Freddie Gray’s criminal background of several drug related offenses has been being tossed around quite a bit by people who bring it up as though it somehow...
There are two important conferences coming that we’d like our readers to know about. The first is the “Students for Sensible Drug Policy 2014 Conference + Lobby...
The mean streets of the drug war are full of uniformed scoundrels who are itching to shakedown the average citizen for drug possession. However, in Baltimore, Maryland,...
Jonathan Ogden, retired Baltimore Ravens offensive tackle, has applied for a medical marijuana dispensary license in Nevada, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. There are a limited number of...
Roughly 100 people rallied outside the State House to support a Colorado-style system to legalize marijuana, an idea that got a hearing later in the day. A committee...
A felonious foursome of public servants made the Hall of Shame this week. Let’s get to it: In Savannah, Georgia, a Savannah-Chatham police sergeant was arrested Sunday for lying...
It’s judges gone wild! Plus sticky-fingered narcs, lying narcs, crooked deputies, and more! Let’s get to it: In Philadelphia, a Philadelphia police officer was arrested May 23 for stealing...
There are problems at a Maryland state prison in Baltimore, fallout continues from a bust of crooked cops in suburban Chicago, and a jail guard goes down...
You’ve heard of The Wire, but have you seen The Corner? This writer classifies “stoner gold” as a show one can spend an entire night re-watching. Shows that...
Breaking the Taboo, narrated by Morgan Freeman #BreakTheTaboo Breaking the Taboo is a must-see documentary arguing to end the failed War on Drugs (#BreakTheTaboo). Produced by Sam...
06:26pm A 46-year-old Baltimore man died Friday night after allegedly swallowing drugs as police attempted to arrest him. The as yet unidentified man becomes the 47th person...
Executive director of a national group of LEAP, Stanford “Neill” Franklin, who had a 33-year law enforcement career in Maryland, is now apparently seeking to become the...
Racism and marijuana go back to the early days of prohibition. New York City is notorious for the racial skewing of its marijuana arrests. Over the last...