Tag: advertising

(59 posts)
April 3, 2014
Minnesota Patients Air TV Ad Attacking Gov. Dayton for Opposing Medical Marijuana

Minnesota Patients Air TV Ad Attacking Gov. Dayton for Opposing Medical Marijuana

A battle is underway in Minnesota, where Gov. Mark Dayton is standing in the way of an otherwise widely supported medical marijuana bill because he does not want...
March 19, 2014
Why Is Medical Cannabis Signage Regulated?

Why Is Medical Cannabis Signage Regulated?

Anywhere you drive in America, you are bombarded by strategically placed signage advertising a plethora of products to consumers on their daily commutes. But there still seems to...
March 5, 2014
Comcast Okays TV Spots That Pitch Medical Marijuana

Comcast Okays TV Spots That Pitch Medical Marijuana

Comcast, the nation’s largest cable operator, has agreed to run an ad on its local cable systems in New Jersey, Massachusetts and greater Chicago that promote a...
November 11, 2013
Cannabis Grow Accidentally Photographed in Real Estate Ad

Cannabis Grow Accidentally Photographed in Real Estate Ad

Remnants of a UK cannabis grow were accidentally included in the photos on a real estate ad.
October 29, 2013
Intuit Does Not Advance NORML in Super Bowl Ad Contest

Intuit Does Not Advance NORML in Super Bowl Ad Contest

Today, Intuit announced the 20 finalists who moved on to Round 3 of their “Small Business, Big Game” contest. Despite finishing first in the initial round of...
October 15, 2013
What’s in a Name? Marijuana Strain Names Will Have to Change if We Want to Win the Drug War

What’s in a Name? Marijuana Strain Names Will Have to Change if We Want to Win the Drug War

In 2010, at the first High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in San Francisco, the marijuana strain that took home the top prize went by the not-so-appropriate name “God’s...
October 8, 2013
Marijuana Legalization Advertisements Spark Controversy

Marijuana Legalization Advertisements Spark Controversy

Marijuana prohibitionists have been stirring up controversy since a line of bus advertisements supporting Question 1 in Portland, Maine were revealed on Tuesday. The advertisements serve to spark...
October 2, 2013
Bus Ads Run In Portland In Support Of Marijuana Initiative

Bus Ads Run In Portland In Support Of Marijuana Initiative

Supporters of Question 1, the ballot initiative to remove penalties for adult marijuana possession in Portland, are launching a series of ads on METRO buses and bus...
September 26, 2013
NORML Advances to Round 2 of Super Bowl Ad Contest

NORML Advances to Round 2 of Super Bowl Ad Contest

Thanks to NORML members and supporters who pushed NORML’s proposed Super Bowl ad in an ongoing Intuit ad contest to the number one position. This morning, Intuit...
September 17, 2013
Help NORML Win a Commercial During the Super Bowl

Help NORML Win a Commercial During the Super Bowl

If the cannabis community will unite, NORML could win a free commercial during the Super Bowl. That’s right, if each of us cannabis supporters will take just...
By: Mercedys
September 5, 2013
Billboard At Denver Broncos Stadium Calls On NFL to Stop Punishing Players For Marijuana

Billboard At Denver Broncos Stadium Calls On NFL to Stop Punishing Players For Marijuana

A billboard calling on the National Football League to stop punishing players for using marijuana was posted Wednesday in front of Sports Authority Field at Mile High,...
September 4, 2013
Marijuana Growers Struggle To Correctly Label Their Product

Marijuana Growers Struggle To Correctly Label Their Product

Part of Colorado’s new law allowing the recreational use of marijuana comes with new complications, especially for growers. Under the new law, starting next January all marijuana...
August 30, 2013
Geraldo At Large: Mason Tvert VS Rehab Profiteer

Geraldo At Large: Mason Tvert VS Rehab Profiteer

Mason Tvert of Marijuana Policy Project was recently on “Geraldo At Large” to talk about the “New Beer” ad that was pulled from a recent NASCAR event. Also...
July 31, 2013


MPP’s video ad that began airing Friday on a jumbotron outside the NASCAR Brickyard 400 was pulled later that afternoon by the media company that owns the video screen. Grazie Media, which had...
July 30, 2013
Fox News Scared to Have Pro-Weed Lobbyist Defend Pro-Weed Ad

Fox News Scared to Have Pro-Weed Lobbyist Defend Pro-Weed Ad

Something was conspicuously missing from that Fox News clip we posted earlier today, in which the anti-drug bishop Ron Allen rails against the “horrible” nature of a pro-cannabis ad...
By: Andy Cush
July 29, 2013
MPP Ad Pulled From NASCAR Brickyard 400

MPP Ad Pulled From NASCAR Brickyard 400

Thanks to the rotten Drug Free America Foundation, MPP’s “New Beer” legalization ad has been pulled from the Jumbotron at the NASCAR Brickyard 400. Since the ignorant...
July 26, 2013
MPP Airs Ad at Brickyard 400 NASCAR Race

MPP Airs Ad at Brickyard 400 NASCAR Race

NASCAR fans attending this weekend’s Brickyard 400 races at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway will be greeted by an MPP video ad in support of making marijuana legal...
July 26, 2013
Huge Legalization Ad From MPP to Run at NASCAR Brickyard 400

Huge Legalization Ad From MPP to Run at NASCAR Brickyard 400

A marijuana legalization ad from Marijuana Policy Project will be gracing the entrance to the NASCAR Brickyard 400 this weekend in Indianapolis. With a message to inform...
June 6, 2013
Too High To Fail: Inside Denver’s Weed Boom

Too High To Fail: Inside Denver’s Weed Boom

In an article on Rolling Stone, Jonathan Ringen describes the “Mile High” city as Americas undisputed weed capital. He describes the Platte River Valley, an industrial stretch of...
March 11, 2013
Cannabis Energy Drink Available in Denver 7-Eleven

Cannabis Energy Drink Available in Denver 7-Eleven

I was walking into the 7-11 on the corner of Denver’s Santa Fe and 3rd on may way to work down the street, when a new product caught my...