With medical marijuana gaining steam in Florida, the discussion of marijuana laws has become more widespread in the state. Many people (including us at Weedist, of course)...
Bogota, Colombia has a huge problem with bazuco, a cheap and extremely addictive derivative of cocaine. The city is now experimenting with using marijuana to cure drug...
Basuco, Colombia’s answer to crack cocaine, is a problem in Bogota. With an estimated .1 percent of the city addicted to the cheap, smokeable, insanely impure cocaine...
You’ve heard of The Wire, but have you seen The Corner? This writer classifies “stoner gold” as a show one can spend an entire night re-watching. Shows that...
Compulsory “treatment” for drug addiction in some parts of the world is “tantamount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment,” according to report last month from the UN’s...
A US Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted last Friday to recommend that popular pain relievers containing the opioid hydrocodone be moved from Schedule III to Schedule II...
The ‘No On 64: Wrong for Colorado’ campaign is using the same old Reefer Madness misinformation. This Weedist series is dedicated to stopping the misinformation [~3 meg...
02:09am President Juan Manuel Santos has given the go-ahead to Bogota Mayor Gustavo Petro’s plan to prescribe otherwise illicit drugs to addicts in the Colombian capital,...
03:27pm In remarks reported by the Copenhagen Post Sunday, Danish Health Minister Astrid Krag announced that she is proposing that heroin in pill form be made available to...
Here are some of the best research articles, abstracts, news stories and other references you will find on cannabis and addiction on the Internet. What follows is...
This infographic, created with data compiled in 1994 by Dr. Jack E. Henningfield and Dr. Neal L. Burkowitz, is just one of the vast sea of examples that...
That’s right, Bayer made Heroin. Well chemically, Heroin is diacetylmorphine and diacetylmorphine was first synthesized in 1874 by C. R. Alder Wright, but the name ‘Heroin’, that’s...
I recently stumbled upon Granny Storm Crow’s list (July 2012) the other day and I have to say, you will not find a more comprehensive single list of...
Even if racial profiling, pharma loving, reefer madness politicians want to ignore the countless scientific studies rolling out debunking the marijuana gateway theory, we can all perform...