Tag: drug policy

(537 posts)
October 8, 2014
Marijuana Police Accidentally Raid Man’s Okra Garden

Marijuana Police Accidentally Raid Man’s Okra Garden

Police flying in helicopters looking for marijuana plants last week tracked down a man who they believed was illegally growing cannabis. Yet they soon discovered the plants...
October 7, 2014
Chicago Mayoral Contenders Talk Cannabis Legalization

Chicago Mayoral Contenders Talk Cannabis Legalization

Illinois is becoming a hotbed in the legal marijuana debate. The state recently authorized medical marijuana and now recreational use is at the heart of conversation between...
October 6, 2014
Seattle Cops Are Part of the Solution

Seattle Cops Are Part of the Solution

SPD took a lot of hate when this story broke and I didn’t agree with it. The Seattle PD I know is the one that realized that...
October 6, 2014
Where Does the Word ‘Marijuana’ Come From?

Where Does the Word ‘Marijuana’ Come From?

Many are unaware that before it was termed ‘marijuana’, most people in the U.S. referred to the plant as ‘cannabis’. So where does the word ‘marijuana’ come...
October 6, 2014
Resigning AG Holder Open to Cannabis Rescheduling

Resigning AG Holder Open to Cannabis Rescheduling

Departing Attorney General, Eric Holder, is showing greater and more direct support for rescheduling cannabis than just about any other official I can think of.
October 2, 2014
Eric Holder’s Drug Policy Record Is Much Weaker Than Many Believe

Eric Holder’s Drug Policy Record Is Much Weaker Than Many Believe

The job of attorney general is unbelievably hard, and it is easy to be critical. Yet on the day after Eric Holder’s announced resignation, the outlines of...
October 2, 2014
Loophole in Harsh Japanese Drug Law Allows CBD

Loophole in Harsh Japanese Drug Law Allows CBD

In Japan, restrictions on cannabis are far more harsh than in the U.S. In fact, Japanese drug law is the harshest in the world, with penalties of...
October 1, 2014
To Toke or Not to Toke in Colorado?

To Toke or Not to Toke in Colorado?

DENVER (CN) – Colorado’s Supreme Court is considering whether its is lawful to fire someone who uses medical marijuana off the job when medicinal pot use is...
October 1, 2014
Maryland: Reduced Marijuana Possession Penalties Take Effect

Maryland: Reduced Marijuana Possession Penalties Take Effect

A new Maryland law depenalizing marijuana possession offenses takes effect this Wednesday. Senate Bill 364, signed into law this past April, amends statewide penalties for marijuana possession offenses...
October 1, 2014
How Marijuana Legislation Will Affect Drug Testing in the Workplace

How Marijuana Legislation Will Affect Drug Testing in the Workplace

Can you fire an employee for testing positive for marijuana? That question becomes more difficult to answer with every passing election. So far, 23 U.S. states have...
October 1, 2014
Road Safety Experts Concerned by Cannabis

Road Safety Experts Concerned by Cannabis

Road safety officials are expressing some concern over the loosening marijuana laws, fearing that with greater access and acceptability comes an increase in fatal crashes. This is...
October 1, 2014
Paramilitary Eradicating California’s Illegal Marijuana Grows

Paramilitary Eradicating California’s Illegal Marijuana Grows

In the world-renowned California marijuana growing region known as the Emerald Triangle, the telltale “whoop-whoop-whoop” sound from helicopters combing the sparsely populated mountains during pot harvest season...
October 1, 2014
Seattle Cannabis Tickets Dismissed Due to Officers ‘Political Motivation’

Seattle Cannabis Tickets Dismissed Due to Officers ‘Political Motivation’

One officer disagrees with the legalization of cannabis and has apparently been taking it out on the people of Seattle. In one incident, Jokela wrote that he...
September 30, 2014
New York Governor Seeks U.S. Waiver on Medical Marijuana

New York Governor Seeks U.S. Waiver on Medical Marijuana

Less than a year after he opposed the use of medical marijuana, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo is now asking the U.S. Justice Department for a waiver to...
September 29, 2014
Drug Policy Reform Looms Large on Nov. Ballots

Drug Policy Reform Looms Large on Nov. Ballots

This upcoming election season should prove to be of great importance in regards to legalizing cannabis, and de-fanging the wildly overblown “drug war” mentality that has locked...
September 29, 2014
Florida Anti-Cannabis Group: “Medical Marijuana Leads to Date Rape”

Florida Anti-Cannabis Group: “Medical Marijuana Leads to Date Rape”

Anti-cannabis proponents in Florida have reached a new low, with an ad campaign that likens cannabis to a date rape drug. “No On Amendment 2”, an anti-legalization...
September 26, 2014
California Defelonization Initiative Appears Poised for Victory

California Defelonization Initiative Appears Poised for Victory

While the nation focuses on marijuana legalization initiatives in Alaska, the District of Columbia, and Oregon, a California initiative that would turn drug possession felonies into misdemeanors...
September 25, 2014
Tips for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: DUIs Are Real, Be Careful

Tips for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: DUIs Are Real, Be Careful

It’s easy to see how the easily accessible retail marijuana market has made the Colorado police nervous, which has led to campaigns to inform the public about...
September 24, 2014
Arizona Marijuana Advocates Advance 2016 Initiative

Arizona Marijuana Advocates Advance 2016 Initiative

Advocates of an effort to make marijuana legal for adults and regulated similarly to alcohol in Arizona in 2016 have filed paperwork with state elections officials, granting...
September 24, 2014
Chicago Mayor Pushes to Reduce Penalties for Minor Drug Possession Statewide

Chicago Mayor Pushes to Reduce Penalties for Minor Drug Possession Statewide

Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel called on the General Assembly to decriminalize marijuana possession statewide and to reduce the penalty to a misdemeanor for those caught with 1...