Tag: colleges

(47 posts)
January 29, 2013
NCAA to Tighten Up Marijuana Testing, But Reduce Penalties

NCAA to Tighten Up Marijuana Testing, But Reduce Penalties

The NCAA is reducing the threshold for a positive result for marijuana, meaning that student athletes who smoke pot are more likely to be caught. At the...
December 3, 2012
University Bans Student NORML Chapter From School Logo Use On T-shirts

University Bans Student NORML Chapter From School Logo Use On T-shirts

Iowa State University has rescinded permission for NORML ISU, its campus chapter, to use the Cy logo (school mascot) on its T-shirts. On the front is “NORML ISU,”...
November 28, 2012
Protecting Your Rights in a College Dorm

Protecting Your Rights in a College Dorm

11:49am Over at Flex Your Rights, we’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about how to protect your rights when you’re living in a college dorm....
November 13, 2012
Will CO and WA Campuses Change Their Marijuana Policies?

Will CO and WA Campuses Change Their Marijuana Policies?

04:38pm A USA Today article predicts colleges in Colorado and Washington won’t be changing their marijuana policies soon: “If someone thinks they are going to walk around...
September 18, 2012
Pepperdine University Denies Student Internship at MPP

Pepperdine University Denies Student Internship at MPP

Last week, the deans of Seaver College internship program at Pepperdine University officially refused to approve the application of sophomore political science major Victoria Stanzione to intern...
September 6, 2012
College Campus Marijuana Flyer: Who is Calling ‘Bullshit’?

College Campus Marijuana Flyer: Who is Calling ‘Bullshit’?

A Reddit user shared the above photo from their college campus, Wentworth Institute of Technology. I am not advocating cannabis usage by minors or abuse by anyone....
July 30, 2012
Marijuana Dispensaries in North Hollywood Do NOT Impact Crime

Marijuana Dispensaries in North Hollywood Do NOT Impact Crime

In light of the recent LA City Council ban, Patch investigates the actual impact of medical marijuana dispensaries in North Hollywood. They cite a new UCLA and National Institute...