Tag: drug policy

(537 posts)
February 14, 2014
DEA’s Hiring Policy Admits Pot Isn’t as Bad as Other Drugs

DEA’s Hiring Policy Admits Pot Isn’t as Bad as Other Drugs

Huffington Post reports that the DEA’s hiring policy excludes anyone that admits to ever using any illegal drug… except weed.
February 13, 2014
Some Drug Sanity From Italy!

Some Drug Sanity From Italy!

Italy’s constitutional court today struck down a 2006 law that removed the distinction between “soft” and “hard” drugs, treating pot possession like heroin possession. Thousands of prisoners...
February 12, 2014
Coloradans Split On Whether Pot Hurts State’s Image: Poll

Coloradans Split On Whether Pot Hurts State’s Image: Poll

According to a recent Quinnipiac University Poll, 51% of overall  Colorado voters said that recent legal marijuana measures are bad for the state’s wholesome image (with a margin of error of...
February 11, 2014
Reason: 50 State Marijuana Law Roundup

Reason: 50 State Marijuana Law Roundup

Reason’s John K. Ross reports on the proposed recreational and medical marijuana laws in the 50 states for 2014.
February 7, 2014
Vice President Joe Biden Not High on Marijuana Legalization

Vice President Joe Biden Not High on Marijuana Legalization

Vice President Joe Biden said in a Time interview on Thursday that the Administration supports smarter enforcement, but not outright legalization. “I think the idea of focusing significant...
February 6, 2014
New York Jets Defensive Back Speaks About NFL Pot Ban

New York Jets Defensive Back Speaks About NFL Pot Ban

New York Jets defensive back Antonio Cromartie spoke about the NFL’s ban on cannabis, saying that players will continue to use the plant.
February 5, 2014
Key Marijuana Policy Reform Bills, 2014

Key Marijuana Policy Reform Bills, 2014

More than half of all Americans live in states that have reformed their marijuana laws by allowing medical marijuana, imposing a fine — not possible jail time — on...
February 5, 2014
Congress Slams Drug Czar’s Office for Relying on Propaganda

Congress Slams Drug Czar’s Office for Relying on Propaganda

Congressional Members Slam Drug Czar’s Office for Failing to Acknowledge Facts About Marijuana and Relying on Marijuana ‘Propaganda’ At Tuesday’s House committee hearing, the deputy drug czar...
February 4, 2014
Could Different Drug Policies Have Saved Philip Seymour Hoffman?

Could Different Drug Policies Have Saved Philip Seymour Hoffman?

The tragic death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman yesterday has prompted expressions of grief and of praise for his talent. It also, naturally, has prompted discussions of...
February 3, 2014
Obama Elaborates on Marijuana Policy

Obama Elaborates on Marijuana Policy

In an interview with CNN Friday, President Obama expanded on his remarks regarding marijuana made in a recent New Yorker interview. In that latter interview, Obama described marijuana as not...
January 31, 2014
Brazilian Judge Rules Marijuana Prohibition Unconstitutional

Brazilian Judge Rules Marijuana Prohibition Unconstitutional

A federal judge in Brazil ruled that marijuana prohibition is unconstitutional, calling it the result of a backward culture.
January 31, 2014
Senate Judiciary Committee Advances Smarter Sentencing Act

Senate Judiciary Committee Advances Smarter Sentencing Act

The Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday gave its imprimatur to the Smarter Sentencing Act, approving the bill and sending it on to a Senate floor vote. The bill...
January 29, 2014
Whitehouse.gov and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 2

Whitehouse.gov and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 2

Continuing from Part 1 of my What the FAQ?, in regards to Whitehouse.gov’s rather exhaustive (and highly biased) FAQ section on marijuana: Question: Isn’t marijuana generally harmless? From the...
January 28, 2014
Whitehouse.gov and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 1

Whitehouse.gov and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 1

Obama’s recent bombshell comments on marijuana fired up my curiosity to do a bit more digging. Whitehouse.gov has quite an exhaustive (and highly biased) FAQ section on...
January 27, 2014
Holder Says Marijuana Banking Rules Coming Soon

Holder Says Marijuana Banking Rules Coming Soon

Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday that the Obama administration would soon announce regulations that would allow banks to do business with legal marijuana businesses. Financial institutions have been scared...
January 24, 2014
Book Review Essay: The Drug War Past, Present, and Future

Book Review Essay: The Drug War Past, Present, and Future

Drugs, Crime, and Violence: From Trafficking to Treatment by Howard Rahtz (2013, Hamilton Press, 141 pp., $25.98 PB Amazon) The Drug Wars in America, 1940-1973 by Kathleen Frydl (2013,...
January 22, 2014
Bill Gates Backs Marijuana Legalization In His State

Bill Gates Backs Marijuana Legalization In His State

Bill Gates told Buzzfeed he voted yes on I-502 to legalize recreational marijuana in his home state of Washington in 2012, but would not answer if he’s...
January 15, 2014
WI: Marijuana Legalization to Appear on Dane County Ballot

WI: Marijuana Legalization to Appear on Dane County Ballot

Dane County, Wisconsin is putting a non-binding question to voters this spring, asking residents if they want marijuana legalized.
January 14, 2014
The Undergreen Railroad: Helping Patients Relocate for Cannabis Access

The Undergreen Railroad: Helping Patients Relocate for Cannabis Access

Ladybud profiles The Undergreen Railroad, a new organization forming in response to a need that is becoming more and more common: help in relocating cannabis consumers to a...
January 13, 2014
Cruz Attacks Obama for Not Locking Up CO Marijuana Users

Cruz Attacks Obama for Not Locking Up CO Marijuana Users

Texas Senator Ted Cruz criticized Obama for not locking up Colorado marijuana users for violating federal law.