Tag: drug policy

(537 posts)
April 7, 2014
City Ban on Pot Gardens Upheld in Wash. State

City Ban on Pot Gardens Upheld in Wash. State

Medical marijuana is still illegal in Washington state, an appeals court ruled as it upheld the City of Kent’s ban on medical marijuana collective gardens. The Cannabis...
April 7, 2014
Eric Holder Would Be ‘Glad to Work With Congress’ to Reschedule Marijuana

Eric Holder Would Be ‘Glad to Work With Congress’ to Reschedule Marijuana

Under the federal Controlled Substances Act, the attorney general has the authority to “remove any drug or other substance from the schedules if he finds that the...
April 4, 2014
Maryland House Judiciary Committee Kills Decriminalization Bills

Maryland House Judiciary Committee Kills Decriminalization Bills

Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee neutered two marijuana policy reform bills. Instead of considering the proposed policies on their merits, the committee completely amended the content of the bills...
April 3, 2014
Obama Needs to Slap Down His Rogue DEA Chief

Obama Needs to Slap Down His Rogue DEA Chief

DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart told a congressional committee today her agency is “fighting back” against Justice Department policies tolerating marijuana in states where it is legal. The...
April 3, 2014
Minnesota Patients Air TV Ad Attacking Gov. Dayton for Opposing Medical Marijuana

Minnesota Patients Air TV Ad Attacking Gov. Dayton for Opposing Medical Marijuana

A battle is underway in Minnesota, where Gov. Mark Dayton is standing in the way of an otherwise widely supported medical marijuana bill because he does not want...
April 2, 2014
New Jersey Marijuana Prosecutors Reverse Course, Say It’s Time to Legalize

New Jersey Marijuana Prosecutors Reverse Course, Say It’s Time to Legalize

The New Jersey State Municipal Prosecutors Association now officially supports legalizing the possession of marijuana, which is quite an unlikely source of support, since they are the...
March 31, 2014
Minnesota Medical Marijuana Patients Slam Governor

Minnesota Medical Marijuana Patients Slam Governor

On Wednesday, medical marijuana patients and advocates held an emotional press conference slamming Gov. Mark Dayton for bowing to law enforcement and stalling on a medical marijuana bill currently...
March 31, 2014
Congressional Research Service Discusses Dangers of Marijuana Prohibition

Congressional Research Service Discusses Dangers of Marijuana Prohibition

It’s a sobering thing to hear the Congressional Research Service accurately talk about the penalties of violating federal marijuana laws. Usually, they try to sugar coat things and act...
March 28, 2014
Michigan Medical Marijuana Bills Would Legalize “Medibles” and Dispensaries

Michigan Medical Marijuana Bills Would Legalize “Medibles” and Dispensaries

House bill 5104 passed 100 to 9 in favor of legalizing medical marijuana edibles “Medibles”.  State representative Eileen Kowall sponsored the legislation. The republican lawmaker from White Lake...
March 27, 2014
As California Moves To Ban Dabs, Washington Wants To Legalize

As California Moves To Ban Dabs, Washington Wants To Legalize

Last week, we learned that a bill in California’s state legislature could ban dispensaries from legally selling high-THC cannabis concentrates, and now, it appears Washington is taking the opposite...
By: Andy Cush
March 27, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.03.26)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.03.26)

Whew! Busy, busy, busy at the statehouse, with both traditional medical marijuana bills and newfangled CBD medical marijuana bills getting lots of attention. And more. Let’s get...
March 26, 2014
Poll: Marijuana Ballot Measures Likely to Increase Overall Voter Turnout

Poll: Marijuana Ballot Measures Likely to Increase Overall Voter Turnout

Marijuana-related initiatives are likely to increase voter turnout, according to polling data released by George Washington University. Nearly four out of ten participants in the nationwide survey said that...
March 26, 2014
Parents 4 Pot Ready to Grow

Parents 4 Pot Ready to Grow

After a whirlwind beginning, Parents 4 Pot founders have taken their next steps. Articles of Incorporation have been filed and approved. The group is now an official Nonprofit...
By: Anna Diaz
March 25, 2014
NORML Still Fighting to Legalize Medical Marijuana in Georgia

NORML Still Fighting to Legalize Medical Marijuana in Georgia

People hoping to legalize marijuana aren’t giving up after a crushing defeat in the legislature. The Peachtree NORML Conference brought together people hoping to legalize medical marijuana and...
March 25, 2014
Will the Justice Department Crack Down on Medical Marijuana?

Will the Justice Department Crack Down on Medical Marijuana?

Washington’s legislature ended its session without new restrictions on medical marijuana. The Justice Department indicated in a memo that it would allow legalization to proceed only if...
March 24, 2014
Washington: Lawmakers Pass Measure Allowing for Retail Sale of Marijuana Concentrates

Washington: Lawmakers Pass Measure Allowing for Retail Sale of Marijuana Concentrates

014 House and Senate lawmakers have overwhelmingly approved legislation, House Bill 2304, to allow for the retail sale of high-THC marijuana concentrates, such as extracts, waxes, and oils. The bill...
March 24, 2014
Marijuana Industry Finds Unlikely New Allies in Conservatives

Marijuana Industry Finds Unlikely New Allies in Conservatives

The work is largely about the federal government unnecessarily stifling an industry’s growth. Conservatives should be troubled when companies can’t claim tax deductions or keep cash in...
March 24, 2014
California Could Ban Dabs

California Could Ban Dabs

California, utopia of quasi-legal cannabis, could soon ban the super-potent cannabis extracts known as dabs. A bill in the state legislature aimed at regulating the state’s medical industry would...
By: Andy Cush
March 24, 2014
Oregon Rules Ban Edibles – The Community Responds

Oregon Rules Ban Edibles – The Community Responds

“The Oregon Health Authority released draft rules late Wednesday for medical-pot dispensaries to follow when they open as early as next week under a new law. Although...
By: Anna Diaz
March 21, 2014
Seattle Medical Marijuana Dispensary Is First In Washington State To Achieve National Certification

Seattle Medical Marijuana Dispensary Is First In Washington State To Achieve National Certification

014 The first medical marijuana dispensary in Washington State was certified today under a recently launched nationwide program that verifies the quality and reliability of products sold...