Investigators discovered and busted a scheme that used the U.S. Postal Service to mail marijuana from Fort Collins, CO to places in Tennessee and West Virginia. Despite...
Nathaniel Harshman, now only 20 years old, has been sentenced to 5 years for working on a 477-plant marijuana grow operation in Alaska in 2011. This is...
After receiving an anonymous tip stating that there were cars parked in the local high school parking lot containing drugs, the St. Landry Parish (Louisiana) Sheriff’s Office...
Former Univ. of Montana quarterback Jason Washington is the latest casualty in the Obama Administration’s war on medical marijuana. Missoula, MT — Montana medical marijuana patient, cultivator and former...
The use of drugs should be decriminalized, with the least harmful substances regulated and sold in shops, a group of British parliamentarians said in a report released...
Amendment 64 has already legalized possession and use of marijuana for all adults. Many people have gone further, assuming that selling marijuana is no longer going to...
This month will see a number of patients sentenced, sent to prison despite compliance with state medical marijuana laws. Fallout from the Obama Administration’s aggressive federal enforcement...
#1 Colorado and Washington Vote To Legalize Marijuana Voters in Colorado and Washington made history by approving ballot measures allowing for the personal possession and consumption of cannabis by...
An opponent of legalization says it would exacerbate inequality in the United States. But he fails to account for the impact of jail time on inequality under...
012 Electronic Freedom Foundation board member and drug policy reform activist John Gilmore memo: EFF.ORG (where I’m on the board) filed a Freedom of Information request to FAA about...
012, 11:21am In some ways, 2012 has been a year of dramatic, exciting change in drug policy, as the edifice of global drug prohibition appears to crumble...
Cannabis Prohibition is ending in America (and likely soon around the world too). It is not going to end without prolonged legal, political and regulatory battles. This...
by Sabrina Fendrick, NORML Women’s Alliance, November 30, 2012 Patricia Spottedcrow, an Oklahoma woman who was sentenced to 12 years for selling $31 worth of pot, with...
A new study “California Youth Crime Plunges to All-Time Low” shows between 2010 and 2011, California experienced a drastic 20 percent decrease in juvenile crime, a level...
Arresting and prosecuting low-level marijuana offenders in New York City has little or no impact on law enforcement efforts to reduce violent crime, according to a study...
Prosecutors throughout Colorado and Washington state continue to dismiss hundreds of pending misdemeanor marijuana possession cases. On Thursday, Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey and City Attorney Doug Friednash announced that they...
Many wondered just what the exact effects of passing a marijuana legalization law would be. Some speculated no good would come of passing a state law while...
05:10pm The district attorney in Colorado’s Boulder County announced Wednesday he will dismiss all pending small-time marijuana and paraphernalia possession cases, saying that given overwhelming support...