Aldon Smith, the one-man sack factory linebacker from the San Francisco 49ers was arrested last Friday (Sept 20th) morning on suspicion of a DUI. Smith crashed his car...
A fellow named David Frum recently wrote an anti-cannabusiness screed on entitled “Be Afraid of Big Marijuana.” Frum is a Prohibitionist yammerer who’s on the Board of Directors...
Football is finally back!!! College football started last week and the big boys kick-off on Thursday. I must admit though, what I am really stoked about is the Fantasy...
On August 31, 2013, medical marijuana activist and founding member of Moms for Marijuana International “Jenny Kush”, 34, was killed in a head-on collision with a drunk driver going...
A new study from Denmark confirms what cannabis advocates have said for years — marijuana is much safer than other substances when it comes to driving impairment....
The passage of medical cannabis laws is associated with a reduction in the public’s consumption of alcohol and with fewer incidences of alcohol-related traffic fatalities, according to data published...
Dr. Sanjay Gupta made a huge statement for cannabis reform, when he appeared on Piers Morgan last night and apologized on air for opposing marijuana legalization in...
Edibles are nothing new in the pantheon of great ways to ingest cannabis, but just about anyone who has walked into a decent medical marijuana dispensary in...
A driver’s risk of being severely injured in an accident is highest after having either consumed alcohol alone, resulting in a blood/alcohol level above .08, or in...
Though the feds still routinely reject beer labeling that mentions or depicts cannabis, one Washington brewery has released a “Joint Effort Hemp Ale” throughout the state. Statewide...
Robin Room, the director of Australia’s leading alcohol research center, has released a statement calling for the legalization of marijuana for adults. His support is based on...
This year, Mixmag partnered up with the Guardian and Gay Times to conduct their annual “Global Drug Survey” — the world’s largest independent survey on which drugs...
In 2003, US Navy Corpsman Jeremy Usher (now 31) returned to Colorado from tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Usher, serving as combat medic, was shot in the...
Marijuana prohibition experts should avoid alcohol prohibition comparisons. Legally prohibiting an intoxicant is an ineffective and ultimately detrimental approach to dealing with the potential harm...