A city official is under fire for berating a local resident and war veteran for his use of medical and recreational marijuana. After a heated, 2-hour debate on...
A federal judge hearing a case of nine men charged with illegally growing marijuana on federal land in California said Wednesday she was considering arguments that the...
The U.S. government claims marijuana is a dangerous, addictive drug with no medical benefits. But that claim will be up for debate Monday in California when a...
Alaska Common Ground is hosting a free public forum on Alaska’s marijuana legalization initiative, ballot measure 2. The forum will present a balanced panel with experts discussing...
Drug reform advocates across New York state are demanding emergency access to medical marijuana for critically ill patients after the death last week of a 9-year-old girl...
Marijuana proponents in the State of Alabama are working towards the port of legalization, but are currently tied at anchor by the resistance of marijuana prohibitionists. Efforts...
Delegates at the British Medical Association’s annual representative meeting in Harrogate are to debate whether cannabis should be legalized. “Existing drug policy is contradictory and ineffective. The...
In what could quite possibly be the best single photo summation of the legalize cannabis or not debate, a Dayton, Ohio newspaper published the following pages in...
The issue of legalizing medical marijuana will be debated at the next Village Square program of the Institute for Strategic Policy Solutions at St. Petersburg College. The program, “Medical...
Leading up to November’s election, marijuana policy is an increasingly hot topic in Maine. Voters in the city of Portland will soon decide whether or not possessing...
The Global Debate and Public Policy Challenge (GDPPC) has chosen “Rethinking Drugs” for its 2013-2014 theme. GDPPC is a written and oral policy competition for undergraduate students...
Something was conspicuously missing from that Fox News clip we posted earlier today, in which the anti-drug bishop Ron Allen rails against the “horrible” nature of a pro-cannabis ad...
In what should be an interesting debate today at the Aspen Ideas Festival today at 12:20 (eastern) Drug Policy Alliance director Ethan Nadelmann is debating former DEA administrator Asa Hutchinson. Youtube has live...
As one of your resident Washington State marijuana journalists (that’s a thing now!), I wanted to say a little about how WA has fared since the passionately discussed...
The University of Nebraska – Lincoln is scheduled to host a marijuana legalization debate February 7th, at 7:30 pm. Steve Hager, long-time editor of High Times, will face...
State Representative Mike Callton, R-Nashville, and Portage City Commissioner Phil Stinchcomb, will be part of a discussion about the recreational use of marijuana in a debate put on...
Next Tuesday, three voters in three states — Colorado, Oregon, and Washington — will be deciding on statewide ballot measures to legalize the adult possession, use, and...
Demonstrating the contentiousness of the issue and the passion of activists on both sides, a Yes on Initiative 502 rally sponsored by New Approach Washington, at the...
Jonathan Martin of the Seattle Times has outlined upcoming marijuana legalization debates for Initiative 502 (I-502). Here’s the list from his original post: Upcoming Washington Marijuana Legalization...