Tag: ballot measures

(245 posts)
October 19, 2012
The Stranger’s Dominic Holden Delivers a Passionate Defense of I-502 at NORMLCON 2012

The Stranger’s Dominic Holden Delivers a Passionate Defense of I-502 at NORMLCON 2012

At this year’s NORML Conference, which was held the first week of October, much emphasis was placed on the upcoming legalization initiatives in Washington, Colorado, and Oregon....
October 19, 2012
Gary Johnson Supporters Robocall Colorado Democrats Over Marijuana Crackdown

Gary Johnson Supporters Robocall Colorado Democrats Over Marijuana Crackdown

05:36pm Colorado is a tightly-contested swing state. According to the Real Clear Politics average of recent polls, Republican challenger Mitt Romney holds a vanishingly narrow lead over...
October 19, 2012
Call for Cannabis: Dial to Help Pass Measure 80 to Legalize Marijuana in Oregon

Call for Cannabis: Dial to Help Pass Measure 80 to Legalize Marijuana in Oregon

The only polling data we have for Oregon’s legalization initiative, Measure 80, shows a very close race with a massive number of undecided voters. In a September...
October 19, 2012
California Three Strikes Reform Initiative Poised to Win

California Three Strikes Reform Initiative Poised to Win

12:00pm In 1998, Bernice Cubie got caught with $10 worth of cocaine. Since it was her third offense, although she had never hurt anyone, she was...
October 18, 2012
Women Rally for Measure 80 With Moms for Marijuana

Women Rally for Measure 80 With Moms for Marijuana

About 100 Oregonians rallied on the steps of the Capitol Building in Salem to support Measure 80 and the Moms for Marijuana First Cannabis Quilt Regional Conference...
By: Anna Diaz
October 18, 2012
Religious Leaders Speak Out on Both Sides of Amendment 64

Religious Leaders Speak Out on Both Sides of Amendment 64

Several religious leaders spoke out in opposition of Colorado’s Amendment 64 Wednesday in Denver. This opposition of some religious leaders comes as no surprise to most. Some...
October 18, 2012
‘Code of the West’ Illustrates Need for Sensible Regulation

‘Code of the West’ Illustrates Need for Sensible Regulation

Of the 17 states that have passed medical marijuana laws, only one — Montana — has experienced a serious legislative effort to repeal the law. How could...
October 17, 2012
Initiative Watch (2012.10.17)

Initiative Watch (2012.10.17)

05:36pm With less than three weeks to go until election day, there is a lot of activity on the state-level initiative front–but not everywhere. Some campaigns...
October 17, 2012
Marijuana Legalization Backers Courting Conservatives

Marijuana Legalization Backers Courting Conservatives

Can conservative support for marijuana legalization in CO, OR and WA be increased for next month’s vote on themes of states’ rights and fiscal prudence with the help of respected...
October 16, 2012
We Can Legalize Marijuana This November in Colorado, but We Need Your Help!

We Can Legalize Marijuana This November in Colorado, but We Need Your Help!

Through much of the year, Colorado’s Amendment 64 has enjoyed a comfortable lead in the polls. As election day nears, as was to be expected, we are...
October 16, 2012
Former Drug Czars Try Cannabis Scare Tactics on CO, OR and WA

Former Drug Czars Try Cannabis Scare Tactics on CO, OR and WA

Yesterday, former DEA and Office of National Drug Control Policy czars voiced a strong reminder to the DOJ that even if voters in Colorado, Oregon and Washington...
October 16, 2012
CO Marijuana Measure Sees Lead Shrink in New Poll

CO Marijuana Measure Sees Lead Shrink in New Poll

02:36am A SurveyUSA poll released Sunday shows Colorado’s marijuana legalization initiative, Amendment 64, still winning, but with a shrinking lead and with approval under 50%. A University of Denver poll released...
October 15, 2012
Yes On I-502 Rally at WA State Capitol Disrupted by ‘No’ Activists

Yes On I-502 Rally at WA State Capitol Disrupted by ‘No’ Activists

Demonstrating the contentiousness of the issue and the passion of activists on both sides, a Yes on Initiative 502 rally sponsored by New Approach Washington, at the...
October 15, 2012
Obama Officials Stay Silent on Marijuana Initiatives

Obama Officials Stay Silent on Marijuana Initiatives

Despite the urging of drug enforcement experts, officials in Washington have not said how the federal government would deal with possible state marijuana laws in Oregon, Washington...
October 15, 2012
Montel Williams to Speak at AR Medical Marijuana Press Conference on Oct. 18

Montel Williams to Speak at AR Medical Marijuana Press Conference on Oct. 18

Daytime Emmy award-winner, Montel Williams, will speak in Little Rock on behalf of the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Act on October 18, 2012. Details on time and location will be released...
October 15, 2012
Melissa Etheridge Endorses Amendment 64 to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol

Melissa Etheridge Endorses Amendment 64 to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol

The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol has just released a new radio ad in support of Colorado’s Amendment 64, which aims to regulate marijuana in a...
October 12, 2012
Can You Smell It? Marijuana Legalization Coming in 2012

Can You Smell It? Marijuana Legalization Coming in 2012

2012 Election is the Most Important in Marijuana Law Reform History This year could likely be the most significant in marijuana law reform history. In case you...
October 11, 2012
Oregon’s Measure 80 Faces an Uphill Battle

Oregon’s Measure 80 Faces an Uphill Battle

04:41pm Of the three marijuana legalization initiatives on the ballot this year, Oregon’s Measure 80, also known as the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act, is the most radical....
October 11, 2012
Initiative Watch (2012.10.10)

Initiative Watch (2012.10.10)

08:06pm There’s less than a month to go, but some initiatives are more active than others. Arkansas Both the Arkansas Issue 5 campaign and the opposition...
October 11, 2012
NEW I-502 TV Ads: Former Federal Law Enforcement Officials Support Marijuana Legalization

NEW I-502 TV Ads: Former Federal Law Enforcement Officials Support Marijuana Legalization

New Approach Washington, the campaign behind Washington State’s marijuana legalization initiative (I-502), has just released two new television ads that began airing today. What makes these advertisements...