Tag: book reviews

(36 posts)
July 1, 2015
Book Review: Kick-Ass Cannabis and Veggies

Book Review: Kick-Ass Cannabis and Veggies

I recently sat down to read a book titled, Kick-Ass Cannabis and Veggies: Organic Gardening Soils, Teas & Tips for Growing Marijuana & Nutrient Rich Vegetables, by...
December 10, 2014
BOOK REVIEW: Beyond Buds, by Ed Rosenthal With David Downs

BOOK REVIEW: Beyond Buds, by Ed Rosenthal With David Downs

Beyond Buds could not have come out at a better time. Consumers in every corner of the country are curious to learn about, and to try, the...
November 18, 2014
Book Review: Marijuana Grow Bible, by Robert Bergman

Book Review: Marijuana Grow Bible, by Robert Bergman

Some of the information in this freely downloadable ebook is useful. Other tidbits are demonstrably false. And some of the book’s advice, if followed uncritically, could lead...
May 9, 2014
Chronicle Book Review: Hemp Bound

Chronicle Book Review: Hemp Bound

Hemp Bound: Dispatches From the Front Lines of the Next Agricultural Revolution by Doug Fine (2014, Chelsea Green Publishers, 145 pp., $12.16 PB Amazon) Hemp shouldn’t have anything...
May 1, 2014
Chronicle Review Essay: Marijuana Policy Past and Future

Chronicle Review Essay: Marijuana Policy Past and Future

A New Leaf: The End of Cannabis Prohibition by Alyson Martin and Nushin Rashidian (2014, The New Press, 264 pp., $14.04 PB Amazon) After Legalization: Understanding the Future...
April 22, 2014
Book Review: “Wake and Bake: a Cookbook”

Book Review: “Wake and Bake: a Cookbook”

Since marijuana began to be sold in legal retail stores in Colorado this year, one of the biggest demands has been for marijuana-infused edibles, which are much...
April 16, 2014
Book Review: The Marijuana Diet

Book Review: The Marijuana Diet

Art Glass, a 66 year old cannabis consumer, recently put out a book that seems somewhat contradictory in its title: The Marijuana Diet. This is a true...
January 24, 2014
Book Review Essay: The Drug War Past, Present, and Future

Book Review Essay: The Drug War Past, Present, and Future

Drugs, Crime, and Violence: From Trafficking to Treatment by Howard Rahtz (2013, Hamilton Press, 141 pp., $25.98 PB Amazon) The Drug Wars in America, 1940-1973 by Kathleen Frydl (2013,...
December 11, 2013
Book Review: Phoenix Tears – The Rick Simpson Story

Book Review: Phoenix Tears – The Rick Simpson Story

Many people have heard a variation of “marijuana can help cancer”, even if they’re not medical marijuana patients or even recreational users. Research scientists have been studying...
October 30, 2013
Great Books While High: Infinite Jest

Great Books While High: Infinite Jest

Infinite Jest is the most difficult and absolutely most rewarding book I’ve ever read. A 1200+ page (including endnotes, a select few along the way of which have their...
September 20, 2013
Chronicle Book Review: “Reefer Sanity”

Chronicle Book Review: “Reefer Sanity”

Chronicle Book Review: “Reefer Sanity: Seven Great Myths About Marijuana” by Kevin Sabet (2013, Beaufort Books, 198 pp., $11.66 PB Amazon) Kevin Sabet, or “Kevin Sabet, Ph.D.,”...
September 18, 2013
Great Poetry While High: Song of Myself

Great Poetry While High: Song of Myself

I have always loved Walt Whitman’s poetry, most notably Leaves of Grass. “Song of Myself” is included in this poetry collection, and it was the first of...
By: Lateralus
September 6, 2013
Chronicle Book Review: “Our Lost Border” and “The Fight to Save Juarez”

Chronicle Book Review: “Our Lost Border” and “The Fight to Save Juarez”

Our Lost Border: Essays on Life Amid the Narco-Violence, Sarah Cortez and Sergio Troncoso, eds. (2013, Arte Publico Press, 290 pp., $14.75 PB Amazon) The Fight to...
August 9, 2013
Chronicle Book Review: Rise of the Warrior Cop

Chronicle Book Review: Rise of the Warrior Cop

Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces, by Radley Balko (2013, Public Affairs Press, 382 pp., $18.57 HB Amazon) Whatever happened to Officer...
July 26, 2013
Chronicle Book Review: Smuggler Nation

Chronicle Book Review: Smuggler Nation

Smuggler Nation: How Illicit Trade Made America, by Peter Andreas (2013, Oxford University Press, 454 pp., $22.41 HB Amazon) Wow. With Smuggler Nation, Brown University political science professor...
July 22, 2013
Chronicle Book Review: Too High to Fail

Chronicle Book Review: Too High to Fail

Doug Fine, Too High to Fail: Cannabis and the New Green Economic Revolution (2012, Gotham Books, 319 pp., $11.20 HB, $12.39 PB Amazon) [Ed: This review was based on...
July 19, 2013
Chronicle Book Review Essay: Murder and Mayhem in Mexico

Chronicle Book Review Essay: Murder and Mayhem in Mexico

The Executioner’s Men: Los Zetas, Rogue Soldiers, Criminal Entrepreneurs, and the Shadow State They Created, by George Grayson and Samuel Logan (2013, Transaction Publishers, 338 pp., $28.89...
July 12, 2013
Chronicle Book Review: Race to Incarcerate: A Graphic Retelling

Chronicle Book Review: Race to Incarcerate: A Graphic Retelling

Race to Incarcerate: A Graphic Retelling by Sabrina Jones and Marc Mauer (2013, The New Press, 111 pp., $17.95 PB Amazon) Marc Mauer, the executive director of the The...
July 11, 2013
Chronicle Book Review: Cannabis Nation and Marijuanamerica

Chronicle Book Review: Cannabis Nation and Marijuanamerica

Cannabis Nation: Control and Consumption in Britain, 1928-2008, by James Mills (2013, Oxford University Press, 292 pp., $58.50 HC Amazon) Marijuanamerica: One Man’s Quest to Understand America’s...
July 3, 2013
Chronicle Book Review: High Price

Chronicle Book Review: High Price

High Price: A Neuroscientist’s Journey of Self-Discovery That Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs and Society, by Dr. Carl Hart (2013, Harper/Harper Collins Publishers, 340 pp., $18.72...