Tag: drug policy

(537 posts)
July 31, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.07.30)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.07.30)

A pair of federal bills get filed, California’s medical marijuana wars continue, Florida looks set to pass medical marijuana this fall, pressure is rising for New York...
July 31, 2014
Study: Arrests for Marijuana Offenses Increasing in Many States

Study: Arrests for Marijuana Offenses Increasing in Many States

Law enforcement in many states are making a greater number of marijuana arrests than ever before despite polling data showing that the majority of Americans believe that the adult...
July 31, 2014
What Obama Can Do to Loosen Marijuana Laws, Even Without Congress

What Obama Can Do to Loosen Marijuana Laws, Even Without Congress

In January, Jacob Sullum called bullshit on Barack Obama’s insistence that his administration had no control over how cannabis is classified. But can the stroke of an...
July 30, 2014
New York Lawmakers Want Faster Medical-Marijuana Process

New York Lawmakers Want Faster Medical-Marijuana Process

New York lawmakers urged Gov. Cuomo to consider different ways to get the drug to epileptic children and terminally ill patients more quickly, such as obtaining marijuana from other states....
July 30, 2014
Debunking the White House’s Reefer Mad Reaction to the NYT

Debunking the White House’s Reefer Mad Reaction to the NYT

The New York Times has joined the majority of US citizens in the call for a more rational marijuana policy. The White House responded with an attempt...
July 30, 2014
The Required White House Response on Marijuana

The Required White House Response on Marijuana

When the White House issued a statement last night saying that marijuana should remain illegal — responding to our pro-legalization editorial series — officials there weren’t just...
July 29, 2014
Five Things the “Straight” Business World Continues to Get Wrong About Marijuana

Five Things the “Straight” Business World Continues to Get Wrong About Marijuana

As the multi-billion dollar cannabis market transitions above ground, there is no shortage of conflict and confusion while investors and entrepreneurs scramble to get their hands in...
July 28, 2014
New York Times: End Federal Marijuana Prohibition

New York Times: End Federal Marijuana Prohibition

What is arguably the most influential and respected newspaper in the United States is ready to free the weed. In a Sunday editorial, the New York Times...
July 28, 2014
At Colorado’s Borders, a Dividing Line Over Marijuana

At Colorado’s Borders, a Dividing Line Over Marijuana

The legal marijuana market in Colorado has created a bonanza for “green entrepreneurs” and tax collectors in the state. At the same time, it has put pressure...
July 24, 2014
Sentencing Commission Cuts Up to 46,000 Drug War Prisoners’ Sentences

Sentencing Commission Cuts Up to 46,000 Drug War Prisoners’ Sentences

In a much anticipated move, the US Sentencing Commission last Friday voted unanimously to retroactively apply previously approved reductions in federal sentencing guidelines to federal drug war...
July 24, 2014
Dabless in Seattle?

Dabless in Seattle?

I must admit the suspense is killing me. It would appear that bad news is coming, but it’s just how bad that worries me. Legal weed is...
July 21, 2014
Alaska Will Vote on the Legalization of Recreational Marijuana in November

Alaska Will Vote on the Legalization of Recreational Marijuana in November

Since Colorado began selling legalized recreational marijuana January 1, 2014, and Washington followed on July 8, 2014, the rest of the country has been wondering which state...
July 21, 2014
DC Newspaper Will Pay Your Marijuana Fine

DC Newspaper Will Pay Your Marijuana Fine

A DC newspaper is eager to see how local law enforcement will be dealing with the recent marijuana decrim, so they’ve offered to pay the $25 fine for...
July 16, 2014
Sh%t The Feds Say: Weed Becomes More Dangerous When Legal

Sh%t The Feds Say: Weed Becomes More Dangerous When Legal

There is just something fundamentally unjust about demonizing a thing of which you have no experience. Nora Volkow, head of the National Institute for Drug Abuse, feels...
July 15, 2014
The White House Opposes Congressional Attempts to Hinder DC Marijuana Reform

The White House Opposes Congressional Attempts to Hinder DC Marijuana Reform

In a Statement of Administration Policy, released today, President Obama’s administration took a firm stance against recent efforts by Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) to restrict the District...
July 15, 2014
Benton Mackenzie: Terminal Cancer Patient Treated Like Cartel Boss

Benton Mackenzie: Terminal Cancer Patient Treated Like Cartel Boss

The American judicial system has displayed another staggering lack of humanity and compassion. Iowa resident and terminal cancer patient Benton Mackenzie faces up to three years in...
July 8, 2014
Schedule 1 Lunacy and Montana Weed

Schedule 1 Lunacy and Montana Weed

One group of hyper-conservative prohibitionists, going by the moniker of SafeMontana, illustrate yet another problem with roots in the irrational Schedule 1 status of cannabis.
July 3, 2014
Loophole Offers Potential Path for Some Minor League Players to Smoke Way Onto Major League Rosters

Loophole Offers Potential Path for Some Minor League Players to Smoke Way Onto Major League Rosters

Inside a minor league clubhouse this year, a player who had tested positive for marijuana a second time informed teammates of the 50-game suspension he would serve...
July 2, 2014
West Virginia’s Unevolved Approach to Cannabis

West Virginia’s Unevolved Approach to Cannabis

Marijuana prosecutions, in correlation with a softening national perception, are falling across the country. However, this is not true in every corner of America. Hancock county, West...
July 1, 2014
Filmmaker Eugene Jarecki Talks Drug Reform

Filmmaker Eugene Jarecki Talks Drug Reform

In a conference call this morning, filmmaker Eugene Jarecki discussed the impact of his award-winning drug war documentary The House I Live In and where we go...