Tag: colombia

(16 posts)
August 15, 2014
Colombia President Supports Allowing Medical Marijuana

Colombia President Supports Allowing Medical Marijuana

Colombia’s President, Juan Manuel Santos, signaled his support Thursday for a bill that would allow the medical use of marijuana, which the Colombian Congress will debate in...
April 4, 2014
Guatemalan President Will Present Plan to Legalize Marijuana, Opium Production

Guatemalan President Will Present Plan to Legalize Marijuana, Opium Production

Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina said Wednesday his country could present a plan before year’s end to legalize the production of marijuana and opium poppies. His comments...
September 30, 2013
Latin American Leaders Talk Drug Reform at UN

Latin American Leaders Talk Drug Reform at UN

Once again, the United Nations’ General Assembly meeting in New York City has become a forum for calls for drug reform. Leaders from Latin America took the...
August 9, 2013
Miami Federal Prosecutor Called on Misconduct in Drug Cases

Miami Federal Prosecutor Called on Misconduct in Drug Cases

Special to Drug War Chronicle by Houston-based investigative journalist Clarence Walker, cwalkerinvestigate@gmail.com Part 6 in a series, “Prosecutorial Misconduct and Police Corruption in Drug Cases Across America.” There...
May 20, 2013
OAS Releases Historic Report on Drug Policy Alternatives

OAS Releases Historic Report on Drug Policy Alternatives

On Friday, the Organization of American States (OAS) released a ground-breaking report on hemispheric drug control that includes not only an assessment of the current state of...
May 9, 2013
Colombia Using Marijuana to Cure Drug Addicts

Colombia Using Marijuana to Cure Drug Addicts

Bogota, Colombia has a huge problem with bazuco, a cheap and extremely addictive derivative of cocaine. The city is now experimenting with using marijuana to cure drug...
April 2, 2013
Weed: Colombia’s Newest Weapon in the Fight Against Drug Addiction

Weed: Colombia’s Newest Weapon in the Fight Against Drug Addiction

Basuco, Colombia’s answer to crack cocaine, is a problem in Bogota. With an estimated .1 percent of the city addicted to the cheap, smokeable, insanely impure cocaine...
By: Andy Cush
February 1, 2013
Colombia Set to Decriminalize Ecstasy, Meth

Colombia Set to Decriminalize Ecstasy, Meth

Colombian Minister for Justice and Law, Ruth Stella Correa, said Wednesday that the government will propose decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of synthetic drugs, such as...
January 24, 2013
Colombia’s FARC Wants Legal Coca Cultivation

Colombia’s FARC Wants Legal Coca Cultivation

In peace talks in Havana Tuesday, Colombia’s FARC guerrillas called on the Colombian government to consider legalizing coca cultivation. The proposal was part of the FARC’s broader proposal...
December 26, 2012
World Marijuana Laws: Where To Smoke Weed

World Marijuana Laws: Where To Smoke Weed

Recreational marijuana use has long been the subject of heated debate, and laws regulating cannabis consumption vary greatly from country to country.
December 11, 2012
Breaking the Taboo, Narrated by Morgan Freeman #BreakTheTaboo

Breaking the Taboo, Narrated by Morgan Freeman #BreakTheTaboo

Breaking the Taboo, narrated by Morgan Freeman #BreakTheTaboo Breaking the Taboo is a must-see documentary arguing to end the failed War on Drugs (#BreakTheTaboo). Produced by Sam...
September 27, 2012
Latin Americans at UN Seek Drug Policy Debate

Latin Americans at UN Seek Drug Policy Debate

06:51pm Wednesday’s United Nations General Assembly session saw not one, not two, but three Latin American heads of state call on it to promote debate on...
September 24, 2012
Colombia Okays Prescriptions for Addicts in Bogota

Colombia Okays Prescriptions for Addicts in Bogota

02:09am President Juan Manuel Santos has given the go-ahead to Bogota Mayor Gustavo Petro’s plan to prescribe otherwise illicit drugs to addicts in the Colombian capital,...
September 7, 2012
Colombia, FARC Rebels Set Peace Talks

Colombia, FARC Rebels Set Peace Talks

05:54pm For the first time in nearly a decade, the Colombian government will sit down for peace talks with the Marxist guerrillas of the FARC, which...
August 30, 2012
Book Review: Drugs, Insecurity, and Failed States: The Problems of Prohibition

Book Review: Drugs, Insecurity, and Failed States: The Problems of Prohibition

03:55pm Drugs, Insecurity, and Failed States: The Problems of Prohibition, by Nigel Inkster and Virginia Comolli (2012, Adelphi, 163 pages) Longtime readers of Drug War Chronicle...
August 23, 2012
Chronicle Book Review: The FARC

Chronicle Book Review: The FARC

01:10pm The FARC: The Longest Insurgency, by Garry Leech (2011, Zed Press, 178 pages) The FARC (the Spanish-language acronym for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia)...