Tag: children

(192 posts)
February 2, 2015
Father Jailed for Giving Cannabis to Extremely Ill Daughter

Father Jailed for Giving Cannabis to Extremely Ill Daughter

Adam’s daughter, Rumer, is 2 years old and suffers from stage 4 neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a severe cancer that begins in the nerve tissue and causes significant...
January 27, 2015
Battle for Medical Cannabis: 9 Year Old Alexis Bortell vs. Texas

Battle for Medical Cannabis: 9 Year Old Alexis Bortell vs. Texas

Nine year old Alexis Bortell is making waves in Texas as she fights for the legalization of cannabis to help her combat her epilepsy. Alexis has been...
January 23, 2015
Girl, 9, Takes Medical Marijuana Fight to Texas Capitol

Girl, 9, Takes Medical Marijuana Fight to Texas Capitol

With the help of a “Team Alexis” Facebook page and branded merchandise to fund the effort, Alexis, who is fighting a life and death battle against epilepsy, has taken...
January 19, 2015
Chloe Grauer-Lea, TN 3-Year-Old, Dies Waiting for CBD Oil

Chloe Grauer-Lea, TN 3-Year-Old, Dies Waiting for CBD Oil

Chloe laid in a hospital bed while her parents lobbied Tennessee law makers to approve CBD oil for use in the state. Characteristically, politicians did a whole...
January 13, 2015
Crystal Meth Rampant in Australia: Cannabis Could Help

Crystal Meth Rampant in Australia: Cannabis Could Help

In the past four years, use of “ice” has doubled, and a correlating spike in violent crime has come along with it.
January 7, 2015
Georgia Middle School Teacher Charged for Letting Students Smoke Weed

Georgia Middle School Teacher Charged for Letting Students Smoke Weed

A Chereokee middle school teacher may face up to three misdemeanor charges involving the use of cannabis and allowing for minors to use cannabis. 40 year old...
December 30, 2014
Illinois Medical Marijuana Rules Include Access for Children

Illinois Medical Marijuana Rules Include Access for Children

The youth of Illinois may be prohibited from smoking weed, but once the state’s medical marijuana program goes into effect at the beginning of the year, children...
December 23, 2014
Parents 4 Pot Holiday Drive Lets You Help Drug War Victims

Parents 4 Pot Holiday Drive Lets You Help Drug War Victims

Now in its second year, the drive focuses on helping families that have been hurt by the war on cannabis. These families struggle to survive every day,...
By: Anna Diaz
December 22, 2014
Pasadena Firefighters Hold Fundraiser for Cannabis

Pasadena Firefighters Hold Fundraiser for Cannabis

Pasadena firefighters recently held a fundraiser to help mitigate the medical costs of 3 year old Cecelia von Harz, the daughter of one of the county’s fireman.
December 18, 2014
Seattle Teacher Accused of Buying Cannabis for a Student

Seattle Teacher Accused of Buying Cannabis for a Student

A teacher in Seattle surrendered his teaching certificate after allegedly purchasing cannabis for a student after school hours at a medical clinic.
December 17, 2014
Teen Marijuana Use Falls as More States Legalize

Teen Marijuana Use Falls as More States Legalize

Teen alcohol and drug use — including marijuana use — was down across the board in 2014. That’s the big take-home from the 2014 Monitoring the Future study...
December 16, 2014
Epilepsy, CBD and Placebos, Oh My!

Epilepsy, CBD and Placebos, Oh My!

With science, medical science in particular, it is important to be able to replicate results with a certain degree of certainty before anything can be viewed as...
December 10, 2014
Cannabis for Kids, Are There Other Applications?

Cannabis for Kids, Are There Other Applications?

Parents who have seen CBD oil offer their children, literally, a shot at a decent life, swear by marijuana’s efficacy. On the other side, opponents think that...
December 2, 2014
Colorado Health Officials Recommend Grants for 8 Cannabis Studies

Colorado Health Officials Recommend Grants for 8 Cannabis Studies

Health officials in Colorado have recommended funding for eight studies on the safety and health effects of cannabis.
November 26, 2014
“Faces of Cannabis” Seeks to Redefine America’s Perception

“Faces of Cannabis” Seeks to Redefine America’s Perception

Over a year ago, photographer Nichole Montanez began a project titled “Faces of Cannabis.” Her mission is to share the truth of what medical cannabis has done...
November 19, 2014
New Study on Cannabis and Teens: Pot Not Detriment to IQ

New Study on Cannabis and Teens: Pot Not Detriment to IQ

Opponents of legalization have, for a couple of years, been spouting off that marijuana use (especially among teens) is responsible for a drop in IQ. This argument...
November 17, 2014
Eastern Washington MJ DUIs On the Rise… Maybe

Eastern Washington MJ DUIs On the Rise… Maybe

In the somewhat small Eastern Washington town of Spokane Valley, there is a rise in marijuana-related DUIs.
November 13, 2014
Colorado High School and the Gravity Bong Lockdown

Colorado High School and the Gravity Bong Lockdown

A Colorado high school went into modified lockdown after a student apparently took a big hit off a gravity bong.
November 7, 2014
Justice for Alexandria Hill, Removed From Parents for Marijuana and Murdered in Foster Care

Justice for Alexandria Hill, Removed From Parents for Marijuana and Murdered in Foster Care

This week, Alexandria Hill received justice when a jury found her foster mother Sherill Small guilty of capital murder. She was removed from her parent’s custody because they naively...
November 6, 2014
Spice “Synthetic Marijuana” ER Visits on the Rise

Spice “Synthetic Marijuana” ER Visits on the Rise

After writing an article about synthetic marijuana, or spice, this past October I was not at all surprised when I read about a new study indicating that...