Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives one a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate...
Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. A yantra is a geometric pattern, such as a mandala, which may be used...
Will we one day take our weed pills as a preventative health measure? I have used cannabis medically and recreationally and, to be honest, the two uses...
Mantra are meditations of vibration and sound. One of these mantras is the sacred OM. Follow this simple exercise to embrace the restorative vibrations of the OM...
Diagnosed with breast cancer at a fairly young age, Xeni found herself genuinely contemplating death and dying, unsure of how, or even if, she would go on...
Coming from very potent strains, Sweet 603 doesn’t disappoint. She offers a very emotionally and mentally uplifting high, as well as nice pain relieving qualities.
Parents who have seen CBD oil offer their children, literally, a shot at a decent life, swear by marijuana’s efficacy. On the other side, opponents think that...
It was as if a whole pack of Jolly Ranchers matured into a refined, adult taste, ditched the sugar, and blended all together in a freshly-ground flower.
After stirring up a nationwide controversy over using medical cannabis on duty, Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer Ron Francis was found dead from an apparent suicide in...
Sacramento, CA — A new landmark study published last week by the peer-reviewed journal Drug and Alcohol Review refutes the long-held belief that abuse of California’s medical marijuana law is ubiquitous. The...
Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives us a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate...
In this issue of Endocannabinoid Profiles, the properties of anandamide are broken down and the therapeutic benefits are explored. Get to know this endocannabinoid (cannabinoid produced within the body), which can...
Deep breathing is an essential part of any meditation. ollow this simple exercise to bring yourself back to center and release any negative emotions which may be...
Mitch Earleywine, professor of psychology at SUNY Albany, doesn’t think marijuana leads to depression. “I think that giving folks Ritalin or any other stimulant in an effort to...
New evidence suggests beta-caryophyllene, a terpene in cannabis, may be effective for treating anxiety and depression. Although some compounds like THC activate both cannabinoid pathways — CB1 and...
With so many people suffering from depression, it comes as a relief to know that certain foods, including cannabis, can help alleviate the feeling by bringing mental...