Tag: drug policy

(537 posts)
December 18, 2014
Raids May Continue Under New Federal Spending Bill

Raids May Continue Under New Federal Spending Bill

Adding to the already considerable confusion in the mainstream media over the effects of cannabis-related provisions in the federal 2014 “cromnibus” spending bill which passed by an...
December 17, 2014
U.S. Grown Weed Being Smuggled Into Mexico

U.S. Grown Weed Being Smuggled Into Mexico

It turns out that the latest development in drug trafficking between the U.S., Mexico border is that cannabis grown in the United States is increasingly being...
December 16, 2014
Popular Decriminalization Bill Filed in Texas

Popular Decriminalization Bill Filed in Texas

Responding to popular demand in the Lone Star State, Texas State Representative Joe Moody (D–El Paso) has introduced a bill that would reduce state penalties for possession...
December 15, 2014
Congress Passes Historic Medical Marijuana Protections in Spending Bill

Congress Passes Historic Medical Marijuana Protections in Spending Bill

Congress dealt a historic blow to the United States’ decades-long war on drugs Saturday with the passage of the federal spending bill, which contains protections for medical...
December 12, 2014
White House to Congress: Stay Out of D.C.’s Marijuana Laws

White House to Congress: Stay Out of D.C.’s Marijuana Laws

The White House scolded Congress Thursday for meddling with the District of Columbia’s recent vote to legalize marijuana, saying federal lawmakers shouldn’t “interfere” in the matter. Within...
December 12, 2014
Native Americans Granted Legalization of Marijuana on Reservation Lands

Native Americans Granted Legalization of Marijuana on Reservation Lands

In a memorandum released Thursday, the Justice Department announced it will instruct all U.S. attorneys to NOT prevent Native American tribes from cultivating or selling marijuana on...
December 9, 2014
SF Conference Sets Tone for Future Cannabis Industry

SF Conference Sets Tone for Future Cannabis Industry

When cannabis entrepreneurs and activists convene at the next International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) February 15 and 16 at San Francisco’s Hyatt Regency hotel, at stake will...
December 8, 2014
Women Leading the Fight for Cannabis Legalization

Women Leading the Fight for Cannabis Legalization

In a new study, researchers found that women between the age of 30 and 50 are key players in the battle for legalization in Colorado and Washington.
December 2, 2014
Georgia Lawmakers Push Bills to Legalize Cannabis

Georgia Lawmakers Push Bills to Legalize Cannabis

Sen. Thompson introduced two bills, one which would allow for individuals with certain illnesses to purchase full plant medical cannabis, and one which would allow for...
December 1, 2014
New Zealand Stuck in Prohibition Timewarp

New Zealand Stuck in Prohibition Timewarp

As it is spring time in New Zealand, police constables have issued a warning and a request to locals: be on the look out for cannabis and...
December 1, 2014
NYPD Begins Enforcing Less Severe Cannabis Policy

NYPD Begins Enforcing Less Severe Cannabis Policy

Last week New York City police shifted their policy of cannabis enforcement to one that is less harsh for those found in possession of cannabis.
November 24, 2014
Woody Harrelson Hosts “Saturday Night Live” Full of Cannabis Jokes

Woody Harrelson Hosts “Saturday Night Live” Full of Cannabis Jokes

While Saturday Night Live has always had a fair share of great bits on marijuana dating way back, this latest episode certainly showed that it’s moving more...
November 24, 2014
NFL and Cannabis: Quasi-Freepass and Why Players Use MJ

NFL and Cannabis: Quasi-Freepass and Why Players Use MJ

If we peel back the onion a bit on cannabis and see why players seem to seek it out, I think it can paint a fair image...
November 20, 2014
Texas Church Bans Woman for Medical Marijuana

Texas Church Bans Woman for Medical Marijuana

Faith Bodle, a Texas mother who uses medical cannabis to treat symptoms of degenerative spine disease and congestive heart failure, has been banned from her church for...
November 18, 2014
Uruguay Presidential Candidates Opposite on Mujica’s Legal Weed Law

Uruguay Presidential Candidates Opposite on Mujica’s Legal Weed Law

Due to Uruguay law, Mujica is forbidden from serving two consecutive terms as president and will be replaced. The two leading candidates have opposing views on the...
November 17, 2014
Eastern Washington MJ DUIs On the Rise… Maybe

Eastern Washington MJ DUIs On the Rise… Maybe

In the somewhat small Eastern Washington town of Spokane Valley, there is a rise in marijuana-related DUIs.
November 14, 2014
DEA Steals Woman’s Identity to Entrap Her Friends

DEA Steals Woman’s Identity to Entrap Her Friends

DEA agent Timoty Sinnigen pulled photos and other data off Arquiett’s cell phone and proceeded to create a Facebook page using her name and personal information
November 13, 2014
Colorado High School and the Gravity Bong Lockdown

Colorado High School and the Gravity Bong Lockdown

A Colorado high school went into modified lockdown after a student apparently took a big hit off a gravity bong.
November 13, 2014
Over 56,000 Fewer Marijuana Arrests in 2013

Over 56,000 Fewer Marijuana Arrests in 2013

The FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2013 is out and shows fewer than 700,000 arrests nationwide for marijuana for the first time in a decade. An estimated 693,482...
November 12, 2014
Veterans Observe Holiday by Filing Rescheduling Petition

Veterans Observe Holiday by Filing Rescheduling Petition

Just in time for the national holiday honoring their service, veterans from across the country have banded together and will be delivering a legal petition to the...