Tag: ballot measures

(245 posts)
September 13, 2012

Washington Marijuana Legalization Measure Polling Strong

03:41pm A solid majority of Washington voters approve of Initiative 502, the marijuana legalization measure sponsored by New Approach Washington, according to a SurveyUSA poll released...
September 12, 2012
Are States Leading Revolt on US Marijuana Laws?

Are States Leading Revolt on US Marijuana Laws?

In November, will voters in Washington, Oregon or Colorado decide to legalize recreational marijuana and potentially start a revolt? Any of these initiatives would put the states...
September 12, 2012
Michigan: Four Cities To Decide On Marijuana Depenalization Ordinances

Michigan: Four Cities To Decide On Marijuana Depenalization Ordinances

Voters in four Michigan cities will decide this November on municipal ordinances seeking to legalize or depenalize local marijuana offenses. City officials in Flint, Michigan most recently approved...
September 11, 2012
StoptheDrugWar.org Teleconference on the Marijuana Legalization Initiatives

StoptheDrugWar.org Teleconference on the Marijuana Legalization Initiatives

06:11pm StoptheDrugWar.org is pleased to announce our first teleconference, featuring the initiative campaigns in Colorado, Oregon, and Washington State to enact regulatory (legalization) systems for marijuana....
September 11, 2012
Former DEA Heads Urge Holder to Oppose Marijuana Legalization Measures

Former DEA Heads Urge Holder to Oppose Marijuana Legalization Measures

04:53pm Every former head of the DEA since it was created by Richard Nixon in 1973 has signed onto a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder urging him...
September 7, 2012
Drug Policy in the 2012 Elections I: The Initiatives

Drug Policy in the 2012 Elections I: The Initiatives

10:28am The Labor Day weekend has passed, summer is behind us, and the November elections are just two months away. When it comes to drug policy...
September 5, 2012
Colorado’s Marijuana Initiative, Amendment 64, Still Leading In Polls

Colorado’s Marijuana Initiative, Amendment 64, Still Leading In Polls

Statewide polling data from Colorado, just released by Public Policy Polling, shows support holding strong for Amendment 64, a ballot measure that aims to re-legalize and regulate the...
September 5, 2012
Pot Legalization I-502 Debate in Seattle Thur Night Sept 6

Pot Legalization I-502 Debate in Seattle Thur Night Sept 6

The League of Women Voters of Seattle-King County is hosting an I-502 debate on marijuana legalization at 7 p.m. Thursday, September 6 at Seattle’s Town Hall with some great...
September 4, 2012
‘Women For Measure 80’ Holding OCTA Fundraiser Sat Sept 29

‘Women For Measure 80’ Holding OCTA Fundraiser Sat Sept 29

Women for Measure 80, a group that is working to restore industrial hemp and end cannabis prohibition in Oregon is hosting a fundraiser Saturday, September 29, 2012...
By: Anna Diaz
August 31, 2012
Marijuana Community Divide on Amendment 64 Deep, Wide, Often Nasty

Marijuana Community Divide on Amendment 64 Deep, Wide, Often Nasty

Colorado’s Amendment 64 has pitted advocates against advocates, frequently in online combat. A house divided cannot stand, as we sadly also see in-fighting on WA’s I-502.
August 31, 2012
Montana’s First Medical Marijuana Caregiver Dies in Prison

Montana’s First Medical Marijuana Caregiver Dies in Prison

03:15pm The first person to register as a caregiver under Montana’s now gutted medical marijuana program has died in federal prison. Richard Flor, 68, died at...
August 29, 2012
100+ Professors Agree, It’s Time to Legalize Marijuana

100+ Professors Agree, It’s Time to Legalize Marijuana

NORML is reposting this message on behalf of our allies at The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol: More than 100 members of the academic community from across...
August 28, 2012
Financial Impact Statement for Oregon Cannabis Legalization

Financial Impact Statement for Oregon Cannabis Legalization

On November 6th Oregonians will vote on the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act 2012 (OCTA), aka Measure 80, a proposal to regulate, tax, and manage marijuana for recreational use...
August 27, 2012
Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Initiative Polling Very Well

Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Initiative Polling Very Well

07:34pm It looks like Massachusetts is set to become a new medical marijuana state. According to a new Public Policy Polling survey, the medical marijuana initiative there...
August 27, 2012
Pot Legalization Campaigns in Two States Raise $3 Million

Pot Legalization Campaigns in Two States Raise $3 Million

Backers of pot legalization in Washington and Colorado have cumulatively raised $3 million dollars in campaigns, far surpassing their opposition. Part of the money has been used to...
By: Lateralus
August 27, 2012
NAACP Regional Chapters Endorse CO, OR, WA Marijuana Initiatives

NAACP Regional Chapters Endorse CO, OR, WA Marijuana Initiatives

03:59pm All three marijuana legalization initiatives on state ballots this year have won the endorsement of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) regional...
August 24, 2012
Infographic: Another Reminder That Marijuana is Safe

Infographic: Another Reminder That Marijuana is Safe

This infographic, created with data compiled in 1994 by Dr. Jack E. Henningfield and Dr. Neal L. Burkowitz, is just one of the vast sea of examples that...
August 22, 2012
Will I-502 Become a Pyrrhic Victory?

Will I-502 Become a Pyrrhic Victory?

  I-502 is hardly perfect. The DUID clause (as recommended by federal drug czar Gil Kerlikowske) reeks of probable prejudice, there’s no protection from federal preemption and 25...
August 22, 2012
Michigan: Grand Rapids Voters Will Decide on $25 Fine-Only Offense for Pot Possession

Michigan: Grand Rapids Voters Will Decide on $25 Fine-Only Offense for Pot Possession

Voters in Grand Rapids, Michigan will decide this November on a municipal measure to depenalize marijuana possession offenses to a non-criminal, fine-only offense. The City Commissioner’s office has approved...
August 21, 2012
WSJ: Should Obama Support Amendment 64

WSJ: Should Obama Support Amendment 64

Should President Obama Support Amendment 64 in Colorado? The Wall Street Journal analyzes the latest PPP poll results and provides an audio analysis from The Daily’s Dan Hirshhorn. WSJ...