Tag: ballot measures

(245 posts)
November 9, 2012
I-502 Fact Sheets from WA State and ACLU of WA

I-502 Fact Sheets from WA State and ACLU of WA

04:36pm The Washington State Liquor Control Board and the ACLU of Washington have both issued facts sheets on the implementation of I-502. The state’s Office of Financial Management projects prices...
November 9, 2012
Colorado and Washington Legalized Marijuana Tuesday, What Happens Now?

Colorado and Washington Legalized Marijuana Tuesday, What Happens Now?

Tuesday night, the states of Colorado and Washington sent a loud and clear message to the federal government that they no longer wish to enforce the futile...
November 8, 2012
Weedist Women: Diane Fornbacher

Weedist Women: Diane Fornbacher

Weedists: Meet Diane Fornbacher “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Diane Fornbacher has been a cannabis activist...
By: Anna Diaz
November 8, 2012
Local Depenalization Measures Win Big On Election Day

Local Depenalization Measures Win Big On Election Day

In addition to the historic Election Day votes in Colorado and Washington, voters in several cities in Massachusetts and Michigan also decided overwhelmingly in favor of ending marijuana prohibition....
November 8, 2012
More Drug-Related Election Results, Good and Bad

More Drug-Related Election Results, Good and Bad

04:23pm We’ve covered the two-out-three victories for the statewide marijuana legalization initiatives and we’ve covered the medical marijuana initiative victory in Massachusetts, but there was more...
November 7, 2012
Sensible Washington Response to I-502 Victory

Sensible Washington Response to I-502 Victory

12:13am Sensible Washington, which opposed I-502 due to concerns over the initiative’s DUI provision, has issued a gracious response to the victory, congratulating the 502 campaign and calling...
November 7, 2012
Arkansas Voters Reject Issue 5 On Medical Marijuana

Arkansas Voters Reject Issue 5 On Medical Marijuana

The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Act, or Issue 5 on yesterday’s ballot has been rejected by voters. As of 4:54am Eastern Time this morning, CNN shows No on...
November 7, 2012
Colorado, Washington Legalize Marijuana!

Colorado, Washington Legalize Marijuana!

01:44am Colorado voters made history Tuesday night, passing a constitutional amendment to legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana and becoming the first state in the US to...
November 6, 2012
Marijuana Wins

Marijuana Wins

In case you didn’t hear, there was an election earlier tonight and the winner is… weed. Both Washington and Colorado passed voter referendums legalizing marijuana. And not...
November 6, 2012
If You Care About Medical Marijuana Patients (Among Others), Support I-502

If You Care About Medical Marijuana Patients (Among Others), Support I-502

05:09pm Readers of StoptheDrugWar.org know that we’ve supported Initiative 502, a ballot measure to legalize and regulate marijuana in Washington State. I-502 has seen the strongest polling...
November 6, 2012
Marijuana: the Fuzz’ Favorite Tool

Marijuana: the Fuzz’ Favorite Tool

National Public Radio’s local Seattle station, KPLU, ran a five-day series on the soon-to-pass I-502 bill. The bill decriminalizes adult use for up to one ounce of...
November 6, 2012
I-502: Too Important to Lose (Steve D’Angelo, Harborside Health Center)

I-502: Too Important to Lose (Steve D’Angelo, Harborside Health Center)

05:46pm The founder of the flagship medical marijuana center, Harborside Health Center in Oakland, speaks out about how important it is to pass I-502 and how...
November 5, 2012
Weedist Voter Guide For Election Day

Weedist Voter Guide For Election Day

Tomorrow is Election Day, and it promises to be the most important election in quite a while for Weedists, whether they be recreational users,  medical marijuana patients,...
November 5, 2012
Northern California Town Pushes Back Against Industrial Pot Growers

Northern California Town Pushes Back Against Industrial Pot Growers

Arcata, in Humboldt County, California, will vote on Measure I next week, which would impose a 45% tax on households that use three times the amount of power a...
November 5, 2012
What About the Children?

What About the Children?

Unsurprisingly, the war on marijuana has been waged in the name of ‘the children.’  What message will we send the children if we change our policy on marijuana?  Why...
By: Anna Diaz
November 5, 2012
Vote Yes on Amendment 64, Colorado

Vote Yes on Amendment 64, Colorado

Very soon we will see if Colorado voters decide that marijuana should no longer be an illegal substance and pass Amendment 64. We will also see if...
November 2, 2012
Final Week Polls Indicate Washington State Likely to Pass Marijuana Legalization

Final Week Polls Indicate Washington State Likely to Pass Marijuana Legalization

In what is likely to be one of last polls coming out of Washington State prior to Election Day, Initiative 502 to regulate marijuana is still holding strong to...
November 2, 2012
Legalization Would be a Direct Attack on Cartel Bankrolls

Legalization Would be a Direct Attack on Cartel Bankrolls

According to a study by a respected Mexican Think Tank, the legalization of recreational marijuana, which we will hopefully see after next week, could reduce cartel profits by...
November 2, 2012
November 6: An Election to Stop the Drug War

November 6: An Election to Stop the Drug War

09:27pm We are now only five days away from Election Day, and it’s starting to look very much like at least one state will vote to legalize...
November 1, 2012
Google’s New Voting Tool Finds Your Personalized Ballot and Nearest Polling Place

Google’s New Voting Tool Finds Your Personalized Ballot and Nearest Polling Place

Google has made it easy to find your nearest polling place and the candidates representing your registered address. The newly-launched Voter Info tool pinpoints Election Day essentials and elegantly...