Tag: amendment 64

(209 posts)
May 9, 2013
Colorado House Bill 1318: Let’s Restrict the Cannabis Industry

Colorado House Bill 1318: Let’s Restrict the Cannabis Industry

Celebrations ensued in November when Colorado and Washington passed bills to legalize marijuana for recreational users aged 21 and above. But the battle is far from over....
By: Mercedys
May 9, 2013

Colorado Legislature Passes First Bills in History to Establish a Regulated Marijuana Market for Adults

The Colorado state legislature passed the first bills in history Wednesday to establish a regulated marijuana market for adults. Representatives of the Amendment 64 campaign will discuss...
May 8, 2013
5 Nanogram Marijuana DUI Bill Passes in CO

5 Nanogram Marijuana DUI Bill Passes in CO

Despite the fact that a 5 nanogram THC limit has been shown to be a faulty method to show impairment, Colorado lawmakers have still passed HB 1325,...
May 7, 2013
CO Non-Profit Cannabis Collectives Walk Gray Line

CO Non-Profit Cannabis Collectives Walk Gray Line

Since the passage of Colorado’s Amendment 64, several non-profit cannabis collectives have emerged to provide marijuana to members. The non-profits are allowed to share their marijuana under...
May 7, 2013
Aurora, CO Considers Monopolizing Recreational Marijuana

Aurora, CO Considers Monopolizing Recreational Marijuana

The Aurora city council has scheduled a meeting for May 20 to discuss regulating marijuana in the city. One of the ideas that the Denver suburb is...
May 2, 2013
A Rising Marijuana Reform Tide at the Statehouses

A Rising Marijuana Reform Tide at the Statehouses

In the wake of the marijuana legalization victories in Colorado and Washington last November, and buoyed by a series of national public opinion polls showing support for...
May 1, 2013
Colorado Lawmakers Approve High Marijuana Tax Rates

Colorado Lawmakers Approve High Marijuana Tax Rates

After a long debate, Colorado legislators have approved the high marijuana tax rates of 15% excise tax and 10% sales tax, this is down only slightly from...
April 25, 2013
Drug Czar: Marijuana Legalization Won’t Change Mission

Drug Czar: Marijuana Legalization Won’t Change Mission

US Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske says marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington will not change his office’s mission, which is to fight addiction with treatment programs. His strategy...
April 25, 2013
CO Recreational Marijuana Regulations Up For House Review

CO Recreational Marijuana Regulations Up For House Review

The Colorado House of Representatives is reviewing proposed regulations for recreational marijuana. Among the proposed regulations are a purchasing limit of a quarter ounce for non-residents, a...
April 22, 2013
Perspectives on the Denver 420 Disruption

Perspectives on the Denver 420 Disruption

Yesterday’s historic “420” rally in Denver, the first since Colorado voted to legalize marijuana last fall, was marred and cut short by violence. Two unidentified gunmen shot...
April 22, 2013
Boulder, CO May Seek Additional Taxes on Marijuana

Boulder, CO May Seek Additional Taxes on Marijuana

Boulder, Colorado city officials are waiting to see the tax rates that are adopted by the state for recreational marijuana sales, but are preparing to put additional...
April 15, 2013
Report: No Easy Options for Feds in Legal Marijuana States

Report: No Easy Options for Feds in Legal Marijuana States

A new report prepared for Congress from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) concludes the feds have no easy options to fight Washington & Colorado on legal marijuana, as it...
April 12, 2013
Colorado Grow Box Melds NASA, Marijuana Cultivation

Colorado Grow Box Melds NASA, Marijuana Cultivation

Former NASA scientist and co-founder of High Altitude School of Hydroponics, Dale Chamberlain, has now used his knowledge and expertise (he designed a plant growth chamber used...
April 10, 2013
Denver Mayor Pushing for Two-Year Marijuana Moratorium

Denver Mayor Pushing for Two-Year Marijuana Moratorium

Michael Hancock, Denver’s mayor, is urging the city council to adopt a two-year marijuana moratorium on recreational sales. Hancock has also pushed for banning private marijuana clubs...
April 9, 2013
Aurora, CO: Marijuana Sales Could Enrich City

Aurora, CO: Marijuana Sales Could Enrich City

According to the budget and finance office of Aurora (a Denver suburb), the city could see millions in revenue from legal marijuana sales. The actual revenue increase...
April 3, 2013
CO City Council Split on Banning Recreational Marijuana

CO City Council Split on Banning Recreational Marijuana

Englewood, Colorado, a suburb of Denver and my own home sweet home, had a split city council vote on whether or not to ban recreational marijuana stores...
April 2, 2013
Rocky Mountain High: Marijuana Law May Lift State Economy

Rocky Mountain High: Marijuana Law May Lift State Economy

Colorado’s tax receipts over the last fiscal year totaled $186 million from the more than 500 state medical marijuana businesses. State officials expect that next year, with recreational...
March 19, 2013
Amendment 64 Task Force Full Report Released

Amendment 64 Task Force Full Report Released

I recently wrote about the biggest recommendations made by Colorado’s Amendment 64 Task Force. The task force’s full report has since been made public,...
March 13, 2013
Nancy Pelosi: State Marijuana Laws Have to Be Respected…Tax and Regulate

Nancy Pelosi: State Marijuana Laws Have to Be Respected…Tax and Regulate

In an interview with the Denver Post, published this week, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi spoke about the marijuana legalization initiatives passed in Colorado and Washington in...
March 13, 2013
Colorado Joint Committee Sets First Meetings

Colorado Joint Committee Sets First Meetings

Colorado’s “Joint Select Committee on the Implementation of the Amendment 64 Task Force Recommendations” has set meetings for March 15 and March 22. The committee will be...