Tag: BHO

(20 posts)
July 31, 2015
Instafire: Leanin’ on Indica

Instafire: Leanin’ on Indica

So, this “drank” is actually a HEAVY dose of edible BHO. We’re talking a 500mg shot of active THC in my cup.
June 19, 2015
Instafire: Nice Slab of Whole Flower Dutch Treat

Instafire: Nice Slab of Whole Flower Dutch Treat

This Whole Flower Nug Run BHO was run by one of the best outfits in Eastern Washington. Their clarity and quality are always consistent.
April 21, 2015
Headiest Dab Pins: Honey Oil Dab Pin

Headiest Dab Pins: Honey Oil Dab Pin

This kick ass dab pin is showing some love to Butane Honey Oil – get it? I really love the whole oil hive theme going on here.
April 13, 2015
Instafire: Perfect Slab of Columbia Concentrates

Instafire: Perfect Slab of Columbia Concentrates

Shouts out to Columbia Concentrates, whose errl I am absolutely in love with! That clarity you see there is every time, every strain.
March 13, 2015
Instafire: Clean Tangie Slab

Instafire: Clean Tangie Slab

It’s nice to slab out once in a while. I liked the look of this Tangie the second I saw it.
March 6, 2015
Instafire: On the Re-Up With Floyd

Instafire: On the Re-Up With Floyd

Shouts out to my Fweedom Collective family whose bhomb ass meds keep me in the Instafire. This is what it looks like when this blogger is on...
March 2, 2015
Instafire: Floyd’s Night Out

Instafire: Floyd’s Night Out

So I had symphony tickets over the weekend — yes, pot heads enjoy classical music too — and a friend back home asked me how I tuned-up...
February 20, 2015
Instafire: Girl Scout Cookies Dewaxed BHO Slab

Instafire: Girl Scout Cookies Dewaxed BHO Slab

Nothing rings the Instafire bell like proper, proper purge BHO.
January 30, 2015
Instafire: Corner Peel of Proper Purge Kosher Kush BHO

Instafire: Corner Peel of Proper Purge Kosher Kush BHO

If the clarity and consistency weren’t enough – and they are – what I am really feeling in this pic is the corner peel. To the novice...
December 24, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Cherry Shire Wax Concentrate

My Favorite Strains: Cherry Shire Wax Concentrate

I stumbled across this Cherry Shire wax concentrate the other day at my medical dispensary’s recreational store, and decided to give it a try based on look...
December 22, 2014
Dispensary Weed Might Not Be as Safe as You Think

Dispensary Weed Might Not Be as Safe as You Think

The weed you purchase legally at a government sanctioned dispensary is still just as variable as the strains you might buy from a dealer.
November 14, 2014
Instafire: Peeling Kush BHO Slab

Instafire: Peeling Kush BHO Slab

Posted by @silenceofthelambz Here is some Instafire that reminds you why errl farmers refer to themselves as extraction artists. Local farmer and heady @silenceofthelambz posted this nice...
November 10, 2014
Instafire: Bored With BHO

Instafire: Bored With BHO

This cool slab pic initially caught my eye because it was just entitled “bored.” When I looked closer I realized that it was Instafire.
October 28, 2014
Alaska’s Marijuana Ballot Measure Language Proves Explosive Issue for Dueling Campaigns

Alaska’s Marijuana Ballot Measure Language Proves Explosive Issue for Dueling Campaigns

Opponents of marijuana legalization are concerned that if Alaska’s Ballot Measure 2 passes, Alaskans would see an increase in butane hash oil, and with that, an increase...
September 23, 2014
The Best Facebook Comments on Fox News Absurd “Report” on Wax

The Best Facebook Comments on Fox News Absurd “Report” on Wax

In a stark reminder that times and public opinions have changed, Fox’s Facebook thread about the “dangers” of wax was bombarded with hilarious comments calling them out...
August 18, 2014
Beware of Bogus BHO

Beware of Bogus BHO

Recently, I heard of a friend receiving fake BHO. Intrigued and wanting to learn more, I hit him up and asked for all the details. What I...
August 13, 2014
Instafire: Trichomicorn Dab

Instafire: Trichomicorn Dab

This warmed my heart as soon as I saw it; it set my heart on Instafire. I don’t know if it was intentional, but the timing...
August 11, 2014
Operation Shattered: “…And Now We Are F’cked”

Operation Shattered: “…And Now We Are F’cked”

I don’t even want to talk about this, but I am going to and I don’t intend to mince words. In the long run I do believe...
August 7, 2014
A Lil’ Dab ‘ill Do… Even Me

A Lil’ Dab ‘ill Do… Even Me

A little dab will do even me… and I smoke like a BO$$.
July 31, 2014
Operation Shattered: Feds Target BHO Manufacturing in Washington State

Operation Shattered: Feds Target BHO Manufacturing in Washington State

On July 22, the federal government initiated “Operation Shattered” with the stated intention of cracking down on individuals involved in causing butane hash oil-related explosions in Washington...