Tag: activism

(338 posts)
November 8, 2012
Weedist Women: Diane Fornbacher

Weedist Women: Diane Fornbacher

Weedists: Meet Diane Fornbacher “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Diane Fornbacher has been a cannabis activist...
By: Anna Diaz
November 1, 2012
Google’s New Voting Tool Finds Your Personalized Ballot and Nearest Polling Place

Google’s New Voting Tool Finds Your Personalized Ballot and Nearest Polling Place

Google has made it easy to find your nearest polling place and the candidates representing your registered address. The newly-launched Voter Info tool pinpoints Election Day essentials and elegantly...
October 15, 2012
Yes On I-502 Rally at WA State Capitol Disrupted by ‘No’ Activists

Yes On I-502 Rally at WA State Capitol Disrupted by ‘No’ Activists

Demonstrating the contentiousness of the issue and the passion of activists on both sides, a Yes on Initiative 502 rally sponsored by New Approach Washington, at the...
October 4, 2012
LA Marijuana Ban Retreat Shows Clout of Pot Activists

LA Marijuana Ban Retreat Shows Clout of Pot Activists

The Los Angeles City Council’s decision to repeal its ban on medical marijuana dispensaries underscores the political savvy of the increasingly organized and well-funded network of marijuana...
September 24, 2012
British Columbia Marijuana Decriminalization Initiative Approved

British Columbia Marijuana Decriminalization Initiative Approved

05:29pm British Columbia election officials announced Thursday that they had approved, in principle, an initiative petition that would decriminalize the possession and use of marijuana by...
September 20, 2012
Romney Campaign Uses Raids to Swing CO Voters, Insults Everyone’s Intelligence

Romney Campaign Uses Raids to Swing CO Voters, Insults Everyone’s Intelligence

The Romney campaign has finally stooped low enough to try to trick the medical marijuana community into voting Romney into office. In an article titled “Dear Marijuana Reformers:...
September 14, 2012
Oregon’s Measure 80 Launches Online Shop

Oregon’s Measure 80 Launches Online Shop

The Measure 80 online store is now open for business. They have bumper stickers, t-shirts and posters available now. More items are being added every day, so...
By: Anna Diaz
August 30, 2012
Medical Marijuana Advocates File Signatures for Referendum to Overturn Los Angeles Dispensary Ban

Medical Marijuana Advocates File Signatures for Referendum to Overturn Los Angeles Dispensary Ban

With plenty of time to spare, medical marijuana advocates filed more than 50,000 signatures today in an effort to overturn a recently passed ban on dispensaries throughout the city. Despite...
August 17, 2012
The 2012 HIGH TIMES Guide to Higher Education

The 2012 HIGH TIMES Guide to Higher Education

The 2012 HIGH TIMES Guide to Higher Education is out, which provides an annual ranking of America’s top institutions of higher education when it comes to marijuana activism.
August 17, 2012
Seattle Hempfest Kicks Off Today

Seattle Hempfest Kicks Off Today

Seattle Hempfest kicks off its 21st birthday today and runs through the weekend with crowds of over 300,000 people expected. Seattlepi.com reflects on Hempfest’s rich history and...
August 8, 2012
Voter Approval Sought for Long Beach Medical Marijuana

Voter Approval Sought for Long Beach Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana advocates in Long Beach filed documents yesterday notifying the City of their intent to collect signatures to authorize a Ballot Initiative. The proposed measure would...
August 6, 2012
Weedists, We’re Still Being Called Bitches (at the Polls)

Weedists, We’re Still Being Called Bitches (at the Polls)

Prompted by Libertarian 2012 POTUS nominee Gary Johnson‘s statement in Seattle last week that marijuana will be legalized by 2016, Examiner.com writes “by going to pot, Gary Johnson has assured he will...
July 31, 2012
Sign Up For Camp Wakeupobama, Help ASA Send a 2012 Election Message

Sign Up For Camp Wakeupobama, Help ASA Send a 2012 Election Message

Americans For Safe Access has launched Camp Wakeupobama in an effort to mobilize medical cannabis supporters into a formidable voting bloc to be courted in the 2012 POTUS election....
July 30, 2012
Legalization or Regulation in Colorado?

Legalization or Regulation in Colorado?

In Colorado this year, there are strong efforts to reform marijuana laws. Two different campaigns, Legalize 2012 and Amendment 64, are quickly gaining the support of weedists...
July 16, 2012
The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Act Officially Requires More Signatures

The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Act Officially Requires More Signatures

The 67,885 signatures that the Arkansans for Compassionate Care submitted on July 5th to put legalizing medical marijuana on the Arkansas November ballot have been reviewed by the Secretary of...
July 12, 2012
Weedist – What’s in a Name

Weedist – What’s in a Name

Weedist was created to help bring cannabis out of the dark shadows of our society. After 75 years of Federal prohibition, the level of reefer madness misinformation...
June 21, 2012
If Corporate Competition is Good for Consumers, Why isn’t Political Competition?

If Corporate Competition is Good for Consumers, Why isn’t Political Competition?

Economics 101 rightfully drills into business students’ heads that competition is a good thing.  Corporate competition to the consumer should ultimately lead to better products at lower prices....
June 11, 2012
Weedists, We’ve Been Called out As Bitches (at the Polls)

Weedists, We’ve Been Called out As Bitches (at the Polls)

The American Prospect’s May 29th 2012 article on why politicians support the status quo on the War On Drugs has thrown down the gauntlet.  The essence of...