Tag: drug policy

(537 posts)
July 1, 2014
Bill Clinton Encourages States to Experiment With Marijuana Bills

Bill Clinton Encourages States to Experiment With Marijuana Bills

Former President Bill Clinton spoke Sunday on Meet the Press expressing his belief that states should ‘experiment’ with allowing adults to use marijuana recreationally, Washington Post reports....
July 1, 2014
Russell Brand (And Others) Ask Prime Minister to Decriminalize

Russell Brand (And Others) Ask Prime Minister to Decriminalize

Russell Brand, British comedian and former husband of Katy Perry, has joined with some 90 celebrities, health experts, lawyers and politicians (including Sir Richard Branson and Sting)...
July 1, 2014
A Brief History of Hemp in Colonial America

A Brief History of Hemp in Colonial America

The Leaf Online delves into the roots of hemp in American culture such as when and where it was first grown, as well as how it was used for industrial, medicinal, religious...
July 1, 2014
Philadelphia: City of Brotherly Love and Rogue Cops

Philadelphia: City of Brotherly Love and Rogue Cops

Things aren’t as sunny in Philadelphia as they may seem. Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey spoke out to announce his intention to continue arresting people for cannabis,...
By: Rae Lland
June 30, 2014
UK Bans Khat (Herb Safer Than Tobacco)

UK Bans Khat (Herb Safer Than Tobacco)

The UK government recently scheduled khat as a class C controlled substance, making it illegal to possess, grow or use. For some background, khat, a plant native...
June 30, 2014
Federal Bill Would Protect Cannabis Patients’ Gun Rights

Federal Bill Would Protect Cannabis Patients’ Gun Rights

Sen. John Walsh (D-MT) offered an amendment to Senate appropriations bill S. 2347 on June 19, which would stop the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) from targeting...
June 30, 2014
Why No One Should Care What the Pope Has to Say About Marijuana

Why No One Should Care What the Pope Has to Say About Marijuana

Why should anyone care what il Papa has to say on drug legalization of any kind anyway? The Catholic church never seriously addressed its open-armed position to...
June 26, 2014
USDA Releases Official Workplace Policy on Marijuana, Highlights State and Federal Law Conflict

USDA Releases Official Workplace Policy on Marijuana, Highlights State and Federal Law Conflict

In a memo obtained by NORML, released in late May, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) clarified their drug policy in light of the growing number...
June 23, 2014
Justice for Jacob Lavoro: A Look at Texas’ Mad Drug Laws

Justice for Jacob Lavoro: A Look at Texas’ Mad Drug Laws

Upon meeting Jacob and Kaci at a Texas NORML meeting at Flamingo Cantina on Wednesday June 4th, one can see that they are your average young couple,...
June 19, 2014
Hillary Clinton Changes Her Tune on Marijuana Policy

Hillary Clinton Changes Her Tune on Marijuana Policy

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seems to have changed her mind when it comes to marijuana policy, according to National Journal. Clinton had previously expressed that...
June 18, 2014
Recent Report Does the Impossible: Makes DEA Look Even Worse

Recent Report Does the Impossible: Makes DEA Look Even Worse

It’s not as if you needed another log to toss onto your “DEA is the Devil” bonfire, but a new report from the Drug Policy Alliance casts...
June 13, 2014
Virginia: A Sleeping Supporter of Medical Marijuana

Virginia: A Sleeping Supporter of Medical Marijuana

Despite being notoriously known for having some of the most conservative laws regarding cannabis, even Virginia has found itself following suit with the rest of the nation...
June 9, 2014
Colorado: Firing Quadriplegic Med MJ Patients Okay?

Colorado: Firing Quadriplegic Med MJ Patients Okay?

Brandon Coats never expected he would end up as the test case pitting Colorado’s medical marijuana laws against the right of employers to have zero-tolerance marijuana policies....
June 5, 2014
Federal Medical Marijuana Defendant Returns to Washington, D.C. to Lobby Senate Ahead of Imminent Vote

Federal Medical Marijuana Defendant Returns to Washington, D.C. to Lobby Senate Ahead of Imminent Vote

U.S. Senate could vote as early as next week on measure to restrict DOJ funds for medical marijuana enforcement Medical marijuana patient Larry Harvey, 70, has returned...
June 3, 2014
Medical Marijuana Scores Big House Win, But Still Faces Hurdles

Medical Marijuana Scores Big House Win, But Still Faces Hurdles

Cannabis reform won a historic vote in the House last week, which approved language blocking the federal government from interfering with state medical marijuana laws. However, backers said it’s too...
May 29, 2014
Ballot Question: Medical Marijuana Campaign Supporters in OK

Ballot Question: Medical Marijuana Campaign Supporters in OK

Republican gubernatorial candidate Dax Ewbank, who attended the rally, said legalized marijuana is one of those “taboo topics” in Oklahoma. He said if elected, he would legalize...
May 29, 2014
There’s More to Colorado Than Marijuana

There’s More to Colorado Than Marijuana

Colorado has certainly garnered a lot of attention since voters there decided to legalize marijuana in the 2012 election, but when it comes to drug reform, there’s...
May 28, 2014
Corporate Cannabis? Legal Marijuana Goes Legit

Corporate Cannabis? Legal Marijuana Goes Legit

In Washington State, where recreational marijuana is now legal, the Liquor Control Board hired Prof. Mark Kleiman of UCLA to research the state’s marijuana market. He estimated...
May 28, 2014
Oregonians Last Chance on Dispensary Rules

Oregonians Last Chance on Dispensary Rules

    Oregonians have a last chance this week to provide comments to the medical dispensary rules. Inspections on approved dispensaries have already begun. Meetings for public comments...
By: Anna Diaz
May 27, 2014
Group Planning Illinois Medical Marijuana Conference

Group Planning Illinois Medical Marijuana Conference

As the rules for a state medical marijuana pilot program are being finalized, a handful of people, including a doctor, a consultant and the vice president of a...