Tag: brain

(36 posts)
July 6, 2015
Praying Nuns and Psychedelic Drug Users Share Brain Similarities

Praying Nuns and Psychedelic Drug Users Share Brain Similarities

Neuroscientist, Andrew Newberg recently compared brain scans of psychedelic drug users to those of nuns who practiced something called “centering prayer” which is meant to aim at...
May 19, 2015
New Study From Spain: Cannabis May Create False Memories

New Study From Spain: Cannabis May Create False Memories

A new study out of Spain sought to explore the finer points of how cannabis affects memory. The participants were shown a series of words, then later...
April 14, 2015
U.S. Government Finally Admits Cannabis Can Kill Cancer Cells

U.S. Government Finally Admits Cannabis Can Kill Cancer Cells

Many are screaming “hypocrisy,” and with good reason. How can the U.S. government continue to classify cannabis as a Schedule I drug while simultaneously admitting, at last,...
April 7, 2015
Challenge to NFL: Go Pro-Cannabis, Attract More Pro Talent

Challenge to NFL: Go Pro-Cannabis, Attract More Pro Talent

There is a steadily growing concern among current and former players that the NFL doesn’t really care about them as people, only caring insofar as the player...
February 17, 2015
Study Suggests Possible Link Between Mania and Cannabis Use

Study Suggests Possible Link Between Mania and Cannabis Use

Apparently, researchers at the University of Warwick believe they have uncovered a “significant” link between cannabis use and mania symptoms. They suggest that their findings show cannabis...
January 22, 2015
European Activism: The Medical Cannabis Bike Tour

European Activism: The Medical Cannabis Bike Tour

The Medical Cannabis Bike Tour is a non-profit organization riding to change the way marijuana is perceived in Europe. In November, it handed over 100,000 Euros to...
January 20, 2015
Why Pot Affects Everyone Differently

Why Pot Affects Everyone Differently

A study from 2013, conducted by researchers from Melbourne to Barcelona, figured that different genes affect the influence of cannabis on the brain, and while performing all...
December 29, 2014
Stoner Philosophy: The Great Pairing of Weed and Wisdom

Stoner Philosophy: The Great Pairing of Weed and Wisdom

Not all philosophy students evolve into weed smoking and Socrates-quoting free spirits. But, in my experience, many do.
December 11, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Larry OG

My Favorite Strains: Larry OG

Upon first inhalation, the earthiness comes out in true OG strain form, followed by a slight piney, lemon hint. Hit after hit, the flavor seems to deepen.
November 26, 2014
Cannabis: The Archenemy of Brain Tumors

Cannabis: The Archenemy of Brain Tumors

Dr. Wai Liu, senior author of this study out of the University of London found through trials in mice that THC and CBD in tandem with radiation...
November 20, 2014
Marijuana Drastically Shrinks Aggressive Form of Brain Cancer, New Study Finds

Marijuana Drastically Shrinks Aggressive Form of Brain Cancer, New Study Finds

Over the past few years, research has revealed that marijuana can both destroy certain cancer cells and reduce the growth of others. Now, a new study in...
November 19, 2014
New Study on Cannabis and Teens: Pot Not Detriment to IQ

New Study on Cannabis and Teens: Pot Not Detriment to IQ

Opponents of legalization have, for a couple of years, been spouting off that marijuana use (especially among teens) is responsible for a drop in IQ. This argument...
November 17, 2014
KannaLife Sciences Creating Cannabis Treatment for NFL Players

KannaLife Sciences Creating Cannabis Treatment for NFL Players

KannaLife is moving forward on a derivation of CBD for NFL players. What sets KannaLife Sciences apart from the vast majority of potrepreneurs is that they hold...
November 7, 2014
Marvin Washington, Retired NFL Star, Stumps for Cannabis

Marvin Washington, Retired NFL Star, Stumps for Cannabis

Since his days on the gridiron, Washington has become a financial consultant to NBA and NFL players. He’s also a very outspoken supporter of medical cannabis, specifically...
November 4, 2014
Cannabis Consumption Helps With Brain Trauma

Cannabis Consumption Helps With Brain Trauma

UCLA researchers have taken a big stride toward proving what your average stoner has known for ages: weed is good for your brain. No, that’s not a...
October 30, 2014
Longitudinal UK Study Shows No Relationship Between Moderate Adolescent Cannabis Use and IQ

Longitudinal UK Study Shows No Relationship Between Moderate Adolescent Cannabis Use and IQ

A 20 year longitudinal study has recently found that moderate cannabis use in adolescence has no association with detrimental effects on educational and intellectual performance, although heavy...
October 9, 2014
Can Positive Thinking Lead to Legalization?

Can Positive Thinking Lead to Legalization?

The idea of thoughts creating our reality is not a particularly new one. What if the cultural shift toward a much more amicable approach to marijuana law...
September 16, 2014
Marijuana, REM Sleep, and Dreams

Marijuana, REM Sleep, and Dreams

Marijuana can affect how often you dream by rearranging your sleep cycle. People who smoke marijuana before bed often struggle to recall their dreams the next morning....
September 15, 2014
Cannabis and Alzheimer’s: The Good and Bad

Cannabis and Alzheimer’s: The Good and Bad

Recent evidence espoused by the Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute in Florida suggests that relatively small amounts of THC may slow or even halt Alzheimer’s disease.
September 9, 2014
Hickenlooper’s “Lab Rat” Campaign a Blunder

Hickenlooper’s “Lab Rat” Campaign a Blunder

You can imagine how loud my eyes rolled when I read about Colorado Gov. Hickenlooper’s anti-teen-marijuana use campaign. Much like the ridiculous “this is your brain on...