Tag: colleges

(47 posts)
December 6, 2013
Scientist Who Discovered THC Receives Honorary Degree

Scientist Who Discovered THC Receives Honorary Degree

Raphael Mechoulam, the scientist who first isolated and synthesized THC, received an honorary degree.
October 29, 2013
Petition – Change the SUNY New Paltz Marijuana Policy

Petition – Change the SUNY New Paltz Marijuana Policy

Please sign this petition to change the SUNY New Paltz marijuana policy if you think students shouldn’t be expelled for marijuana.
September 27, 2013
Legalization Debate Held at Wichita State University

Legalization Debate Held at Wichita State University

Jack Cole of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) was set to debate local law enforcement at Wichita State University yesterday, but no local law enforcement showed up....
September 16, 2013
Forced Drug Tests for College Students a No-No, Judge Rules

Forced Drug Tests for College Students a No-No, Judge Rules

A US district court judge in Missouri ruled Friday that a technical college violated the Fourth Amendment’s protections against unreasonable searches and seizures when it ordered all students...
September 13, 2013
Global Student Paper Competition Taking on Drug Policies

Global Student Paper Competition Taking on Drug Policies

The Global Debate and Public Policy Challenge (GDPPC) has chosen “Rethinking Drugs” for its 2013-2014 theme. GDPPC is a written and oral policy competition for undergraduate students...
September 4, 2013
Drafting without Drafts: Fantasy Football 2013

Drafting without Drafts: Fantasy Football 2013

  Football is finally back!!! College football started last week and the big boys kick-off on Thursday. I must admit though, what I am really stoked about is the Fantasy...
July 30, 2013
SSDP Presents Campus Drug Policy Gradebook

SSDP Presents Campus Drug Policy Gradebook

SSDP (Students for Sensible Drug Policy) recently announced their Campus Drug Policy Gradebook. The drug and alcohol policies of the top 300 schools in the country according...
By: Lateralus
June 17, 2013
NYU Psilocybin Cancer Anxiety Study May Help Change Schedule I Status

NYU Psilocybin Cancer Anxiety Study May Help Change Schedule I Status

NYU is conducting a study, supporting earlier UCLA and Hopkins studies, that even a single does of psilocybin, a psychoactive compound found in magic mushrooms, had decreased cancer-related anxiety and increased patients’ sense of well-being,...
May 6, 2013
California Marijuana DUI Case Results in Victory for USC Student

California Marijuana DUI Case Results in Victory for USC Student

A USC senior recently beat marijuana DUI charges with a 9-3 verdict. Her defense attorney demonstrated she could operate a motor vehicle with the same caution characteristic...
May 6, 2013
Study Adds to Evidence That Cigarettes Are a Gateway Drug to Marijuana

Study Adds to Evidence That Cigarettes Are a Gateway Drug to Marijuana

The Pediatric Academic Societies’ (PAS) most recent study of 315 college students “supports the theory that cigarettes are a gateway drug to marijuana” because they found tobacco...
April 26, 2013
Harvard Law School Offers ‘Tax Planning for Marijuana Dealers’ — No Joke

Harvard Law School Offers ‘Tax Planning for Marijuana Dealers’ — No Joke

As part of Harvard’s April 24th Tax Policy Seminar hosted by Professor Stephen Shay, American University Law School Professor Benjamin Leff presented a paper with the unvarnished title: Tax Planning for Marijuana Dealers.
April 22, 2013
Marijuana Prohibition Now Costs The Government $20 Billion A Year

Marijuana Prohibition Now Costs The Government $20 Billion A Year

Marijuana prohibition now costs state and federal government as much as $20 billion a year, an economist told The Huffington Post — and legalization efforts are only...
April 1, 2013
Cannabis and Athletics – The Tyrann Mathieu Debacle

Cannabis and Athletics – The Tyrann Mathieu Debacle

I’d like to take a moment and talk about marijuana and athletics. I was reading the news today and came across this article about Tyrann Mathieu, a former...
March 27, 2013
Federal Court Again Blocks Missouri College Drug Testing Plan

Federal Court Again Blocks Missouri College Drug Testing Plan

For the second time, a Missouri federal district court judge has granted a preliminary injunction blocking Linn State Technical College from drug testing all first-year and some returning students....
March 26, 2013
Oregon State Offers World’s First industrial Hemp Course

Oregon State Offers World’s First industrial Hemp Course

Oregon State University’s (OSU) College of Forestry and Department of Wood Science and Engineering have announced a new Ecampus course covering all aspects of industrial hemp. Beginning...
By: Anna Diaz
March 12, 2013
CU Boulder to Shut Down 4/20 Smoke-Out Again

CU Boulder to Shut Down 4/20 Smoke-Out Again

The University of Colorado – Boulder, once famed for its 4/20 smoke-out (and great student-grown buds), has announced that it will once again be closing the campus...
March 11, 2013
Drug War Symposium, Cardozo Law School, NYC – 3/13

Drug War Symposium, Cardozo Law School, NYC – 3/13

I am presenting at a symposium sponsored by the Cardozo Public Law, Policy and Ethics Journal, “The War on Drugs: Working Toward a Ceasefire,” this Wednesday 3/13...
February 27, 2013
Caltech Prof: If All Science Were Run Like Marijuana Research, Creationists Would Control Paleontology

Caltech Prof: If All Science Were Run Like Marijuana Research, Creationists Would Control Paleontology

In the face of obstacles to marijuana research from both the Drug Enforcement Administration and the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a theoretical physicist at the California Institute of Technology and...
February 22, 2013
UMass Professor Blocked From Growing Marijuana For Medical Research

UMass Professor Blocked From Growing Marijuana For Medical Research

Although Massachusetts is now the 18th state to allow medical marijuana, an agriculture professor at UMass Amherst who studies medicinal plants has been trying for over ten...
January 30, 2013
Nebraska – UNL to Host Marijuana Legalization Debate

Nebraska – UNL to Host Marijuana Legalization Debate

The University of Nebraska – Lincoln is scheduled to host a marijuana legalization debate February 7th, at 7:30 pm. Steve Hager, long-time editor of High Times, will face...