Tag: bloomberg

(7 posts)
August 8, 2013
Video: Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Marijuana, We’ve Been Terribly Misled, DEA Has No Scientific Basis

Video: Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Marijuana, We’ve Been Terribly Misled, DEA Has No Scientific Basis

Dr. Sanjay Gupta made a huge statement for cannabis reform, when he appeared on Piers Morgan last night and apologized on air for opposing marijuana legalization in...
June 10, 2013
Marijuana Is the Gateway Drug

Marijuana Is the Gateway Drug

Marijuana is the gateway drug … the gateway to health. Despite all the reefer madness propaganda of the 80’s and 90’s, marijuana is not public enemy #1. It...
June 7, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.06.05)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.06.05)

The medical marijuana scene is hectic! Bill passing, raids happening, local officials pondering, and California dispensaries dwindling. Let’s get to it: California On May 21, the Lakeport city...
June 6, 2013
We Sent Bloomberg Studies Showing Medical Weed Is Not a Hoax

We Sent Bloomberg Studies Showing Medical Weed Is Not a Hoax

Last week, Michael Bloomberg called medical cannabis “one of the greatest hoaxes of all time,” ignoring countless scientific studies that have shown the plant’s usefulness in treating everything from cancer to HIV....
June 4, 2013
Medical Cannabis Is a “Hoax,” Says Bloomberg

Medical Cannabis Is a “Hoax,” Says Bloomberg

In case you need any clarifying on where Michael Bloomberg stands on weed, the mayor called medical cannabis a “hoax” on his WOR radio appearance Friday, before...
By: Andy Cush
February 22, 2013
Yayo Madness: Bloomberg Says Legal Weed a Gateway to Cocaine

Yayo Madness: Bloomberg Says Legal Weed a Gateway to Cocaine

013 Just one day after announcing at his final State of the City address that he’d reduce the penalty for the possession of small amounts of weed, Mayor Bloomberg took...
By: Andy Cush
December 11, 2012
End the War on Marijuana, NYPD

End the War on Marijuana, NYPD

In New York City, NYPD marijuana arrests have persistently outnumbered arrests for any other crime in recent years.