Tag: Drug Policy Alliance

(29 posts)
July 2, 2013
Marijuana Debated at Aspen Ideas Festival

Marijuana Debated at Aspen Ideas Festival

In what should be an interesting debate today at the Aspen Ideas Festival today at 12:20 (eastern) Drug Policy Alliance director Ethan Nadelmann is debating former DEA administrator Asa Hutchinson. Youtube has live...
May 20, 2013
OAS Releases Historic Report on Drug Policy Alternatives

OAS Releases Historic Report on Drug Policy Alternatives

On Friday, the Organization of American States (OAS) released a ground-breaking report on hemispheric drug control that includes not only an assessment of the current state of...
April 25, 2013
White House 2013 National Drug Control Strategy Released

White House 2013 National Drug Control Strategy Released

The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP — the drug czar’s office) released its 2013 National Drug Control Strategy Wednesday. The strategy is being billed as a “21st...
April 19, 2013
DARE: Failing American Youth and Taxpayers for Thirty Years

DARE: Failing American Youth and Taxpayers for Thirty Years

With tongue firmly planted in her cheek, leading scholar, author and activist for youth drug education, Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D, from the Drug Policy Alliance, criticizes DARE’s ineffectiveness and expense for...
April 18, 2013
63% of District of Columbia Voters Support Marijuana Legalization

63% of District of Columbia Voters Support Marijuana Legalization

A poll released today by Public Policy Polling, funded by Marijuana Policy Project and Drug Policy Alliance, revealed that 63% of District of Columbia voters support taxing and regulating marijuana,...
February 6, 2013
Look Out, New York, It’s Randy Credico For Mayor!

Look Out, New York, It’s Randy Credico For Mayor!

New York City has earned itself the sobriquet of Marijuana Arrest Capital of the World, with tens of thousands of minor pot possession arrests every year —...
July 25, 2012
Washington Marijuana Initiative Has Good Week

Washington Marijuana Initiative Has Good Week

06:52pm This has been a good week for I-502, the Washington state initiative to legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana, and its sponsors, New Approach Washington. Over...
July 23, 2012
I-502, Washington’s Marijuana Bill Grabs 1.25 million in New Cash

I-502, Washington’s Marijuana Bill Grabs 1.25 million in New Cash

I-502, Washington’s initiative to legalize marijuana this November has recently received $1.25 million in new donations for a big TV ad buy in August. The money came from...
July 17, 2012
Mitchell Lawrence | Age 18 | Berkshire County, MA | March 2006

Mitchell Lawrence | Age 18 | Berkshire County, MA | March 2006

Guest Editorial: Injustice in Massachusetts — Two Years in Jail for One Joint 4/14/06 by Anthony Papa of 15yearstolife.com The drug war reached the pinnacle of cruelty when Mitchell...