Tag: drug policy

(537 posts)
June 30, 2015
Is the United Kingdom on the Verge of a Cannabis Revolution?

Is the United Kingdom on the Verge of a Cannabis Revolution?

Despite the report stating that cannabis use is down in the U.K., it seems to me the country is on the verge of a green revolution. David...
June 23, 2015
National Cannabis Bar Association Unites Attorneys

National Cannabis Bar Association Unites Attorneys

Shabnam Malek founded the National Cannabis Bar Association. The mission of the NCBA is to be, “a specialty bar association dedicated to providing attorneys in the cannabis...
June 22, 2015
Cops Raid Dispensary, Eat Edibles, Threaten Assault of Woman With Disability

Cops Raid Dispensary, Eat Edibles, Threaten Assault of Woman With Disability

Some cops in Santa Ana, California raided a marijuana dispensary. Apparently, one security camera went unnoticed by the raiders. This camera recorded video of the cops ingesting...
June 3, 2015
Sabet and SAM Issue Report Seemingly in Support of MMJ

Sabet and SAM Issue Report Seemingly in Support of MMJ

While on the surface it appears that SAM might be coming around to a modern understanding of cannabis with this report, I’m skeptical. I cannot disregard the...
May 27, 2015
Missouri Governor Hopefully Sets Trend By Commuting Sentence of Cannabis Convict

Missouri Governor Hopefully Sets Trend By Commuting Sentence of Cannabis Convict

Missouri Governor, Jay Nixon, commuted the sentence of Jeff Mizanskey, a 61 year old man who was serving a mandatory life sentence for violating a “three-strikes” rule.
May 20, 2015
Retired Texas Cop Touts Cannabis Decriminalization

Retired Texas Cop Touts Cannabis Decriminalization

A retired cop supporting cannabis? From Texas? If that isn’t compelling evidence that the times, they are a-changing, then I don’t know what will convince you.
May 19, 2015
Colorado Teen With Disability Suspended For Medical Cannabis

Colorado Teen With Disability Suspended For Medical Cannabis

A few days ago in Colorado, a teenage boy named Jaxon who has Dravet’s syndrome, a little known condition that causes frequent and long-lasting seizures and strikes...
May 5, 2015
Sonoma County, California, Wages Quiet War On Weed

Sonoma County, California, Wages Quiet War On Weed

Yarrow Kubrin was recently to be sentenced to four years in prison. His crime? He was growing medical cannabis in complete compliance with state laws.
May 4, 2015
It’s Time for Congress to Act on Cannabis Legalization

It’s Time for Congress to Act on Cannabis Legalization

What Judge Mueller did was an administrative passing of the ball to Congress. Judge Mueller felt the need to rule the way she did and risk disappointing...
April 29, 2015
Cannabis and Child Care: Why Discretion Is Key

Cannabis and Child Care: Why Discretion Is Key

My advice: discretion until they are 18. A recent story out of Kansas illustrates perfectly why I feel this way. An 11 year old boy who’s mother...
April 27, 2015
Back-Fire: How Getting Busted Made Me a Drug-Policy Activist

Back-Fire: How Getting Busted Made Me a Drug-Policy Activist

My experience, seeing the unfairness of the drug war laid bare before me, crystallized in my mind to form the nucleus of all my drug war efforts....
April 20, 2015
Vermont Lawmakers Threaten: Legalize Cannabis or Face Alcohol Prohibition

Vermont Lawmakers Threaten: Legalize Cannabis or Face Alcohol Prohibition

Vermont, you have stolen my heart. A group of Vermont lawmakers have threatened to reinstate alcohol prohibition unless a vote is passed to legalize cannabis.
April 15, 2015
Do Alcohol Companies Own the NFL?

Do Alcohol Companies Own the NFL?

One sponsorship group that would undoubtedly have an issue with a league that embraced cannabis immediately comes to mind: beer companies.
April 14, 2015
U.S. Government Finally Admits Cannabis Can Kill Cancer Cells

U.S. Government Finally Admits Cannabis Can Kill Cancer Cells

Many are screaming “hypocrisy,” and with good reason. How can the U.S. government continue to classify cannabis as a Schedule I drug while simultaneously admitting, at last,...
April 7, 2015
Challenge to NFL: Go Pro-Cannabis, Attract More Pro Talent

Challenge to NFL: Go Pro-Cannabis, Attract More Pro Talent

There is a steadily growing concern among current and former players that the NFL doesn’t really care about them as people, only caring insofar as the player...
April 7, 2015
Epileptic Australian Child Clings to Hope for Gov’t Cannabis Trial

Epileptic Australian Child Clings to Hope for Gov’t Cannabis Trial

Bethany is on a regimen of anti-epileptics and steroids that are causing her to gain unhealthy weight, have mood swings, insomnia and a compromised immune system.
April 6, 2015
Close the Fist, Open the Heart: Cannabis in Schools

Close the Fist, Open the Heart: Cannabis in Schools

Researchers studied the cannabis use rates at schools that had a suspension policy for illicit drugs versus schools that instead referred kids to counseling for drug infractions.
April 2, 2015
Obama Commutes 22 Drug Sentences, Instantly Doubling the Number of Commutations He’s Issued

Obama Commutes 22 Drug Sentences, Instantly Doubling the Number of Commutations He’s Issued

President Barack Obama commuted the sentences of 22 individuals on Tuesday, more than doubling the number of commutations he has issued in the six-plus years he’s been...
March 30, 2015
Racism Persists Even With Changing Attitudes About Cannabis

Racism Persists Even With Changing Attitudes About Cannabis

A shocking example of this comes in form of the arrest and subsequent abuse of business woman Kam Brock — a black woman who was pulled over...
By: Rae Lland
March 30, 2015
Why Not Try Medical Marijuana for Pets?

Why Not Try Medical Marijuana for Pets?

Last week, Nevada state Senator Tick Segerblom introduced a bill in the Nevada legislature that would allow pets to use medical marijuana.