

Families on Realm of Caring’s out-of-state wait list received emails this week that Charlotte’s Web Hemp Oil™ will now be available for shipping to all 50 states....
September 18, 2014
NFL Suspends Ray Rice Indefinitely

NFL Suspends Ray Rice Indefinitely

The NFL, and sports in general, are (hopefully) waking up to a new generation of policy wherein domestic violence is no longer brushed aside for the good...
September 18, 2014
Supermajority May Be Needed to Pass Pennsylvania Medical Cannabis Bill

Supermajority May Be Needed to Pass Pennsylvania Medical Cannabis Bill

The Pennsylvania Senate reconvened on September 15 after their summer break, with the passage of medical cannabis near the top of the agenda.
September 17, 2014
NFL May Ease Marijuana Policy. Barely.

NFL May Ease Marijuana Policy. Barely.

On any given Sunday in the NFL, winners and losers can be hard to predict, as every fan and athlete knows. Now medical cannabis advocates are tasting...
September 17, 2014
New York Could Legalize Recreational Marijuana in 2015

New York Could Legalize Recreational Marijuana in 2015

The state of New York could legalize marijuana for recreational use as early as 2015. State Sen. Liz Krueger (D) will reintroduce the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation...
September 17, 2014
The Banking Bind: How Federal Law Is Making Business Difficult for Cannabis Dispensaries 

The Banking Bind: How Federal Law Is Making Business Difficult for Cannabis Dispensaries 

While cannabis remains federally illegal, the banks hesitate to serve medical dispensaries despite their treatment as legal businesses by the state.
September 16, 2014
New Jersey’s Broken Medical Marijuana Program Continues to Hurt Patients

New Jersey’s Broken Medical Marijuana Program Continues to Hurt Patients

New Jersey remains a poor excuse for a medical marijuana state, and patients continue to suffer the consequences. Currently, there remain only three dispensaries in the state,...
September 16, 2014
NFL And Players Union Agree On Drug Policy Changes

NFL And Players Union Agree On Drug Policy Changes

The NFL and the NFLPA have (tentatively) reached an agreement on a new drug policy for players. The league will still punish players who test positive for...
September 15, 2014
Members of Community Groups Congratulate Philadelphia Mayor on Marijuana Bill

Members of Community Groups Congratulate Philadelphia Mayor on Marijuana Bill

According to The Philadelphia Tribune, members of the Institute for the Development of African American Youth (IDAAY), as well as other organizations, congratulated Mayor Michael Nutter for agreeing to sign...
September 12, 2014
Marijuana, Federal Power & the States

Marijuana, Federal Power & the States

On Friday, the Center for Business Law & Regulation at Case Western Reserve University School of Law will be hosting a conference on Marijuana, Federal Power and...
September 12, 2014
Hawaii Lawmakers May Ease Access to Medical Marijuana

Hawaii Lawmakers May Ease Access to Medical Marijuana

Hawaii residents will have a chance to voice their opinion on establishing a statewide system to dispense medical marijuana during a public hearing before the Hawaii Medical...
September 10, 2014
HHS: Federal Law Allows Marijuana Purchases With Welfare

HHS: Federal Law Allows Marijuana Purchases With Welfare

The federal government maintains the authority to curb funding to states that allow welfare recipients to use their EBT cards in liquor stores, casinos and strip clubs,...
September 8, 2014
Hawaii Medical Marijuana Task Force Releases Updated Report

Hawaii Medical Marijuana Task Force Releases Updated Report

The Hawaii Medical Marijuana Dispensary Task Force just released a newly updated report on the policies and procedures for access, distribution, security, and other relevant issues related...
September 8, 2014
GOP Senator Pat Roberts: Leave Marijuana Legalization Up to the States

GOP Senator Pat Roberts: Leave Marijuana Legalization Up to the States

Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) said Saturday that states should be free to legalize marijuana. During a debate with independent rival Greg Orman, Roberts was asked for his...