Tag: ballot measures

(245 posts)
August 20, 2012
Video: Seattle Hempfest 2012 – The Great I-502 Debate

Video: Seattle Hempfest 2012 – The Great I-502 Debate

Don E. Wirtshafter moderates the most anticipated panel of Seattle Hempfest 2012, The Great I-502 Debate. Initiative 502 is on the Washington State ballot and would legalize personal possession...
August 17, 2012
Medical Marijuana Should Make Arkansas Ballot

Medical Marijuana Should Make Arkansas Ballot

04:59pm An Arkansas initiative to legalize medical marijuana appears likely to qualify for the November ballot, after proponents handed in an additional 74,000 signatures Monday. The...
August 16, 2012
Safe Access Alliance Dissolves, Day After Disastrous Press Conference

Safe Access Alliance Dissolves, Day After Disastrous Press Conference

The anti Initiative 502 group Safe Access Alliance dissolved yesterday (good riddance), just one day after firing spokesperson Philip Dawdy for a disastrous press conference.
August 15, 2012
Spokesman For Medical Marijuana Group Against I-502 Fired

Spokesman For Medical Marijuana Group Against I-502 Fired

Philip Dawdy, a well known spokesperson for Safe Access Alliance was fired during a press conference with “minor theatrics” to discuss opposition among medical marijuana patients to Initiative 502.
August 14, 2012
Measure 80 Cites Bible For Marijuana Legalization

Measure 80 Cites Bible For Marijuana Legalization

Oregon’s proposed Measure 80 for recreational marijuana legalization quotes Genesis and our rights to “herb bearing seed” to make its case.
August 14, 2012
Arkansas Medical Marijuana Another Step Closer to the Ballot

Arkansas Medical Marijuana Another Step Closer to the Ballot

Arkansas medical marijuana activists turned in 74,406 signatures on Monday afternoon to the Arkansas Secretary of State’s office. This summer activists fell 26,000 short of the 62,507...
August 10, 2012
Judge Jim Gray Slams Obama For Demanding Shutdown Of Medical Marijuana Centers

Judge Jim Gray Slams Obama For Demanding Shutdown Of Medical Marijuana Centers

Gary Johnson 2012, August 9, 2012 – Denver, CO During Visit to Colorado, Libertarian Party VP Nominee  Jim Gray Criticizes President Obama for Interfering in State’s Medical Marijuana...
August 9, 2012
I-502 Campaign Tackles Marijuana Legalization Movement’s Gender Divide

I-502 Campaign Tackles Marijuana Legalization Movement’s Gender Divide

The backers of Washington state’s I-502 are targeting their ads towards women, who have historically trailed men on supporting legalization. Seattle Weekly dives into potential answers for this...
August 9, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.08.08)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.08.08)

05:52pm, (Issue #746) The end of dispensaries in LA looms, more federal threat letters in Colorado, and a medical marijuana initiative in North Dakota!? That’s just...
August 8, 2012
North Dakota Medical Marijuana Petitions Handed In

North Dakota Medical Marijuana Petitions Handed In

04:57pm North Dakota could be voting on medical marijuana in November. Proponents of a medical marijuana initiative there handed in about 20,000 signatures to the secretary of state’s...
August 7, 2012
Marijuana Legalization Proponents in Washington Unveil First TV Ad

Marijuana Legalization Proponents in Washington Unveil First TV Ad

The campaign behind I-502, a ballot measure that would end cannabis prohibition in Washington State this fall, unveiled their first TV advertisement in support of the initiative....
August 6, 2012
Weedists, We’re Still Being Called Bitches (at the Polls)

Weedists, We’re Still Being Called Bitches (at the Polls)

Prompted by Libertarian 2012 POTUS nominee Gary Johnson‘s statement in Seattle last week that marijuana will be legalized by 2016, Examiner.com writes “by going to pot, Gary Johnson has assured he will...
August 6, 2012

Springfield (MO) Marijuana Decriminalization Initiative Certified

05:14pm An effort to decriminalize pot possession in the southwest Missouri city of Springfield passed a key hurdle Thursday when the city clerk announced that initiative petitions...
August 3, 2012
Congresswoman Introduces Bill to Protect Landlords of Compliant Medical Marijuana Businesses

Congresswoman Introduces Bill to Protect Landlords of Compliant Medical Marijuana Businesses

Washington, D.C. — Late yesterday, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and seven initial co-sponsors introduced HR 6335, the States’ Medical Marijuana Property Rights Protection Act, in an attempt...
August 3, 2012
Asking NORML’s Paul Kuhn: Is it finally time to legalize marijuana?

Asking NORML’s Paul Kuhn: Is it finally time to legalize marijuana?

The Washington Times interviews NORML’s Paul Kuhn to discuss prohibition, the misinformation that still exists and the recent surge in voter support.
August 3, 2012
Cannabis Prohibition Now Seventy-Five Years Old

Cannabis Prohibition Now Seventy-Five Years Old

Infamously, America’s federally created Cannabis Prohibition marks its seventy-fifth anniversary this August 2, 2012. The so-called ‘great failed social experiment’ of Alcohol Prohibition of the 1920s barely...
July 30, 2012
Legalization or Regulation in Colorado?

Legalization or Regulation in Colorado?

In Colorado this year, there are strong efforts to reform marijuana laws. Two different campaigns, Legalize 2012 and Amendment 64, are quickly gaining the support of weedists...
July 25, 2012
Washington Marijuana Initiative Has Good Week

Washington Marijuana Initiative Has Good Week

06:52pm This has been a good week for I-502, the Washington state initiative to legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana, and its sponsors, New Approach Washington. Over...
July 24, 2012
Marijuana Legalization Could Set Up State Versus Federal Showdown

Marijuana Legalization Could Set Up State Versus Federal Showdown

Governing.com ponders what kind of federal response and ultimate showdown we may see after the November elections if at least one of the three states (Colorado, Oregon...
July 23, 2012
Gary Johnson, Libertarian POTUS candidate, Endorses Oregon’s OCTA

Gary Johnson, Libertarian POTUS candidate, Endorses Oregon’s OCTA

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson officially endorsed Measure 80 – The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (aka OCTA) last Friday. Gary Johnson has also endorsed marijuana legalization measures in Colorado...