Tag: activism

(338 posts)
August 18, 2014
Organizers: Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Petition Will Fall Short

Organizers: Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Petition Will Fall Short

An effort to legalize medical marijuana in Oklahoma likely won’t be included on the November ballot because advocates won’t be able to collect enough petition signatures ahead...
August 14, 2014
Delaware Officials Announce First Medical Marijuana Compassion Center

Delaware Officials Announce First Medical Marijuana Compassion Center

After more than three years and numerous delays, Delaware’s first pilot medical marijuana dispensary has finally been approved! On Monday, August 11, the Department of Health and Social Services finalized...
August 14, 2014
Poll: Two-Thirds Of Americans Say Private Consumption Of Cannabis Should Be Legal

Poll: Two-Thirds Of Americans Say Private Consumption Of Cannabis Should Be Legal

Sixty-six percent of Americans believe that adults ought to legally be able to consume cannabis in the privacy of one’s own home, according to results of a...
August 14, 2014
Know Your Rights: Being Stopped on the Street

Know Your Rights: Being Stopped on the Street

Have you ever felt that rush of panic when being approached by a police officer when you have marijuana in your possession? The Leaf Online shares some...
August 13, 2014
This Mom in a Conservative State Was Terrified of Pot, Until It Treated Her Blinding Pain and Fibromyalgia

This Mom in a Conservative State Was Terrified of Pot, Until It Treated Her Blinding Pain and Fibromyalgia

Christine Stenquist, a 42-year-old Utah mom, has been suffering from severe and chronic migraines since the age of 7, has an inoperable brain tumor and fibromyalgia. She...
August 12, 2014
Marc Emery to Be Released from US Custody Today, Return to Canada

Marc Emery to Be Released from US Custody Today, Return to Canada

After serving a five-year prison sentence for selling marijuana seeds to U.S. customers, Vancouver’s Marc Emery is expected to cross the border back into Canada today. His...
August 12, 2014
To Medicate or to Bear Arms, That Is the Question

To Medicate or to Bear Arms, That Is the Question

In the eyes of the ATF, medical cannabis patients are either unlawful users of drugs, or worse, drug addicts, who should not bear arms. It’s been three years...
August 8, 2014
Operation Grow4Vets: Crowdsourcing Compassion for Military Veterans

Operation Grow4Vets: Crowdsourcing Compassion for Military Veterans

It seems like there’s a crowdfunding project for just about everything these days. Here’s one you probably haven’t seen before, Operation Grow4Vets: an effort to provide disabled...
August 7, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.08.06)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.08.06)

Medical marijuana bills pick up some support in Congress, Maryland and Minnesota issue draft rules, California continues to be a battleground, and more. Let’s get to it:...
August 7, 2014
D.C. Marijuana Initiative Qualifies for November Ballot

D.C. Marijuana Initiative Qualifies for November Ballot

The D.C. Board of Elections has officially certified Ballot Initiative 71 for November’s general election. If passed by a majority of D.C. voters, Initiative 71 will repeal all criminal and civil...
August 7, 2014
Legalized Marijuana Market in California Worth $2.1 Billion Annually

Legalized Marijuana Market in California Worth $2.1 Billion Annually

California boasts the world’s eighth largest economy, larger than even Russia. San Francisco Weekly’s Chris Roberts recently estimated the demand for legalized marijuana in California to be...
August 6, 2014
Pro-Marijuana Advocates Raise $1 Million in Oregon

Pro-Marijuana Advocates Raise $1 Million in Oregon

Supporters of a recreational marijuana ballot initiative in Oregon have raised $1 million in their effort to legalize, regulate and tax use of the drug by adults,...
August 6, 2014
Help Us Reach the Marijuana Tipping Point

Help Us Reach the Marijuana Tipping Point

Dear NORML members and supporters, It is nearly impossible to detect the precise moment when support for a change in social policy reaches the “tipping point”, but...
August 1, 2014
Weed Activist Rev. Bud Green Claims Responsibility for White Flags Over Brooklyn Bridge

Weed Activist Rev. Bud Green Claims Responsibility for White Flags Over Brooklyn Bridge

A Southern California-based, pro-weed, anti-government activist who goes by the name Reverend Bud Green has claimed responsibility for replacing two American flags on the Brooklyn Bridge with...
July 31, 2014
Good News and Not-So-Good News in Maine

Good News and Not-So-Good News in Maine

The good news: South Portland officials have informed us that we collected enough signatures to place an initiative on the November ballot that would make marijuana legal...
July 29, 2014
GOP Congressman Introduces CBD Oil Bill

GOP Congressman Introduces CBD Oil Bill

GOP Congressman Scott Perry of Pennsylvania introduced a bill today that would make CBD oil legal under federal law. If passed, the “Charlotte’s Web Medical Hemp Act...
July 25, 2014
University of Arizona Alumnus Starts Petition to Reinstate Sue Sisley

University of Arizona Alumnus Starts Petition to Reinstate Sue Sisley

Ricardo Pereyda, a University of Arizona alumnus and veteran diagnosed with PTSD, has begun a petition for the university to reinstate Sue Sisley, one of the foremost...
July 24, 2014
Majority of Australians Support Medical Marijuana

Majority of Australians Support Medical Marijuana

Almost two-thirds of Australians support the legalization of cannabis for medicinal purposes, according to a new poll which coincides with a renewed push to relax the laws. A...
July 24, 2014
Sentencing Commission Cuts Up to 46,000 Drug War Prisoners’ Sentences

Sentencing Commission Cuts Up to 46,000 Drug War Prisoners’ Sentences

In a much anticipated move, the US Sentencing Commission last Friday voted unanimously to retroactively apply previously approved reductions in federal sentencing guidelines to federal drug war...
July 22, 2014
Illinois Seizure Bill Becomes Law

Illinois Seizure Bill Becomes Law

On Sunday, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed a bill that will add seizure conditions to Illinois’ medical cannabis program for both adults and minors. The new law also allows parents to...