Tag: activism

(338 posts)
December 1, 2014
Ferguson and the Racist Drug War

Ferguson and the Racist Drug War

Ferguson, Missouri has become a bedrock of racial tension since the shooting death of unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, by police officer Darren Wilson. In light of the...
November 19, 2014
“VAPE” Is Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Year

“VAPE” Is Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Year

Every year, the people at the Oxford Dictionary anoint one word that they deem to be a new or otherwise culturally important sign of the times.
November 5, 2014
November Elections: The State of Legalization in the U.S. 2014

November Elections: The State of Legalization in the U.S. 2014

This November’s general elections were of great importance to weedists in the States, as 3 different states and the capital: Oregon, Alaska, Florida and Washington D.C. voted...
November 4, 2014
Oregon and Alaska Are Ground Zero for Pot Fight

Oregon and Alaska Are Ground Zero for Pot Fight

From slick video ads online to scrawled chalk messages on college campus sidewalks, intense get-out-the-vote drives are mobilizing in Oregon and Alaska to legalize retail sales of...
October 21, 2014
Texans Take Cannabis Law Into Their Own Hands

Texans Take Cannabis Law Into Their Own Hands

As the rest of the world sits back and watches Washington and Colorado rake in all of the profits from the cannabis industry, many states cannot help...
October 20, 2014
Lil Jon and Rock the Vote Present #TURNOUTFORWHAT

Lil Jon and Rock the Vote Present #TURNOUTFORWHAT

Rock the Vote’s latest campaign involves a video that, quite frankly, was more amazing than I could have ever anticipated. It just kept getting better and better...
October 6, 2014
Seattle Cops Are Part of the Solution

Seattle Cops Are Part of the Solution

SPD took a lot of hate when this story broke and I didn’t agree with it. The Seattle PD I know is the one that realized that...
October 2, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.10.01)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.10.01)

A new study punctures some myths about medical marijuana in California, Connecticut’s dispensaries finally open for business, the Illinois program is moving along, and more. Let’s get...
September 30, 2014
The Marijuana Legalization Votes That Will Matter in 2014

The Marijuana Legalization Votes That Will Matter in 2014

The battle over legalizing recreational marijuana in California—the big enchilada that may tilt legalization not only in the U.S. but other countries—is already being set for 2016....
September 30, 2014
Marijuana Industry Makes Political Donations

Marijuana Industry Makes Political Donations

The entrepreneurs of the young U.S. marijuana industry are taking another step into the mainstream, becoming political donors who use some of their profits to support cannabis-friendly...
September 26, 2014
California Defelonization Initiative Appears Poised for Victory

California Defelonization Initiative Appears Poised for Victory

While the nation focuses on marijuana legalization initiatives in Alaska, the District of Columbia, and Oregon, a California initiative that would turn drug possession felonies into misdemeanors...
September 25, 2014
Patients and Industry Win in Nevada

Patients and Industry Win in Nevada

Medical cannabis patients and industry teamed up to win an important victory in Nevada yesterday. A crowd of more than 100 patients, industry workers, lawmakers, and other...
September 23, 2014
D.C. Committee Votes to Seal Marijuana Possession Records

D.C. Committee Votes to Seal Marijuana Possession Records

Last week, the D.C. Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety voted unanimously to support B20-467, legislation that would allow individuals to file a motion to seal records relating to offenses...
September 23, 2014
Two Important Conferences in DC and Baltimore

Two Important Conferences in DC and Baltimore

There are two important conferences coming that we’d like our readers to know about. The first is the “Students for Sensible Drug Policy 2014 Conference + Lobby...
September 18, 2014
Rally for Medical Marijuana Bill Held at Pennsylvania Capitol

Rally for Medical Marijuana Bill Held at Pennsylvania Capitol

Pennsylvania lawmakers returned to the Capitol from their summer recess Monday, while medical marijuana supporters rallied for Senate Bill 1182, or the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis...
September 17, 2014
Grease Pot Parody: Steve Berke-Style

Grease Pot Parody: Steve Berke-Style

Adding to his ever-growing series of pro-cannabis law reform song parody videos, as well as in support of his home state’s current efforts to pass a medical cannabis...
September 16, 2014
100% of New Cannabis Addiction Reports Show Signs of Reefer Madness

100% of New Cannabis Addiction Reports Show Signs of Reefer Madness

The idea that cannabis could be much worse for teenage users than previously expected, could make any parent lose sleep at night. Fortunately, those parents can breathe...
September 12, 2014
Hawaii Lawmakers May Ease Access to Medical Marijuana

Hawaii Lawmakers May Ease Access to Medical Marijuana

Hawaii residents will have a chance to voice their opinion on establishing a statewide system to dispense medical marijuana during a public hearing before the Hawaii Medical...
September 11, 2014
Alaska, Oregon, and DC: A Marijuana Legalization Trifecta in 2014?

Alaska, Oregon, and DC: A Marijuana Legalization Trifecta in 2014?

Labor Day has come and gone, and the 2014 election is now less than two months away. Marijuana legalization initiatives are on the ballot in two states...
September 10, 2014
Is Medical Marijuana the Solution for ALS?

Is Medical Marijuana the Solution for ALS?

The ice bucket challenge has raised a huge amount of awareness for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) — popularly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.  With the help of celebrities,...