Tag: dravet syndrome

(3 posts)
May 19, 2015
Colorado Teen With Disability Suspended For Medical Cannabis

Colorado Teen With Disability Suspended For Medical Cannabis

A few days ago in Colorado, a teenage boy named Jaxon who has Dravet’s syndrome, a little known condition that causes frequent and long-lasting seizures and strikes...
July 31, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.07.30)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.07.30)

A pair of federal bills get filed, California’s medical marijuana wars continue, Florida looks set to pass medical marijuana this fall, pressure is rising for New York...
July 25, 2014
9-Year-Old Girl’s Death Shines a Tragic Light on Medical Marijuana Debate

9-Year-Old Girl’s Death Shines a Tragic Light on Medical Marijuana Debate

Drug reform advocates across New York state are demanding emergency access to medical marijuana for critically ill patients after the death last week of a 9-year-old girl...