Tag: controlled substances act

(93 posts)
August 15, 2013
Video: Sanjay Gupta & Montel Williams Rail Against Fed’s Hypocrisy

Video: Sanjay Gupta & Montel Williams Rail Against Fed’s Hypocrisy

Montel Williams joined Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Piers Morgan Live to continue the discussion of the federal government’s hypocrisy regarding medical marijuana. Dr. Gupta has been on...
July 16, 2013
Advocates Appeal Marijuana’s Federal Status to Supreme Court

Advocates Appeal Marijuana’s Federal Status to Supreme Court

Patient advocacy group argues that over 200 peer-reviewed studies are more than adequate to show medical efficacy. Medical marijuana patient advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA)...
July 12, 2013
Obama Administration Brought 80 Percent More Medical Marijuana Cases Than Bush

Obama Administration Brought 80 Percent More Medical Marijuana Cases Than Bush

As reported on Politix, the Obama administration has imprisoned almost as many medical marijuana growers in the first 6.5 years of this administration, as in the entire...
July 11, 2013
Taking the Human-Cannabis Relationship Seriously in Health Science & Public Policy

Taking the Human-Cannabis Relationship Seriously in Health Science & Public Policy

Here is the full text of my planned comments during Friday, The Science of Medical Cannabis panel at ASA’s National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference, 2/22-25/13, Washington, D.C. now published in Frontiers in...
June 17, 2013
NYU Psilocybin Cancer Anxiety Study May Help Change Schedule I Status

NYU Psilocybin Cancer Anxiety Study May Help Change Schedule I Status

NYU is conducting a study, supporting earlier UCLA and Hopkins studies, that even a single does of psilocybin, a psychoactive compound found in magic mushrooms, had decreased cancer-related anxiety and increased patients’ sense of well-being,...
May 20, 2013
Worth Repeating: National Cancer Institute Says Pot Fights Cancer

Worth Repeating: National Cancer Institute Says Pot Fights Cancer

Last year, the National Cancer Institute, “the U.S. government’s principal agency for cancer research,” created a stir by publishing the truth: the molecules found in pot kill breast...
May 9, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.08)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.08)

Marijuana rescheduling is headed for the US Supreme Court, the California Supreme Court upheld local dispensary bans, the feds strike again in Berkeley and Washington state, and...
April 30, 2013
CNN Money Describes the Secrecy of Legal Marijuana Banking

CNN Money Describes the Secrecy of Legal Marijuana Banking

In a great comprehensive article on CNN Money, Jose Pagliery describes the secret banking methods used by medical marijuana dispensaries and other businesses involved in legal marijuana sales....
April 22, 2013
Why It’s So Hard for Scientists to Study Medical Marijuana

Why It’s So Hard for Scientists to Study Medical Marijuana

The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 placed marijuana in the most restrictive use category, Schedule I, deeming it a drug with no medicinal value and high potential...
April 19, 2013
Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske: No State Can Nullify Federal Marijuana Ban

Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske: No State Can Nullify Federal Marijuana Ban

President Barack Obama’s drug czar, Gil Kerlikowske, toed a strict line on marijuana Wednesday, saying federal laws will prevail, regardless of state-level efforts to legalize pot.
April 15, 2013
House Members File Bipartisan “Respect State Marijuana Laws Act”

House Members File Bipartisan “Respect State Marijuana Laws Act”

A bi-partisan group of US representatives led by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) Friday introduced legislation that would end the enforcement of federal marijuana laws in states that...
April 15, 2013
Report: No Easy Options for Feds in Legal Marijuana States

Report: No Easy Options for Feds in Legal Marijuana States

A new report prepared for Congress from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) concludes the feds have no easy options to fight Washington & Colorado on legal marijuana, as it...
March 13, 2013
Take Action to End Marijuana Prohibition!

Take Action to End Marijuana Prohibition!

Last month, Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) introduced legislation, House Resolution 499, which would effectively end the federal prohibition on marijuana and allow states to set their own...
March 6, 2013
Congressman: Ex-DEA Chiefs ‘Arrogant’ to Press for Pot Law Nullification

Congressman: Ex-DEA Chiefs ‘Arrogant’ to Press for Pot Law Nullification

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) on Tuesday blasted 8 former heads of the DEA for pressuring the Obama administration to crack down on laws legalizing the recreational use...
March 1, 2013
Oakland Vies for Another Drag in Dispensary Fight

Oakland Vies for Another Drag in Dispensary Fight

Barred from stopping the shutdown of a medical marijuana dispensary, the city of Oakland asked a federal judge to stay proceedings pending its appeal. U.S. Magistrate Maria...
February 28, 2013
Blumenauer Pushes States Rights’ Medical Marijuana Bill in Congress

Blumenauer Pushes States Rights’ Medical Marijuana Bill in Congress

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) Monday gave a public coming out event for a bill designed to stop federal government interference with medical marijuana patients and providers in...
January 29, 2013
FDA Panel Wants Tighter Controls on Pain Relievers

FDA Panel Wants Tighter Controls on Pain Relievers

A US Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted last Friday to recommend that popular pain relievers containing the opioid hydrocodone be moved from Schedule III to Schedule II...
January 28, 2013
Oregon Bill Would Make Cigarettes Controlled Substances

Oregon Bill Would Make Cigarettes Controlled Substances

An Oregon lawmaker has introduced a bill that would make cigarettes a Schedule III controlled substance. That means it would be illegal to possess or distribute cigarettes...
January 23, 2013

Federal Court Denies Petition to Reschedule Marijuana

In a 28-page decision, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has denied petitioners’ request to overturn the July 2011 denial by the...
January 16, 2013
California Medical Pot Card Carrier Can Recover Seized Stash in Arizona

California Medical Pot Card Carrier Can Recover Seized Stash in Arizona

The Yuma County sheriff must return marijuana seized from a woman at a Border Patrol checkpoint because she has a medical card, an Arizona appeals court ruled....